Parents |
SelfConnectedObject |
A SelfConnectedObject is any Object that does not consist of two or more disconnected parts.
WaterArea |
A body which is made up predominantly of water, e.g. rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
Children |
Channel | A Channel is a narrow deep waterway connecting two larger bodies of water. May be natural or dredged, salt or fresh water. |
| Creek | Creek is the class of small streams of fresh water flowing through land, usually into a River. |
| Estuary | Estuary is the subclass of BodyOfWater that represents WaterAreas where a sea or ocean Tide meets a River current. |
| Gulf | Gulf is the class of extensions of a Sea or Ocean that reach into a land mass or are partially enclosed by a LandArea. A Gulf is typically larger than a Bay. |
| Inlet | Inlet is the class of bays or other recesses into the shore of a lake, sea, or river, includes InletPassages, which are passages leading from open water through some barrier to a bay or lagoon. |
| LandlockedWater | LandlockedWater includes water areas that are surrounded by land, including salt lakes, fresh water lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and (more or less) wetlands. |
| Ocean | Ocean is the class containing the oceans that are the major subdivisions of the WorldOcean. According to the International Hydrographic Association, there are five oceans: the AtlanticOcean, PacificOcean, IndianOcean, SouthernOcean, and ArcticOcean. Note: The largest oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, are subdivided into Northern and Southern regions, but those regions are not separate Oceans. |
| River | River is the class of large streams of fresh water flowing through land into a lake, ocean, or other body of water. |
| Sea | Sea is the class of smaller subdivisions of the WorldOcean, typically partially surrounded by land. However, for inland salt water bodies that are sometimes called 'Sea', see SaltLake. |
| Sound | A Sound is a long, relatively narrow waterway lying along the shore of a land mass and protected from open water by another land area, an island or group of islands. Some sounds open at both ends into the same body of water (e.g., Long Island Sound), while others connect two different bodies of water (e.g., Melville Sound). A Sound may occur in salt or fresh water bodies. Generally wider than a Strait. |
| Strait | Strait is the subclass of BodyOfWater that consists of narrow water areas connecting two larger bodies of water. Straits are naturally occurring bodies of water. |