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Sigma KEE - partlyLocated

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation partlyLocated ChineseLanguage "(partlyLocated ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)的意思是 Physical 的实例 ?OBJ1 起码有一部分位于 ?OBJ2。例如:伊斯坦布尔有一部分位于 Asia, 并有一部分位于 Europe。注:partlyLocated 是最基本的位置关系: locatedpartlyLocated 的直接 subrelation,而 exactlyLocatedlocated 的直接 subrelation。") chinese_format.kif 2107-2110
(documentation partlyLocated EnglishLanguage "(partlyLocated ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the instance of Physical ?OBJ1 is at least partially located at ?OBJ2. For example, Istanbul is partly located in Asia and partly located in Europe. Note that partlyLocated is the most basic localization relation: located is an immediate subrelation of partlyLocated and exactlyLocated is an immediate subrelation of located.") Merge.kif 4049-4054
(documentation partlyLocated JapaneseLanguage "(partlyLocated ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) とは、 Physical ?OBJ1 のインスタンスが少なくとも部分的に ?OBJ2 に配置されたことを意味する。 例: イスタンブールは Asia に部分的に位置し、一部は Europe に位置している。 注:partlyLocated は最も基本的なローカリゼーション関係である: located は即時の partlyLocatedsubrelation で、exactlyLocated は即時の locatedsubrelation である。") japanese_format.kif 758-762
(domain partlyLocated 1 Physical) Merge.kif 4046-4046
(domain partlyLocated 2 Object) Merge.kif 4047-4047
(instance partlyLocated BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 4044-4044
(instance partlyLocated SpatialRelation) Merge.kif 4043-4043
(instance partlyLocated TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 4045-4045

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage partlyLocated "%1 %n 是 partlyLocated 在 %2 ") chinese_format.kif 165-165
(format EnglishLanguage partlyLocated "%1 is %n partly located in %2") english_format.kif 166-166
(format FrenchLanguage partlyLocated "%1 est %n partiellement localis� � %2") french_format.kif 102-102
(format ItalianLanguage partlyLocated "%1 è %n in parte localizzato in %2") relations-it.txt 214-214
(format JapaneseLanguage partlyLocated "%1 は partly に %2 に 位置して %n") japanese_format.kif 1931-1931
(format PortugueseLanguage partlyLocated "%1 e' %n parcialmente localizado em %2") portuguese_format.kif 54-54
(format cz partlyLocated "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} ��ste�n� um�st�n v %2") relations-cz.txt 129-129
(format de partlyLocated "%1 befindet sich teils an %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 203-203
(format hi partlyLocated "%1 %2 men anshatah sthita %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 252-252
(format ro partlyLocated "%1 %n{nu} este partly%t{parþial} localizat în %2") relations-ro.kif 121-121
(format sv partlyLocated "%1 ligger %n{inte} delvis i %2") relations-sv.txt 103-103
(format tg partlyLocated "%1 %n ay sa %2") relations-tg.txt 406-406
(subrelation agentOperatesInArea partlyLocated) Government.kif 2201-2201
(subrelation located partlyLocated) Merge.kif 4074-4074
(termFormat ChineseLanguage partlyLocated "有一部分位于") chinese_format.kif 166-166
(termFormat ChineseLanguage partlyLocated "部分位于") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44582-44582
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage partlyLocated "部分位於") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44581-44581
(termFormat EnglishLanguage partlyLocated "partly located") domainEnglishFormat.kif 44580-44580
(termFormat de partlyLocated "befindetSichTeils") terms-de.txt 63-63


        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (attribute ?REGION ?ATTRIBUTE)
        (instance ?ATTRIBUTE TerrainAttribute)
        (partlyLocated ?REGION ?AREA))
    (terrainInArea ?AREA ?ATTRIBUTE))
Geography.kif 1727-1733
        (instance ?B Barricade)
        (partlyLocated ?B ?P))
    (hasPurpose ?B
            (exists (?T)
                    (instance ?T Translocation)
                    (path ?T ?P))))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 2003-2012
        (instance ?OBJ1 Object)
        (partlyLocated ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
    (exists (?SUB)
            (part ?SUB ?OBJ1)
            (located ?SUB ?OBJ2))))
Merge.kif 4062-4069
        (instance ?OBJ1 Object)
        (partlyLocated ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
    (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
Merge.kif 4056-4060
        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (partlyLocated ?ZEPHYR ?PLACE)
        (elevation ?ZEPHYR
            (MeasureFn ?X FootLength))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?X 500.0)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME)))
    (surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE
        (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME)))
Weather.kif 136-145
        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (partlyLocated ?ZEPHYR ?PLACE)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
    (surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE
        (MeasureFn ?SPEED KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Weather.kif 147-153
        (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?SUBAREA)
        (instance ?SUBAREA GeographicArea)
        (geographicSubregion ?SUBAREA ?AREA))
    (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?AREA))
Geography.kif 507-512


    (orientation ?OBJ ?REGION Outside)
        (partlyLocated ?OBJ ?REGION)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9146-9149
    (totalLengthOfWaterways ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?WATERWAY
                (instance ?WATERWAY Waterway)
                (partlyLocated ?WATERWAY ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 656-663
        (overlapsSpatially ?ONE ?TWO)
        (instance ?TWO Region)
            (equal ?ONE ?TWO)))
    (partlyLocated ?ONE ?TWO))
Geography.kif 3496-3501
        (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?SUBAREA)
        (instance ?SUBAREA GeographicArea)
        (geographicSubregion ?SUBAREA ?AREA))
    (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?AREA))
Geography.kif 507-512
    (contains ?SMALL ?BIG)
    (partlyLocated ?SMALL ?BIG))
Merge.kif 987-989
    (eventPartlyLocated ?PROC ?OJB)
    (partlyLocated ?PROC ?OJB))
Merge.kif 4093-4095
    (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?P DisplacedPerson)
            (inhabits ?P ?RES)
            (located ?RES ?PLACE)
            (citizen ?P ?NATION)))
        (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?NATION)))
MilitaryPersons.kif 70-78
    (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?P InternallyDisplacedPerson)
            (inhabits ?P ?RES)
            (located ?RES ?PLACE)
            (citizen ?P ?NATION)))
    (partlyLocated ?PLACE ?NATION))
MilitaryPersons.kif 92-99
    (instance ?WAY AirTransitway)
    (hasPurpose ?WAY
        (exists (?TRANSPORT)
                (instance ?TRANSPORT Transportation)
                (path ?TRANSPORT ?WAY)
                (partlyLocated ?WAY EarthsAtmosphere)))))
Transportation.kif 1250-1257
    (terrainInArea ?AREA ?ATTRIBUTE)
    (exists (?REGION)
            (instance ?REGION GeographicArea)
            (attribute ?REGION ?ATTRIBUTE)
            (partlyLocated ?REGION ?AREA))))
Geography.kif 1719-1725

appearance as argument number 0

(partlyLocated ArcticOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4640-4640
(partlyLocated ArcticOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4641-4641
(partlyLocated NorthPacificOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4578-4578
(partlyLocated NorthPacificOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4579-4579
(partlyLocated NortheasternPacificOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4592-4592
(partlyLocated NortheasternPacificOcean NorthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 4591-4591
(partlyLocated NorthwesternPacificOcean NorthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 4604-4604
(partlyLocated NorthwesternPacificOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4605-4605
(partlyLocated SouthAtlanticOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4560-4560
(partlyLocated SouthAtlanticOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4559-4559
(partlyLocated SouthPacificOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4618-4618
(partlyLocated SouthPacificOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4619-4619
(partlyLocated SouthernOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4656-4656
(partlyLocated SouthernOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4657-4657

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