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(documentation EnglishLanguage Aeropress "Aeropress is a manual coffeemaker invented by Alan Adler. It consists of a cylindrical chamber, and a plunger with an airtight silicone seal, similar to a syringe. Ground coffee beans and water are steeped inside, then forced through a filter by pressing the plunger through the chamber. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 908-912
(documentation EnglishLanguage AeropressingCoffee "AeropressingCoffee is making coffee using an AeroPress, a manual coffeemaker invented by Alan Adler. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 902-903
(documentation EnglishLanguage ChineseLanguage "这是一种包括很多罗曼语族字根的日耳曼语族,它是 UnitedStatesUnitedKingdom 和很多其他国家的官方语言。") chinese_format.kif 1679-1680
(documentation EnglishLanguage ColdBrewingCoffee "ColdBrewingCoffee, also called cold water extraction or cold pressing, is the process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period. Coarse-ground beans are soaked in water for about 12 to 24 hours. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 837-840
(documentation EnglishLanguage EnglishLanguage "A Germanic language that incorporates many roots from the Romance languages. It is the official language of the UnitedStates, the UnitedKingdom, and many other countries.") Merge.kif 1539-1541
(documentation EnglishLanguage EnglishLanguage "The EnglishLanguage is an EnglishGroupLanguage of the UnitedKingdom. SIL code: ENG. ISO 639-1: en. ISO 639-2: eng. Population: 55,000,000 first language speakers in United Kingdom (1984 estimate). Population total all countries 341,000,000 first language speakers (1999 WA), 508,000,000 including second language speakers (1999 WA). Region: Also spoken in 104 other countries including American Samoa, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Denmark. Dialects: COCKNEY, SCOUSE, GEORDIE, WEST COUNTRY, EAST ANGLIA, BIRMINGHAM (BRUMMY, BRUMMIE), SOUTH WALES, EDINBURGH, BELFAST, CORNWALL, CUMBERLAND, CENTRAL CUMBERLAND, DEVONSHIRE, EAST DEVONSHIRE, DORSET, DURHAM, BOLTON LANCASHIRE, NORTH LANCASHIRE, RADCLIFFE LANCASHIRE, NORTHUMBERLAND, NORFOLK, NEWCASTLE NORTHUMBERLAND, TYNESIDE NORTHUMBERLAND, LOWLAND SCOTTISH, SOMERSET, SUSSEX, WESTMORLAND, NORTH WILTSHIRE, CRAVEN YORKSHIRE, NORTH YORKSHIRE, SHEFFIELD YORKSHIRE, WEST YORKSHIRE. Comments: 60% lexical similarity with German, 27% with French, 24% with Russian. National language. Dictionary. Grammar. SVO, prepositions, genitives after noun heads, articles, adjectives, numerals before noun heads, question word initial, word order distinguishes subject, object, indirect objects, given and new information, topic and comment, active and passive, causative, comparative, consonant and vowel clusters, nontonal. Deciduous forest. Island, plains, hills. Industrial, fishermen, craftsman. Christian. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: American Samoa. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,248 first language speakers in American Samoa, foreign born (1970 census), 15,050 mainly second language speakers, representing 75% of the native born population. Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Anguilla. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Antigua and Barbuda. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Aruba. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Dialects: ARUBA ENGLISH. Comments: The third most important language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Australia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 15,682,000 in Australia (1987), 95% of population (1980 WA). Dialects: AUSTRALIAN STANDARD ENGLISH, ABORIGINAL ENGLISH, NEO-NYUNGAR (NOONGA, NOONGAR, NOOGAR). Comments: Minor regional dialect differences. Neo-Nyungar is the community dialect of the Nyungar people. National language. Dictionary. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Bahamas. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Barbados. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 13,000 (1995). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Belize. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers: 55,998 in Belize (1991 census). Comments: Used in education, government, and business. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Bermuda. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 58,800 in Bermuda (1989 estimate). Dialects: BERMUDAN ENGLISH. Comments: Colloquial English may not be a creole but a regional variety of uncreolized English. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Botswana. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Alternate names: SEKGOA. Comments: International trade, medium of western influences, language of instruction from fifth grade, written language, official purposes, as second language. Official language. Taught as a subject from the beginning of primary school as a required subject. Officially becomes the language of instruction in Standard 5. Standard 7 exams are written in English. Medium of instruction. Newspapers, magazines, radio programs, TV. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: British Indian Ocean Territory. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: The indigenous population no longer resides in the islands. Current residents include members of the USA military, a small detachment of British officials, and support staff, mainly of Mauritian and Philippine origin. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: British Virgin Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 2,000 (1998). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Brunei. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 8,000 in Brunei. 16% of ethnic Chinese speak English as first language. Probably other first language speakers. Comments: Government, education. Used increasingly by educated speakers as first or second language. National language. Newspapers, TV. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Cameroon. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Canada. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 17,100,000 mother tongue speakers in Canada, or 60% of the population (1998 Statistics Canada). 820,000 mother tongue speakers in Quebec (1995 Statistics Canada), plus another 1,500,000 in Quebec whose first or second language is English (1995 Statistics Canada). Dialects: NEWFOUNDLAND ENGLISH. Comments: National language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Cayman Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 9,200 (1993). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Cook Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 683 in Cook Islands (1966 UN report). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Dominica. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Dialects: DOMINICAN ENGLISH. Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Eritrea. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Language of higher education and many technical fields. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Ethiopia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,986 mother tongue speakers, 169,726 second language users (1998 census). Comments: Language of higher education, many technical fields, and international communication. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Falkland Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,991 in Falkland Islands (1993 Johnstone). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Fiji. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 4,929 Europeans in Fiji (1976 census). An additional 10,276 or 1.8% of population (1976 census) are part-European, and speak English and Fijian. Comments: Also used by many urban Chinese (4,652 in 1976), Rotuman, occasionally by Indians, rarely by Fijians (P. Geraghty 1981). Main language of commerce, education, government. There are also reports of a Fijian Pidgin English. National language. Newspapers, radio programs. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Gambia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Ghana. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers: 1,000,000 (1977 Voegelin and Voegelin). Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Gibraltar. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 3,300 in Gibraltar (1993 Johnstone). Dialects: YANITO. Comments: Yanito is spoken by most Gibraltarians among themselves. It is a dialect of English with a strong Spanish influence, with over 500 words coming from Genoese (Ligurian) and Hebrew. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Grenada. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Dialects: GRENADIAN ENGLISH. Comments: Post-creole English with French Creole influences (M. Alleyne). National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Guam. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 28,800 in Guam (1987). Comments: USA military and dependents. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Guyana. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Dialects: GUYANESE ENGLISH. Comments: Spoken as first language by some Blacks and some Hindustanis. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Honduras. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 9,000 first language speakers in Honduras. Comments: Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: India. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers: 11,021,610 (1961 census). Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Ireland. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 2,600,000 in Ireland (1983 estimate). Dialects: SOUTH HIBERNO ENGLISH, NORTH HIBERNO ENGLISH. Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Israel. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 100,000 in Israel (1993). Alternate names: ANGLIT. Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Jamaica. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Kenya. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Mainly second language speakers. Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Kiribati. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 338 in Kiribati (1978 census). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Lebanon. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Has been used to some extent since the founding of the American University of Beirut in 1866. Many English language publications. Not spoken on the street or in Lebanese homes. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Lesotho. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Liberia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 69,000 or 2.5% of the population are Americo-Liberian (1993). Dialects: LIBERIAN STANDARD ENGLISH. Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Malawi. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 16,000 in Malawi (1993). Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Malaysia (Peninsular). (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Malta. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 2,400 speakers in Malta (1993 Johnstone). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Marshall Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Mauritius. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 3,000 in Mauritius (1993 Johnstone). Comments: Used in secondary school, courts, for road signs. Not widely known. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Micronesia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 3,540 first language speakers in Micronesia, foreign born (1970 census). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Midway Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 2,256 in Midway (1975 WA). Comments: National language. 99% USA military. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Montserrat. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Namibia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 10,941 in Namibia (1991 census). Comments: Not understood or spoken by everyone. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Nauru. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 564 first language speakers, 7,254 including second language users (1979 Government figures). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Netherlands Antilles. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Post-creole English is the dialect used (Alleyne). The third most important language in Netherlands Antilles. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: New Zealand. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 3,213,000 in New Zealand (1987), 90% of the population. Comments: National language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Nigeria. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers: 1,000,000 (1977 Voegelin and Voegelin). Comments: Used in government, education. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Niue. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers in Niue: 2,082. Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Norfolk Island. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,678 in Norfolk Island (1980 Government report). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Northern Mariana Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Pakistan. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Mainly second language speakers in Pakistan. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Palau. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Papua New Guinea. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 50,000 in Papua New Guinea (1987), 1.5% of the population. Comments: Official language. Used in schools. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Philippines. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 32,802 in Philippines (1990 census). 52% of the population said they could speak it as a second language (1980 census). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Pitcairn. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Puerto Rico. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 82,000 mother tongue speakers (1995), 376,371 second language users (1970 census). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Rwanda. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Mainly second language speakers. Comments: There may be more users of English than of French. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Seychelles. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,601 in Seychelles (1971 census). Comments: Principal language of the schools. Official language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Sierra Leone. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Used in administration, law, education, commerce. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Singapore. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 227,000 speakers, 8.9% of population, 729,000 second language users (literate in English) in Singapore, 28.5% of population (1985 estimate). Comments: Ethnic groups which use English: Chinese 154,000, 68%, European and Eurasian 34,000, 15%, Indian 32,000, 14%, Malay 6,000, 3%. Chinese varieties and Tamil also used at home. National language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Solomon Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Somalia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Used more in the north. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: South Africa. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 3,500,000 in South Africa (1991 Christos van Rensburg), 9.1% of the population (1995 The Economist). Comments: The main means of communication in urban areas. Many second generation people from India, Portugal, Germany, and Greece speak English as first language. Official language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Sri Lanka. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 97,000 first language speakers in Sri Lanka (1962). Comments: Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: St. Helena. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: St. Kitts-Nevis. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: St. Lucia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Dialects: ST. LUCIAN ENGLISH. Comments: There is an emerging English vernacular on St. Lucia, in a certain rural area. It is significantly restructured, heavily French creole-influenced, English lexicon (Paul Garrett 1998). National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: St. Pierre and Miquelon. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 188 in St. Pierre and Miquelon (1967 census). Comments: Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Swaziland. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Taught in all government and private schools. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Tanzania. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers in Tanzania: 1,500,000 (1977 Voegelin and Voegelin). Comments: Used by some Asian residents as mother tongue. Taught in secondary school and university. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Tokelau. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Used in schools. National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Tonga. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Trinidad and Tobago. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Turks and Caicos Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: U.S. Virgin Islands. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 8,414 mother tongue speakers in U.S. Virgin Islands (1970 census). Comments: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Uganda. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: Second language speakers: 1,000,000 (1977 Voegelin and Voegelin). Comments: Used in primary schools, law courts. Official language. Newspapers, radio programs. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: USA. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 210,000,000 first language speakers in USA (1984 estimate). 8,400,000 USA residents with no one 14 years old or older who speaks fluent English, 38% or 7,700,000 households headed by immigrants. Dialects: BLACK ENGLISH. Comments: There are many regional dialects. Official language. Bible 1382-1989. Also spoken in: Vanuatu. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,900 in Vanuatu (1995), 1.1% of the population. Comments: First language speakers are from the United Kingdom. Also spoken in: National language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Wake Island. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 1,730 on Wake Island (1987). Comments: National language. 99% USA military. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Western Samoa. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Comments: Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Zambia. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 41,434 in Zambia (1969 census). Comments: Spoken as mother tongue by Europeans mainly. A small minority of Zambian Africans speak it as a mother tongue. Used as a second language. The only language of Parliament. Official language. Bible 1535-1989. Also spoken in: Zimbabwe. (Language name: ENGLISH.) Population: 375,490 in Zimbabwe (1969 census). Comments: Spoken by most Europeans and an increasing number of Africans. Used in all or most education. Official language. Newspapers. Bible 1535-1989.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7335-7574
(documentation EnglishLanguage EyeOfCyclone "EyeOfCyclone is a calm area extending from the &Centroid of the FlowRegion of a well-developed matured TropicalCyclone. The approximateDiameter of a typical EyeOfCyclone ranges between 19 to 40 Miles.") Weather.kif 568-571
(documentation EnglishLanguage FrenchPressPot "FrenchPressPot is a coffee plunger to brew coffee.The earliest known device was patented in 1852 in France by Jacques-Victor Delforge and Henri-Otto Mayer.[Wikipedia]") Food.kif 872-874
(documentation EnglishLanguage FrenchPressingCoffee "FrenchPressingCoffee uses a coffee plunger to brew coffee.Plunging slowly prevents accidental scalding of brewer and is purported to maximize the extraction of the oils and flavonoids from the ground bean. The earliest known device was patented in 1852 in France by Jacques-Victor Delforge and Henri-Otto Mayer.[Wikipedia]") Food.kif 854-858
(documentation EnglishLanguage Itching "Itch (also known as pruritus) is a sensation that causes the desire or reflex to scratch. [from Wikipedia]") Mid-level-ontology.kif 5704-5706
(documentation EnglishLanguage JapaneseLanguage "ゲルマン語は、ロマンス言語からの多くルーツが 組み込まれている。 これは UnitedStatesUnitedKingdom 、 および他の多くの国の公用語であ る。") japanese_format.kif 270-272
(documentation EnglishLanguage MokaPot "MokaPot is a stove-top or electric coffee maker that brews coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. Named after the Yemeni city of Mocha, it was invented by Alfonso Bialetti. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 941-944
(documentation EnglishLanguage MokaPotCoffeeMaking "MokaPotCoffeeMaking uses a moka pot on the stove-top or electric device. A typical moka coffee is extracted at relatively low pressures of 1 to 2 bar (100 to 200 kPa),[8] while standards for espresso coffee specify a pressure of 9 bar (900 kPa). Therefore, moka coffee is not considered to be an espresso and has different flavor characteristics. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 932-936
(documentation EnglishLanguage PouringOverCoffee "Manually brewed drip coffee is typically referred to as PouringOverCoffee. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 896-897
(documentation EnglishLanguage PouringOverCoffee "TTurkishCoffeeMaking produces Turkish coffee which is is a style of coffee prepared by boiling, using very finely ground coffee beans without filtering in a cezve.The coffee grounds are left in the coffee when served.[Wikipedia]") Food.kif 956-958
(documentation EnglishLanguage SiphoningCoffee "SiphoningCoffee uses a vacuum coffee maker whcin brews coffee using two chambers where vapor pressure and gravity produce coffee. This type of coffee maker is also known as vac pot, siphon or syphon coffee maker, and was invented by Loeff of Berlin in the 1830s. [Wikipedia]") Food.kif 924-927
(documentation EnglishLanguage SpanishLanguage "Es una lengua germánica que incorpora muchas palabras de raíz romance. Es la lengua oficial del UnitedStates (EE UU), Reino Unido y muchos otros países.") spanish_format.kif 318-320
(documentation EnglishLanguage measuringListDuration "measuringListDuration is a BinaryRelation. (measuringListDuration ?LIST ?DURATION) ?DURATION is the TimeDuration for all the Measuring Process contained in ?LIST, MeasuringList, take to finish.") Weather.kif 1849-1851
(documentation EnglishLanguage measuringListInterval "measuringListInterval is a BinaryRelation. (measuringListInterval ?LIST ?DUR) ?DUR is the TimeDuration for each Measuring Process contained in the ?LIST, MeasuringList, takes from when it begins till when it ends.") Weather.kif 1830-1833
(documentation EnglishLanguage optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee "optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee is a BinaryRelation which states the optimal size of the CoffeeGrind for the a particular kind of CoffeeMaking process.") Food.kif 720-722
(documentation EnglishLanguage radiusOfMaximumWind "radiusOfMaximumWind is BinaryPredicate which states a FlowRegion to be within the the radius of maximum wind of a CyclonicStorm. In (radiusOfMaximumWind ?CS ?REGION) ?REGION is located withing the radius of maximum wind (RMW) of a CyclonicStorm ?CS.") Weather.kif 577-580
(externalImage EnglishLanguage " 0/ 08/ Beowulf.firstpage.jpeg") pictureList.kif 5989-5989
(externalImage EnglishLanguage " 3/ 33/ English_dialects1997.png") pictureList.kif 6483-6483
(format EnglishLanguage ABPFn "the average price of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2648-2648

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appearance as argument number 2

(documentation AAA-Rating EnglishLanguage "The highest rating given by bond rating agencies") FinancialOntology.kif 2521-2521
(documentation AAM EnglishLanguage "An air-to-air missile (AAM) is a guided missile fired from an aircraft for the purpose of destroying another aircraft. It is typically powered by one or more rocket motors, usually solid fuelled but sometimes liquid fuelled. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1172-1175
(documentation AAV EnglishLanguage "The Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) (official designation AAV-7A1 (formerly known as LVT-7)) is the current amphibious troop transport of the United States Marine Corps and is also operated by other forces. The AAV-7A1 is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by FMC Corporation. It is used by USMC Amphibious Assault Battalions to land the surface assault elements of the landing force and their equipment in a single lift from assault shipping during amphibious operations to inland objectives and to conduct mechanized operations and related combat support in subsequent mechanized operations ashore.") MilitaryDevices.kif 1650-1658
(documentation ABPFn EnglishLanguage "Average buying price. Total GMB divided by the total number of items sold (not the transactions) in a given time interval.") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3222-3223
(documentation ABTest EnglishLanguage "An ExperimentAttribute signifying the experimenting has at least one experimentalControlProcess and at least one experimentalVariableProcess being tested.") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4419-4421
(documentation ACPowerSource EnglishLanguage "ACPowerSource refers to an alternating current PowerSource") Mid-level-ontology.kif 26389-26390
(documentation ADHD EnglishLanguage "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, bouts of excessive energy, hyper-fixation, and impulsivity, which are pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age inappropriate. Some individuals with ADHD also display difficulty regulating emotions or problems with executive function. For a diagnosis, the symptoms have to be present for more than six months, and cause problems in at least two settings (such as school, home, work, or recreational activities). In children, problems paying attention may result in poor school performance. Additionally, it is associated with other mental disorders and substance use disorders. Although it causes impairment, particularly in modern society, many people with ADHD have sustained attention for tasks they find interesting or rewarding, known as hyperfocus.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 3294-3307
(documentation AGM EnglishLanguage "An air-to-surface missile (also, air-to-ground missile, ASM or AGM) is a missile designed to be launched from military aircraft (bombers, attack aircraft, fighter aircraft or other kinds) and strike ground targets on land, at sea, or both. They are similar to guided glide bombs but to be considered a missile, they usually contain some form of propulsion system. The two most common propulsion systems for air-to-surface missiles are rocket motors and jet engines. These also tend to correspond to the range of the missiles - short and long, respectively. Some Soviet air-to-surface missiles are powered by ramjets, giving them both long range and high speed. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1125-1134
(documentation AGM114 EnglishLanguage "AGM-114 Hellfire (Helicopter launched fire-and-forget) is a U.S. air-to-ground missile system designed to defeat tanks and other individual targets while minimizing the exposure of the launch vehicle to enemy fire. Hellfire uses laser guidance and is designed to accept other guidance packages. It is used on helicopters against heavily armored vehicles at longer standoff distances than any other U.S. Army missiles now in the inventory. The Hellfire II is the optimized version of the laser family of Hellfire missiles. The Longbow Hellfire Modular Missile System is an air-launched, radar aided, inertially guided missile that utilizes millimeter-wave radar technology. Despite the expanded acronym, most versions of the Hellfire missile are not truly fire-and-forget -- all the laser-guided versions require constant illumination or painting of the target from launch to impact. The AGM-114L is a true fire-and-forget weapon: it requires no further guidance after launch and can hit its target without the launcher being in line of sight of the target. The Hellfire (along with the Maverick and the air-launched TOW) was to be replaced by the Joint Common Missile (JCM) around 2011. The JCM was developed with a tri-mode seeker and a multi-purpose warhead that would combine the capabilities of the several Hellfire variants. In the budget for FY2006, the US Department of Defense canceled a number of projects that they felt no longer warranted continuation based on their cost effectiveness, including the JCM. Due to the U.S. military's continuing need for a proven precision-strike aviation weapon in the interim until a successor to the JCM is fielded, as well as extensive foreign sales, it is likely the Hellfire will be in service for many years. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1206-1231
(documentation AGM65 EnglishLanguage "The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-surface tactical missile (ASM) designed for close air support, prohibition, and forceful prevention. It is effective against a wide range of tactical targets, including armor, air defenses, ships, ground transportation, and fuel storage facilities. The AGM-65F (infrared targeting) used by the US Navy has an infrared guidance system optimized for ship tracking and a larger penetrating warhead than the shaped charge used by the US Marine Corps and the US Air Force (300 pounds (136 kg) vs 125 pounds (57 kg)). The AGM-65 has two types of warheads, one has a contact fuze in the nose, and the other has a heavyweight warhead with a delayed fuze, which penetrates the target with its kinetic energy before firing. The latter is most effective against large, hard targets. The propulsion system for both types is a solid-fuel rocket motor behind the warhead. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1139-1151
(documentation AH1 EnglishLanguage "The Bell AH-1 Cobra, called the Huey Cobra, Cobra, Sea Cobra, or Snake (depending on the model), is an attack helicopter, designed by Bell Helicopter Textron. It shares a common engine, transmission and rotor system with the UH-1. It is now fully replaced by the AH-64 Apache in US Army service, but upgraded versions continue to fly with US Marine Corps, US Navy and several other users. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1891-1896
(documentation AIM9 EnglishLanguage "The AIM-9 Sidewinder is a heat-seeking, short-range, air-to-air missile carried by fighter aircraft and recently, certain gunship helicopters. It is named after the Sidewinder snake, which also detects its prey via body heat. The Sidewinder was the first truly effective air-to-air missile, widely imitated and copied. Its latest variants remain in active service with many air forces. (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1179-1185
(documentation AMEV EnglishLanguage "The M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle (AMEV) is a U.S. Army variant of a M113 armoured personnel carrier (APC) made by United Defense (now part of BAE Systems) modified to function as a battlefield emergency medical evacuation (medevac) vehicle. It replaced the M113A3 Armoured Ambulance in U.S. military service and is designed to operate in conjunction with the M577A4 Armored Treatment Vehicle. [from Wikipedia]") MilitaryDevices.kif 2131-2136
(documentation AMFMAlarmClock EnglishLanguage "AMFMAlarmClock is a type of AlarmClock that is also a RadioReceiver, meaning it can get RadioBroadcast from RadioStation") Mid-level-ontology.kif 25605-25606
(documentation AMRadioStation EnglishLanguage "An AMRadioStation is an engineeringSubcomponent of an AMRadioSystem.") Communications.kif 295-296
(documentation AMRadioSystem EnglishLanguage "An AMRadioSystem consists of Radios, AMRadioStations, and other components that work together to make AM radio broadcasting possible in a given area.") Communications.kif 237-239
(documentation AOCnumber EnglishLanguage "The certification number that signifies an Airline has recieved an Air Operator Certification, allowing the airline to use aircraft for commercial purposes.") Transportation.kif 3351-3353
(documentation AONOrder EnglishLanguage "All-or-none order (AON) is a type of option order which requires that the order be executed completely or not at all. An AON order may be either a day order or a GTC order.") FinancialOntology.kif 2900-2902
(documentation APC EnglishLanguage "Armoured personnel carriers (APCs) are armoured fighting vehicles developed to transport infantry on the battlefield. They usually have only a machine gun although variants carry recoilless rifles, anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), or mortars. They are not really designed to take part in a direct-fire battle, but to carry the troops to the battlefield safe from shrapnel and ambush. They may have wheels or tracks. Examples include the American M113 (tracked), M2 Bradley, the British FV 432 (tracked), the French VAB (wheeled), the German Boxer MRAV (wheeled) and the Soviet BTR (wheeled). (from Wikipedia)") MilitaryDevices.kif 1576-1585
(documentation APucikwarLanguage EnglishLanguage "The APucikwarLanguage is a CentralGreatAndamaneseLanguage of India. SIL code: APQ. ISO 639-2: mis. Population: 36 (1997 CIIL). Region: Andaman Islands, Boratang Island, south coast of Middle Andaman Island, northeast coast of South Andaman Island. Alternate names: PUCIKWAR, PUCHIKWAR. Comments: Bilingualism in Hindi. Language shift to Hindi taking place. CIIL working to revive A-Pucikwar. Other languages in the Central Andamanese group are extinct. Great Andamanese is classified as a Scheduled Tribe in India, and Puchikwar is a subtribe. Dictionary. Grammar. Literacy rate in first language: Below 1%. Nearly extinct.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 5380-5389
(documentation ASPFn EnglishLanguage "Average Selling Price. Total GMV divided by the total number of items sold (not the transactions) in a given time interval.") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3267-3268
(documentation ATMMachine EnglishLanguage "(Automatic Teller Machine) A banking terminal that accepts deposits and dispenses cash. ATMs are activated by inserting a cash or credit card that contains the user's account number and PIN on a magnetic stripe. The ATM calls up the bank's computers to verify the balance, dispenses the cash and then transmits a completed transaction notice.") FinancialOntology.kif 3584-3588
(documentation ATMSlot EnglishLanguage "A narrow opening in an ATM machine where cards are inserted.") FinancialOntology.kif 3660-3660
(documentation ATVTire EnglishLanguage "A Tire designed to fit the WheelRim on an AllTerrainVehicle.") Cars.kif 4801-4802
(documentation ATandTCorp EnglishLanguage "AT&T Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered at Whitacre Tower in Downtown Dallas, Texas. It is the world's largest telecommunications company, the largest provider of mobile telephone services, and the largest provider of fixed telephone services in the United States through AT&T Communications. Since June 14, 2018, it is also the parent company of mass media conglomerate WarnerMedia, making it the world's largest media and entertainment company in terms of revenue. As of 2018, AT&T is ranked #9 on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. (from Wikipedia)") ComputingBrands.kif 2123-2130

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(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "en" EnglishLanguage) Languages.kif 14724-14724

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