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Sigma KEE - temporalPart

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation temporalPart ChineseLanguage "这是类似空间谓词 part 的时间部分。 (temporalPart ?POS1 ?POS2)的意思是 TimePosition ?POS1 是 TimePosition ?POS2 的一部分。 注:因为 temporalPartReflexiveRelation,所以每个 TimePostion 都是它本身的 一个 temporalPart。") chinese_format.kif 2693-2696
(documentation temporalPart EnglishLanguage "The temporal analogue of the spatial part predicate. (temporalPart ?POS1 ?POS2) means that TimePosition ?POS1 is part of TimePosition ?POS2. Note that since temporalPart is a ReflexiveRelation every TimePostion is a temporalPart of itself.") Merge.kif 7971-7974
(documentation temporalPart JapaneseLanguage "空間 part 述部の時間アナログ。(temporalPart ?POS1 ?POS2) とは、TimePosition ?POS1が TimePosition ?POS2 の一部であることを意味する。 注:temporalPart はすべての TimePostion の ReflexiveRelation であるため、それ自体の TimePostion である。") japanese_format.kif 1416-1419
(domain temporalPart 1 TimePosition) Merge.kif 7968-7968
(domain temporalPart 2 TimePosition) Merge.kif 7969-7969
(instance temporalPart BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 7965-7965
(instance temporalPart PartialOrderingRelation) Merge.kif 7967-7967
(instance temporalPart TemporalRelation) Merge.kif 7966-7966

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage temporalPart "%1 时段 %n 是 %2 时段 的一 part") chinese_format.kif 417-417
(format EnglishLanguage temporalPart "%1 is %n a part of %2") english_format.kif 423-423
(format FrenchLanguage temporalPart "%1 est %n une partie de %2") french_format.kif 243-243
(format ItalianLanguage temporalPart "%1 è %n una parte di%2") relations-it.txt 296-296
(format JapaneseLanguage temporalPart "%1 は %2 の part では %n") japanese_format.kif 2037-2037
(format PortugueseLanguage temporalPart "%1 e' %n uma &parte de %2") portuguese_format.kif 195-195
(format cz temporalPart "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} a part of %2'") relations-cz.txt 248-248
(format de temporalPart "%1 ist ein teil von %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 541-541
(format hi temporalPart "%1 %2 kaa bhaaga %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 332-332
(format ro temporalPart "%1 %n{nu} este o part%t{parte} a lui %2") relations-ro.kif 264-264
(format sv temporalPart "%1 är %n{inte} en del av %2") relations-sv.txt 264-264
(format tg temporalPart "%1 %n ay ang bahagi ng %2") relations-tg.txt 488-488
(relatedInternalConcept typicalTemporalPart temporalPart) Cars.kif 1433-1433
(relatedInternalConcept typicallyContainsTemporalPart temporalPart) Cars.kif 1475-1475
(subrelation finishes temporalPart) Merge.kif 8100-8100
(subrelation starts temporalPart) Merge.kif 8068-8068
(termFormat ChineseLanguage temporalPart "时间部分") chinese_format.kif 418-418
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage temporalPart "時間部分") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57453-57453
(termFormat EnglishLanguage temporalPart "temporal part") domainEnglishFormat.kif 57452-57452


        (earlier ?TI1 ?TI2)
        (instance ?P1 TimePoint)
        (instance ?P2 TimePoint)
        (temporalPart ?P1 ?TI1)
        (temporalPart ?P2 ?TI2))
    (before ?P1 ?P2))
Merge.kif 8317-8324
        (holdsDuring ?TIME1 ?SITUATION)
        (temporalPart ?TIME2 ?TIME1))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME2 ?SITUATION))
Merge.kif 7990-7994
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite)
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
        (instance ?TIME TimePoint)
        (listingSeller ?LISTING ?AGENT)
            (member ?LISTING ?COLL))
        (forall (?ITEM ?MEMBER)
                        (instance ?ITEM WebListing)
                        (member ?ITEM
                            (SellersItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE))
                        (temporalPart ?TIME
                            (WhenFn ?ITEM))
                            (equal ?ITEM ?LISTING)))
                    (member ?ITEM ?COLL))
                    (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                        (temporalPart ?TIME
                            (WhenFn ?ITEM))
                        (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))))
        (SellersOtherItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE ?LISTING ?TIME) ?COLL))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1033-1060
        (instance ?D EasterSunday)
        (temporalPart ?D ?M)
        (instance ?M Month))
        (instance ?M March)
        (instance ?M April)
        (instance ?M May)))
Media.kif 498-506
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (temporalPart ?D1
            (WeekBeforeFn ?D2))
        (temporalPart ?D2
            (WeekAfterFn ?D1)))
    (exists (?N1)
            (instance ?D1
                (DayFn ?N1
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y))))
            (equal ?N1
                (SubtractionFn ?N2 7)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14864-14873
        (instance ?DAY1 Friday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Saturday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9335-9342
        (instance ?DAY1 Monday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Tuesday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9283-9290
        (instance ?DAY1 Saturday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Sunday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9348-9355
        (instance ?DAY1 Sunday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Monday)
        (instance ?WEEK1 Week)
        (instance ?WEEK2 Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK1)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK2)
        (meetsTemporally ?WEEK1 ?WEEK2))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9357-9366
        (instance ?DAY1 Thursday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Friday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9322-9329
        (instance ?DAY1 Tuesday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Wednesday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9296-9303
        (instance ?DAY1 Wednesday)
        (instance ?DAY2 Thursday)
        (instance ?WEEK Week)
        (temporalPart ?DAY1 ?WEEK)
        (temporalPart ?DAY2 ?WEEK))
    (meetsTemporally ?DAY1 ?DAY2))
Merge.kif 9309-9316
        (instance ?INTERVAL3 TimeInterval)
        (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL1)
        (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL2))
    (overlapsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8278-8283
        (instance ?INTERVAL3 TimePosition)
        (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL1)
        (temporalPart ?INTERVAL3 ?INTERVAL2))
    (overlapsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8334-8339
        (typicalTemporalPart ?PART ?WHOLE)
        (instance ?X ?PART)
        (equal ?PARTPROB
                (exists (?Y)
                        (instance ?Y ?WHOLE)
                        (temporalPart ?X ?Y)))))
        (equal ?NOTPARTPROB
                    (exists (?Z)
                            (instance ?Z ?WHOLE)
                            (temporalPart ?X ?Z)))))))
    (greaterThan ?PARTPROB ?NOTPARTPROB))
Cars.kif 1453-1470
        (typicallyContainsTemporalPart ?PART ?WHOLE)
        (instance ?Y ?WHOLE)
        (equal ?PARTPROB
                (exists (?X1)
                        (instance ?X1 ?PART)
                        (temporalPart ?X1 ?Y)))))
        (equal ?NOTPARTPROB
                    (exists (?X2)
                            (instance ?X2 ?PART)
                            (temporalPart ?X2 ?Y)))))))
    (greaterThan ?PARTPROB ?NOTPARTPROB))
Cars.kif 1493-1510
    (temporalPart ?POS
        (WhenFn ?THING))
    (time ?THING ?POS))
Merge.kif 8005-8008


        (birthdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
        (instance ?Y1
            (YearFn -6))
        (instance ?Y2
            (YearFn 4)))
    (temporalPart ?DAY
            (BeginFn ?Y1)
            (EndFn ?Y2))))
Media.kif 1936-1941
        (deathdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
        (instance ?Y1
            (YearFn 29))
        (instance ?Y2
            (YearFn 36)))
    (temporalPart ?DAY
            (BeginFn ?Y1)
            (EndFn ?Y2))))
Media.kif 1943-1948
        (equal ?FY
            (FiscalYearStartingFn ?PLACE ?YEAR))
        (fiscalYearPeriod ?PLACE ?PERIOD)
        (instance ?FY ?PERIOD))
    (exists (?DAY ?INST)
            (instance ?DAY Day)
            (starts ?DAY ?FY)
            (instance ?INST ?YEAR)
            (temporalPart ?DAY ?INST))))
Economy.kif 3754-3764
        (holdsDuring ?T1
                (attribute ?P Expellee)
                (citizen ?P ?HOME-NATION)))
        (instance ?T1 TimeInterval))
    (exists (?TRANS ?NATION)
            (instance ?NATION Nation)
                (equal ?NATION ?HOME-NATION))
            (instance ?TRANS Translocation)
            (origin ?TRANS ?NATION)
            (patient ?TRANS ?P)
            (destination ?TRANS ?HOME-NATION)
            (temporalPart ?T1
                (WhenFn ?TRANS)))))
MilitaryPersons.kif 151-167
        (instance ?DECODE Decoding)
        (patient ?DECODE ?DOC1))
    (exists (?ENCODE ?DOC2 ?TIME ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC2 ?PROP)
            (containsInformation ?DOC1 ?PROP)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                    (WhenFn ?DECODE)))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (instance ?ENCODE Encoding)
                    (patient ?ENCODE ?DOC2))))))
Merge.kif 12761-12774
        (instance ?GOAL GameGoal)
        (instrument ?GAME ?GOAL)
        (instance ?GAME Game)
        (subProcess ?SCORE ?GAME)
        (instance ?SCORE Score))
    (exists (?PIECE ?TIME)
            (instance ?PIECE GamePiece)
            (patient ?SCORE ?PIECE)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?SCORE))
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (located ?PIECE ?GOAL)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17078-17090
        (instance ?H Hanukkah)
        (equal ?B
            (BeginFn ?H)))
    (exists (?M)
            (temporalPart ?B ?M)
            (instance ?M Month)
                (instance ?M November)
                (instance ?M December)))))
Media.kif 587-597
        (instance ?KEEP Keeping)
        (patient ?KEEP ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PLACE)
        (forall (?TIME)
                (temporalPart ?TIME
                    (WhenFn ?KEEP))
                (holdsDuring ?TIME
                    (located ?OBJ ?PLACE))))))
Merge.kif 12236-12244
        (instance ?O OccupationalRole)
        (typicalAction ?PCLASS
            (AttrFn CognitiveAgent ?O)))
    (exists (?X ?T ?P ?PT)
            (instance ?X CognitiveAgent)
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?X ?O))
            (instance ?P ?PCLASS)
            (agent ?X ?P)
            (time ?P ?PT)
            (temporalPart ?PT ?T))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22312-22325
        (instance ?POINT1 TimePoint)
        (instance ?POINT2 TimePoint)
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
            (TimeIntervalFn ?POINT1 ?POINT2) ?INTERVAL))
    (forall (?POINT)
            (temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT ?POINT2)
            (temporalPart ?POINT ?INTERVAL))))
Merge.kif 8466-8475
        (instance ?SAW Saw)
        (instance ?CUT Cutting)
        (instrument ?CUT ?SAW)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?MOTION ?DIR1 ?DIR2 ?TIME ?T1 ?T2 ?PART)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?CUT)
            (instance ?PART CuttingDevice)
            (part ?PART ?SAW)
            (meetsSpatially ?PART ?OBJ)
            (patient ?MOTION ?PART)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
                (WhenFn ?MOTION) ?TIME)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T2)
            (instance ?DIR1 DirectionalAttribute)
            (instance ?DIR2 DirectionalAttribute)
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (direction ?MOTION ?DIR1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                        (direction ?MOTION ?DIR2)
                            (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                            (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
                                (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                                (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18177-18211
        (instance ?T1
            (YearFn 26))
        (instance ?T2
            (YearFn 100)))
        (WhenFn TwelveApostles)
            (BeginFn ?T1)
            (EndFn ?T2))))
Media.kif 1959-1963
        (property ?Option EuropeanStyleOption)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date))
    (exists (?Period ?Time ?Exercise)
            (instance ?Period TimeInterval)
                (EndFn ?Period) ?Date)
                    (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
                        (WhenFn ?Exercise) ?Time))
                (temporalPart ?Time ?Period)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2808-2820
        (subclass ?PAPER Newspaper)
        (instance ?WEEK Week))
    (exists (?PUBLICATION ?ISSUE)
            (instance ?PUBLICATION Publication)
                (WhenFn ?PUBLICATION) ?WEEK)
            (result ?PUBLICATION ?ISSUE)
            (instance ?ISSUE ?PAPER))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14816-14825
    (classmate ?A1 ?A2 ?COURSE)
    (exists (?CLASS ?EDU ?TIME)
            (instance ?CLASS GroupOfPeople)
            (instance ?EDU EducationalProcess)
            (realization ?EDU ?COURSE)
            (patient ?EDU ?CLASS)
            (temporalPart ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?EDU))
            (memberAtTime ?A1 ?CLASS ?TIME)
            (memberAtTime ?A1 ?CLASS ?TIME))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16843-16854
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (temporalPart ?MO WinterSeason)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (lessThan ?AMOUNT -3.0))))
Geography.kif 1533-1541
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE))
                    (instance ?PROC ?PROCESS)
                        (WhenFn ?PROC) ?TIME)
                    (experiencer ?PROC ?ORGANISM)
                    (patient ?PROC ?SAMPLE)
                    (instance ?SAMPLE ?SUBSTANCE))
                    (ImmediateFutureFn ?TIME)
                        (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE)))))))
WMD.kif 941-955
    (during ?SMALL ?BIG)
    (temporalPart ?SMALL ?BIG))
Merge.kif 8294-8296
        (BeginFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT)
    (forall (?OTHERPOINT)
                (temporalPart ?OTHERPOINT ?INTERVAL)
                    (equal ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))
            (before ?POINT ?OTHERPOINT))))
Merge.kif 8034-8041
        (EndFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT)
    (forall (?OTHERPOINT)
                (temporalPart ?OTHERPOINT ?INTERVAL)
                    (equal ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))
            (before ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT))))
Merge.kif 8052-8059
        (TemporalCompositionFn ?INTERVAL ?INTERVALTYPE) ?CLASS)
    (forall (?TIME)
                (instance ?TIME TimePoint)
                (temporalPart ?TIME ?INTERVAL))
            (exists (?INSTANCE)
                    (instance ?INSTANCE ?CLASS)
                    (temporalPart ?TIME ?INSTANCE))))))
Merge.kif 9483-9493
    (frequency ?PROC ?TIME1)
    (forall (?TIME2)
            (duration ?TIME2 ?TIME1)
            (exists (?POSITION)
                    (temporalPart ?POSITION ?TIME2)
                    (holdsDuring ?POSITION
                        (exists (?INST)
                            (instance ?INST ?PROC))))))))
Merge.kif 7953-7963
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (attribute ?H Veteran))
    (exists (?T2)
            (temporalPart ?T2
                    (WhenFn ?T1)))
            (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?H Soldier))
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (attribute ?H Soldier))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22255-22266
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (inhabits ?ORGANISM ?OBJ))
    (exists (?TIME)
            (instance ?TIME TimeInterval)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (located ?ORGANISM ?OBJ)))))
Merge.kif 14422-14428
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (states ?AGENT ?SENTENCE))
    (exists (?COMM)
            (instance ?COMM LinguisticCommunication)
            (agent ?COMM ?AGENT)
            (patient ?COMM ?SENTENCE)
            (temporalPart ?T1
                (WhenFn ?COMM)))))
Media.kif 1844-1851

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