appearance as argument number 1 |
(contraryAttribute GUE_ActiveState GUE_PassiveState) | ComputerInput.kif 1961-1961 | |
(documentation GUE_ActiveState EnglishLanguage "The GUElementState of being ready to accept user clicks and keyboard activity. At most one InterfaceWindow on a ComputerScreen is active at a time, and at most one GUIElement that is a direct part of that window is active at one time. A subelement of an active element may also be active.") | ComputerInput.kif 1889-1892 | |
(instance GUE_ActiveState GUElementState) | ComputerInput.kif 1888-1888 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(contraryAttribute GUE_MinimizedState GUE_ActiveState) | ComputerInput.kif 2042-2042 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GUE_ActiveState "GUE active state") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64904-64904 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?GUIE1 GUIElement) (hasGUEState ?GUIE1 GUE_ActiveState) (properPart ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2) (instance ?GUIE2 GUIElement)) (hasGUEState ?GUIE2 GUE_ActiveState)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1909-1915 | |
(=> (and (instance ?GUIE1 GUIElement) (instance ?GUIE2 GUIElement) (not (instance ?GUIE1 InterfaceWindow)) (not (instance ?GUIE2 InterfaceWindow)) (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE1 ?SCREEN) (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE2 ?SCREEN) (hasGUEState ?GUIE1 GUE_ActiveState) (hasGUEState ?GUIE2 GUE_ActiveState)) (or (properPart ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2) (properPart ?GUIE2 ?GUIE1) (equal ?GUIE1 ?GUIE2))) |
ComputerInput.kif 1935-1948 | |
(=> (and (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow) (instance ?GUIE GUIElement) (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW ?SCREEN) (screenOfGUIE ?GUIE ?SCREEN) (not (instance ?GUIE InterfaceWindow)) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState) (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState)) (properPart ?GUIE ?WINDOW)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1920-1929 | |
(=> (and (instance ?WINDOW1 InterfaceWindow) (instance ?WINDOW2 InterfaceWindow) (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW1 ?SCREEN) (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW2 ?SCREEN) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW1 GUE_ActiveState) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW1 GUE_ActiveState)) (equal ?WINDOW1 ?WINDOW2)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1896-1904 | |
(=> (and (instance ?WINDOW_A InterfaceWindow) (instance ?WINDOW_P InterfaceWindow) (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW_A ?SCREEN) (screenOfGUIE ?WINDOW_P ?SCREEN) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW_A GUE_ActiveState) (not (equal ?WINDOW_A ?WINDOW_P))) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW_P GUE_PassiveState)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1964-1972 |
consequent |
statement |
(not (and (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_NonVisibleState) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState) (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))) |
ComputerInput.kif 2011-2015 | |
(not (and (instance ?CURSOR MouseCursor) (hasGUEState ?CURSOR GUE_ActiveState))) |
ComputerInput.kif 1952-1955 |