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Sigma KEE - currencyType

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation currencyType EnglishLanguage "(currencyType ?AREA ?UNIT) means that the official currency used in the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA is the UnitOfMeasure ?UNIT.") Economy.kif 2877-2879
(domain currencyType 1 GeopoliticalArea) Economy.kif 2872-2872
(domain currencyType 2 UnitOfCurrency) Economy.kif 2873-2873
(instance currencyType BinaryPredicate) Economy.kif 2871-2871
(instance currencyType SingleValuedRelation) Economy.kif 2875-2875

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage currencyType "%2 %n 是 %1 的 currency 类别") domainEnglishFormat.kif 612-612
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage currencyType "%2 %n 是 %1 的 currency 類別") domainEnglishFormat.kif 611-611
(format EnglishLanguage currencyType "%2 is %n a currency type of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 610-610
(termFormat ChineseLanguage currencyType "货币类型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18096-18096
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage currencyType "貨幣類型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18095-18095
(termFormat EnglishLanguage currencyType "currency type") domainEnglishFormat.kif 18094-18094


        (instance ?AREA Nation)
        (currencyType ?AREA EuroDollar))
    (member ?AREA EuropeanMonetaryUnion))
Government.kif 3193-3197


        (codeMapping ISO-4217-A ?A3 ?CURRENCY)
        (codeMapping ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 ?A2 ?AREA)
        (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
        (equal ?A2
            (SubstringFn ?A3 0 2)))
    (currencyType ?AREA ?CURRENCY))
Media.kif 2889-2895
        (instance ?AREA Nation)
        (member ?AREA EuropeanMonetaryUnion))
    (currencyType ?AREA EuroDollar))
Government.kif 3187-3191

appearance as argument number 0

(currencyType Afghanistan AfghanAfghani) Economy.kif 2884-2884
(currencyType Albania AlbanianLek) Economy.kif 2945-2945
(currencyType Algeria AlgerianDinar) Economy.kif 2949-2949
(currencyType Angola AngolanKwanza) Economy.kif 2953-2953
(currencyType Argentina ArgentineAustral) Economy.kif 2957-2957
(currencyType Armenia ArmenianDram) Economy.kif 2961-2961
(currencyType Australia AustralianDollar) Economy.kif 2965-2965
(currencyType Austria EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2969-2969
(currencyType Azerbaijan AzerbaijaniManat) Economy.kif 2973-2973
(currencyType Bahrain BahrainianDinar) Economy.kif 2981-2981
(currencyType Bangladesh BangladeshiTaka) Economy.kif 2985-2985
(currencyType Barbados BarbadosDollar) Economy.kif 2989-2989
(currencyType Belarus BelarusianRubel) Economy.kif 2993-2993
(currencyType Belgium EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2997-2997
(currencyType Belize BelizeDollar) Economy.kif 3001-3001
(currencyType Benin BeninFranc) Economy.kif 3005-3005
(currencyType Bermuda BermudaDollar) Economy.kif 3009-3009
(currencyType Bhutan BhutaneseNgultrum) Economy.kif 3013-3013
(currencyType Bolivia BolivianBoliviano) Economy.kif 3017-3017
(currencyType Botswana BotswanaPula) Economy.kif 3021-3021
(currencyType Brazil BrazilianReal) Economy.kif 3025-3025
(currencyType Brunei BruneiDollar) Economy.kif 3029-3029
(currencyType Bulgaria BulgarianLev) Economy.kif 3033-3033
(currencyType BurkinaFaso BurkinaFasoFranc) Economy.kif 3037-3037
(currencyType Burundi BurundiFranc) Economy.kif 3041-3041

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