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Sigma KEE - FunctionQuantity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FunctionQuantity ChineseLanguage " FunctionQuantity 是一个由 Function 它把 ConstantQuantity 的一个或以上的实例和其它 ConstantQuantity 的实例 联系在一起,例如:粒子的速度是用 FunctionQuantity, 把时间的值(ConstantQuantity的实例)和距离 的值(也是 ConstantQuantity的实例)连在一起来表示。注:和 FunctionQuantity 对应的 Function 范围内所有的元素和那个 FunctionQuantity 本身的物理尺寸是相同的。") chinese_format.kif 1790-1796
(documentation FunctionQuantity EnglishLanguage "A FunctionQuantity is a PhysicalQuantity that is returned by a Function that maps from one or more instances of ConstantQuantity to another instance of ConstantQuantity. For example, the velocity of a particle would be represented by a FunctionQuantity relating values of time (which are instances of ConstantQuantity) to values of distance (also instances of ConstantQuantity). Note that all elements of the range of the Function corresponding to a FunctionQuantity have the same physical dimension as the FunctionQuantity itself.") Merge.kif 2102-2110
(documentation FunctionQuantity JapaneseLanguage "FunctionQuantity は、ConstantQuantity の 1 つ以上のインスタンスから ConstantQuantity の別のインスタンスにマップする Function に よって返される PhysicalQuantity である。 例:パーティクルの速度は、時間の値 (ConstantQuantity のインスタンス) から距離の値 (これも ConstantQuantity のインスタンス) に 関連する FunctionQuantity によって表される。 注:FunctionQuantity に対応する Function の範囲のすべての要素は、FunctionQuantity 自体と同じ物理的寸法である。") japanese_format.kif 406-411
(subclass FunctionQuantity PhysicalQuantity) Merge.kif 2100-2100 子類 FunctionQuantity and PhysicalQuantity

appearance as argument number 2

(instance McgPerKg FunctionQuantity) WMD.kif 813-813 McgPerKg and FunctionQuantity
(instance MilesPerHour FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 1682-1682 MilesPerHour and FunctionQuantity
(range AccelerationFn FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 1280-1280 範圍 AccelerationFn and FunctionQuantity
(range DensityFn FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6648-6648 範圍 密度 and FunctionQuantity
(range Mean10MinutesWindSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2203-2203 範圍 Mean10MinutesWindSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range Mean1MinuteWindSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2308-2308 範圍 Mean1MinuteWindSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range Mean2MinutesWindSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2273-2273 範圍 Mean2MinutesWindSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range Mean3MinutesWindSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2238-2238 範圍 Mean3MinutesWindSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range Mean3SecondWindSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 1884-1884 範圍 Mean3SecondWindSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range PerFn FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6634-6634 範圍 and FunctionQuantity
(range RotationFn FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 2088-2088 範圍 RotationFn and FunctionQuantity
(range SpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6660-6660 範圍 速度 and FunctionQuantity
(range ThreeSecondGustSpeedFn FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2018-2018 範圍 ThreeSecondGustSpeedFn and FunctionQuantity
(range VelocityFn FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6673-6673 範圍 速度 and FunctionQuantity
(subclass AreaMeasure FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6268-6268 子類 AreaMeasure and FunctionQuantity
(subclass CompositeUnitOfMeasure FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6209-6209 子類 CompositeUnitOfMeasure and FunctionQuantity
(subclass UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2112-2112 子類 UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity and FunctionQuantity
(subclass VolumeMeasure FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6279-6279 子類 VolumeMeasure and FunctionQuantity
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FunctionQuantity "函数量") chinese_format.kif 882-882
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FunctionQuantity "function quantity") english_format.kif 966-966
(termFormat FrenchLanguage FunctionQuantity "function de quantit�") french_format.kif 558-558
(termFormat Hindi FunctionQuantity "prakaarya parimaaNa") terms-hindi.txt 88-88
(termFormat ItalianLanguage FunctionQuantity "FunzioneDiQuantit�") terms-it.txt 91-91
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage FunctionQuantity "関数量") japanese_format.kif 2243-2243

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain AccelerationFn 1 FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 1274-1274 AccelerationFn, 1 and FunctionQuantity
(domain bandwidth 2 FunctionQuantity) QoSontology.kif 1054-1054 帶寬, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain contractedRentalPrice 2 FunctionQuantity) Catalog.kif 502-502 contractedRentalPrice, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain effectiveDose 2 FunctionQuantity) WMD.kif 797-797 有效劑量, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain engineIdleSpeed 2 FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 2542-2542 engineIdleSpeed, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain governorSpeed 2 FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 2864-2864 governorSpeed, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain lethalDose 2 FunctionQuantity) WMD.kif 844-844 致死劑量, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain precipitationRate 2 FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 1188-1188 降水率, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain rainfallIntensity 3 FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2810-2810 rainfallIntensity, 3 and FunctionQuantity
(domain rentalPrice 2 FunctionQuantity) Catalog.kif 455-455 rentalPrice, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain snowfallIntensity 3 FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 3015-3015 snowfallIntensity, 3 and FunctionQuantity
(domain soundFrequency 2 FunctionQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 771-771 聲音頻率, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain speedScaleAttributeMinMax 2 FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2109-2109 speedScaleAttributeMinMax, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain speedScaleAttributeMinMax 3 FunctionQuantity) Weather.kif 2110-2110 speedScaleAttributeMinMax, 3 and FunctionQuantity
(domain topSpeed 2 FunctionQuantity) Transportation.kif 1711-1711 topSpeed, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain transformerCapacity 2 FunctionQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31370-31370 transformerCapacity, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain transitwayCapacityRate 3 FunctionQuantity) Transportation.kif 3099-3099 過境通行能力, 3 and FunctionQuantity
(domain unitPrice 2 FunctionQuantity) Catalog.kif 398-398 unitPrice, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain voltageRatingPrimary 2 FunctionQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31278-31278 voltageRatingPrimary, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain voltageRatingSecondary 2 FunctionQuantity) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31321-31321 voltageRatingSecondary, 2 and FunctionQuantity
(domain yield 2 FunctionQuantity) FinancialOntology.kif 2282-2282 , 2 and FunctionQuantity
(partition PhysicalQuantity ConstantQuantity FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 2026-2026 劃分 PhysicalQuantity, ConstantQuantity and FunctionQuantity


        (equal ?SPEEDLIST
            (Mean3SecondWindSpeedListFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
        (inList ?SPEED ?SPEEDLIST))
    (instance ?SPEED FunctionQuantity))
Weather.kif 1981-1986
        (instance ?QUANT
            (MeasureFn ?N ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
    (instance ?QUANT FunctionQuantity))
Merge.kif 6226-6230

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