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Sigma KEE - AreaOfConcern

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AreaOfConcern EnglishLanguage "AreaOfConcern is a subclass of Attributes that represent and classify the kinds of interests that agents have.") Geography.kif 6804-6806
(subclass AreaOfConcern RelationalAttribute) Geography.kif 6802-6802 子類 關注的區域 and RelationalAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AdministrationAndManagement AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2589-2589 行政和管理 and 關注的區域
(instance EconomicDevelopment AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2642-2642 經濟發展 and 關注的區域
(instance InformationCooperation AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2687-2687 信息合作 and 關注的區域
(instance InfrastructureCooperation AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2632-2632 基礎設施合作 and 關注的區域
(instance JusticeIssues AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2668-2668 司法問題 and 關注的區域
(instance LaborIssues AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2656-2656 勞工問題 and 關注的區域
(instance ObservationAndMonitoring AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2596-2596 觀察和監測 and 關注的區域
(instance PoliticalCooperation AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2664-2664 政治合作 and 關注的區域
(instance PromotePrivateEnterprise AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 3485-3485 促進私營企業 and 關注的區域
(instance PublicHealthConcern AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2701-2701 公共衛生問題 and 關注的區域
(instance ReducingCrime AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2612-2612 減少犯罪 and 關注的區域
(instance RegionalSecurity AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2842-2842 區域安全 and 關注的區域
(instance SocialDevelopment AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2674-2674 社會發展 and 關注的區域
(subclass EnvironmentalIssue AreaOfConcern) Geography.kif 6818-6818 子類 環境問題 and 關注的區域
(subclass TransnationalIssue AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2572-2572 子類 跨國問題 and 關注的區域
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AreaOfConcern "关注的区域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8286-8286
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage AreaOfConcern "關注的區域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8285-8285
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AreaOfConcern "area of concern") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8284-8284

appearance as argument number 3

(domain organizationalObjective 2 AreaOfConcern) Government.kif 2558-2558 組織目標, 2 and 關注的區域
(domain regionalIssue 2 AreaOfConcern) Geography.kif 6810-6810 區域問題, 2 and 關注的區域

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