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Sigma KEE - BotulinumToxin

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(biochemicalAgentDelivery BotulinumToxin Ingesting) WMD.kif 326-326 Ingesting肉毒桿菌毒素biochemical 病毒傳遞
(biochemicalAgentSyndrome BotulinumToxin Botulism) WMD.kif 327-327 肉毒中毒肉毒桿菌毒素biochemical 病毒徵兆
(documentation BotulinumToxin EnglishLanguage "A Toxin produced by the bacterium ClostridiumBotulinum. It paralyzes muscles if ingested, and one billionth of a pound is sufficient to cause death.") WMD.kif 328-330
(externalImage BotulinumToxin " 5/ 5b/ Botox-structure.png") pictureList.kif 8393-8393
(lethalDose BotulinumToxin
        (MeasureFn 0.001
            (MicroFn Gram))
        (MeasureFn 1.0
            (KiloFn Gram))))
WMD.kif 325-325 測量 1.0 and 公克測量 0.001 and 公克per肉毒桿菌毒素lethal 劑量
(roomTempState BotulinumToxin Solid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31602-31602 roomTempState 肉毒桿菌毒素 and 固體
(subclass BotulinumToxin BodySubstance) WMD.kif 323-323 子類 肉毒桿菌毒素 and BodySubstance
(subclass BotulinumToxin LifeThreateningAgent) WMD.kif 324-324 子類 肉毒桿菌毒素 and 危及生命的特工
(subclass BotulinumToxin Toxin) WMD.kif 322-322 子類 肉毒桿菌毒素 and 毒素

appearance as argument number 2

(secretesToxin ClostridiumBotulinum BotulinumToxin) WMD.kif 318-318 肉毒桿菌毒素肉毒梭菌secretes 毒素
(termFormat ChineseLanguage BotulinumToxin "肉毒杆菌毒素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11753-11753
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage BotulinumToxin "肉毒桿菌毒素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11752-11752
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BotulinumToxin "botulinum toxin") domainEnglishFormat.kif 11751-11751

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