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Sigma KEE - fullName

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation fullName EnglishLanguage "(fullName ?STRING ?OBJ) means that ?STRING is a (more or less) complete name for ?OBJ, having all of the parts (fields, name components) possible for ?OBJ's name. The parts of ?STRING, if any, may be in conventional order, or in indexed (for alphabetic sorting) order. Examples: George W. Bush, The White House, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.") Media.kif 3273-3279
(domain fullName 1 SymbolicString) Media.kif 3270-3270
(domain fullName 2 Entity) Media.kif 3271-3271
(instance fullName AsymmetricRelation) Media.kif 3269-3269
(instance fullName BinaryPredicate) Media.kif 3268-3268
(subrelation fullName names) Media.kif 3272-3272

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage fullName "%2 的 full name 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3506-3506
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage fullName "%2 的 full name 是 %1 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3505-3505
(format EnglishLanguage fullName "the full name of %2 is %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3504-3504
(subrelation conventionalLongName fullName) Media.kif 3280-3280
(subrelation fullNameIndexOrder fullName) Media.kif 3292-3292
(termFormat EnglishLanguage fullName "full name") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65837-65837


        (fullName ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
    (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3294-3299
        (nameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (fullName ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
    (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3337-3341

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