appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ServiceProcess ChineseLanguage "ServiceProcess 表示一类事件的类别, 当中一个实施体事向另外一个实施体提供服务。服务的形式不需要具有商业性质,也不需要 serviceRecipient 向 serviceProvider 付款作为服务酬劳。") | chinese_format.kif 3100-3102 | |
(documentation ServiceProcess EnglishLanguage "ServiceProcess denotes the class of events in which one agent performs a service for another. The service need not be commercial, and it need not be the case that the serviceRecipient pays or recompenses the serviceProvider for the service.") | Merge.kif 11912-11916 | |
(documentation ServiceProcess JapaneseLanguage "ServiceProcess は、あるエージェントが別の エージェントに対してサービスを実行するイベントのクラスを示す。サービスは商用である必要はなく、 serviceRecipient がサービスの serviceProvider を支払ったり補償したりする必要はない。") | japanese_format.kif 1871-1873 | |
(subclass ServiceProcess SocialInteraction) | Merge.kif 11910-11910 | 子類 服務 and SocialInteraction |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain serviceProvider 1 ServiceProcess) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22929-22929 | 域 服務提供者, 1 and 服務 |
(domain serviceRecipient 1 ServiceProcess) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22940-22940 | 域 服務接收者, 1 and 服務 |
(domainSubclass allRoomsServiceAmenity 2 ServiceProcess) | Hotel.kif 216-216 | 域子類 allRoomsServiceAmenity, 2 and 服務 |
(domainSubclass someRoomsServiceAmenity 2 ServiceProcess) | Hotel.kif 201-201 | 域子類 someRoomsServiceAmenity, 2 and 服務 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?EVENT ServiceProcess) (exists (?PROVIDER) (and (instance ?PROVIDER CognitiveAgent) (serviceProvider ?EVENT ?PROVIDER)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22948-22953 |
(=> (instance ?EVENT ServiceProcess) (exists (?RECEIVER) (and (instance ?RECEIVER CognitiveAgent) (serviceRecipient ?EVENT ?RECEIVER)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22955-22960 |
(=> (instance ?X ServiceProcess) (exists (?AGENT ?CUST) (and (serviceProvider ?X ?AGENT) (serviceRecipient ?X ?CUST) (not (equal ?AGENT ?CUST))))) |
Hotel.kif 1772-1778 |
consequent |