appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AutonomousAgent ChineseLanguage "能够自主行动、并对世界作出改变的人和物。") | chinese_format.kif 1683-1683 | |
(documentation AutonomousAgent EnglishLanguage "Something or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the world.") | Merge.kif 1558-1559 | |
(subclass AutonomousAgent Object) | Merge.kif 1556-1556 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(disjoint Furniture AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 3707-3707 | |
(range StreetAddressFn AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 6705-6705 | |
(subclass CommercialAgent AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 16244-16244 | |
(subclass GeopoliticalArea AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 14100-14100 | |
(subclass Group AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 16295-16295 | |
(subclass ITAgent AutonomousAgent) | engineering.kif 1306-1306 | |
(subclass Organism AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 14401-14401 | |
(subclass Organization AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 16681-16681 | |
(subclass SentientAgent AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 1566-1566 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage AutonomousAgent "施事体") | chinese_format.kif 848-848 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutonomousAgent " Autonomous agent") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 64498-64498 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AutonomousAgent "agent") | english_format.kif 898-898 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain AbortedFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | MilitaryProcesses.kif 2411-2411 | |
(domain ElectionFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Government.kif 1649-1649 | |
(domain ExecutiveBranchFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Government.kif 1285-1285 | |
(domain FiscalYearFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Economy.kif 3697-3697 | |
(domain FiscalYearStartingFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Economy.kif 3723-3723 | |
(domain PropertyFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 4275-4275 | |
(domain SellersItemsFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | UXExperimentalTerms.kif 981-981 | |
(domain SellersOtherItemsFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1016-1016 | |
(domain WealthFn 1 AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 7828-7828 | |
(domain achievement 2 AutonomousAgent) | ComputingBrands.kif 1660-1660 | |
(domain activityCapability 1 AutonomousAgent) | Hotel.kif 596-596 | |
(domain agent 2 AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 2434-2434 | |
(domain agentName 2 AutonomousAgent) | Media.kif 3405-3405 | |
(domain agentOperatesInArea 1 AutonomousAgent) | Government.kif 2199-2199 | |
(domain alias 2 AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 23260-23260 | |
(domain appointedPosition 2 AutonomousAgent) | Biography.kif 150-150 | |
(domain areaOfResponsibility 1 AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22980-22980 | |
(domain arrested 2 AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 23531-23531 | |
(domain askPrice 3 AutonomousAgent) | FinancialOntology.kif 1928-1928 | |
(domain associateInOrganization 1 AutonomousAgent) | Government.kif 2388-2388 | |
(domain associateWithStatus 1 AutonomousAgent) | Government.kif 2399-2399 | |
(domain attitudeForFormula 2 AutonomousAgent) | emotion.kif 2124-2124 | |
(domain attitudeForObject 2 AutonomousAgent) | emotion.kif 2117-2117 | |
(domain authors 1 AutonomousAgent) | Merge.kif 15502-15502 | |
(domain benefits 2 AutonomousAgent) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 22965-22965 | |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?AGENT (MemberFn ?ORG)) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?ORG Organization)) (member ?AGENT ?ORG)) |
Government.kif 1738-1743 | |
(=> (and (instance ?A AutonomousAgent) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?A Motionless))) (not (exists (?P) (and (instance ?P BodyMotion) (instance ?P IntentionalProcess) (agent ?P ?A) (during (WhenFn ?P) ?T))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30266-30277 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?ELECTION (ElectionFn ?AGENT))) (agent ?ELECTION ?AGENT)) |
Government.kif 1664-1668 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?ORG Organization) (member ?AGENT ?ORG)) (attribute ?AGENT (MemberFn ?ORG))) |
Government.kif 1731-1736 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SITE WebSite)) (exists (?COLL) (and (instance ?COLL Collection) (forall (?LISTING) (=> (and (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (hostedOn ?LISTING ?SITE) (listingSeller ?LISTING ?AGENT)) (member ?LISTING ?COLL))) (equal (SellersItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE) ?COLL)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 992-1008 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (potentialCustomer ?CUST ?AGENT) (modalAttribute (and (instance ?R Reserving) (destination ?R ?AGENT)) Necessity) (conditionalProbability (exists (?RES1) (and (instance ?RES1 Reservation) (reservingEntity ?CUST ?RES1) (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RES1))) (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) ?NUM1) (conditionalProbability (not (exists (?RES2) (and (instance ?RES2 Reservation) (reservingEntity ?CUST ?RES2) (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RES2)))) (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) ?NUM2)) (lessThan ?NUM2 ?NUM1)) |
Dining.kif 772-795 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (subclass (ElectionFn ?AGENT) Election)) (or (instance ?AGENT Organization) (instance ?AGENT GeopoliticalArea))) |
Government.kif 1656-1662 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ATC AddToCart) (instance ?USER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?OBJ Object) (agent ?ATC ?USER) (patient ?ATC ?OBJ)) (desires ?USER (exists (?BUYING) (and (instance ?BUYING Buying) (patient ?BUYING ?OBJ) (agent ?BUYING ?USER))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1312-1324 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AUCTIONING Auctioning) (instance ?BIDDER1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?BIDDER2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?ITEM Object) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (patient ?AUCTIONING ?ITEM) (bidPrice ?ITEM (MeasureFn ?OFFER1 ?U) ?BIDDER1) (bidPrice ?ITEM (MeasureFn ?OFFER2 ?U) ?BIDDER2) (greaterThan ?OFFER1 ?OFFER2)) (destination ?AUCTIONING ?BIDDER1)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 354-365 | |
(=> (and (instance ?CHANGE ChangeOfPossession) (origin ?CHANGE ?AGENT1) (destination ?CHANGE ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?AGENT2 AutonomousAgent) (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ)) (and (holdsDuring (BeginFn (WhenFn ?CHANGE)) (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ)) (holdsDuring (EndFn (WhenFn ?CHANGE)) (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ)))) |
Merge.kif 11702-11712 | |
(=> (and (instance ?COLL Collection) (instance ?SITE WebSite) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (instance ?TIME TimePoint) (listingSeller ?LISTING ?AGENT) (not (member ?LISTING ?COLL)) (forall (?ITEM ?MEMBER) (and (=> (and (instance ?ITEM WebListing) (member ?ITEM (SellersItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE)) (temporalPart ?TIME (WhenFn ?ITEM)) (not (equal ?ITEM ?LISTING))) (member ?ITEM ?COLL)) (=> (member ?MEMBER ?COLL) (and (temporalPart ?TIME (WhenFn ?ITEM)) (instance ?MEMBER WebListing)))))) (equal (SellersOtherItemsFn ?AGENT ?SITE ?LISTING ?TIME) ?COLL)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1033-1060 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EVP Process) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?EXP Experimenting) (treatedUser ?AGENT ?EXP) (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXP ?EVP) (experiencer ?PROC ?AGENT) (experiencer ?EVP ?AGENT) (exclusiveEvent ?EXP ?PROC)) (exists (?EXPERIMENTER) (and (instance ?EXPERIMENTER AutonomousAgent) (experimenter ?EXP ?EXPERIMENTER) (believes ?EXPERIMENTER (modalAttribute (causes ?EVP ?PROC) Likely))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4357-4374 | |
(=> (and (instance ?GIVE Giving) (agent ?GIVE ?AGENT1) (destination ?GIVE ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT2 AutonomousAgent) (patient ?GIVE ?OBJ)) (exists (?GET) (and (instance ?GET Getting) (agent ?GET ?AGENT2) (origin ?GET ?AGENT1) (patient ?GET ?OBJ)))) |
Merge.kif 11719-11731 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ITEM Object) (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (instance ?OWNER AutonomousAgent) (attribute ?LISTING ForSaleByOwner) (possesses ?OWNER ?ITEM)) (instance ?OWNER Human)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 381-388 | |
(=> (and (instance ?JOIN JoiningAnOrganization) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (agent ?JOIN ?AGENT) (patient ?JOIN ?ORG) (instance ?JOIN Organization)) (member ?AGENT ?ORG)) |
Government.kif 2465-2472 | |
(=> (and (instance ?LISTING WebListing) (instance ?ITEM Object) (instance ?CREATOR AutonomousAgent) (attribute ?LISTING AuctionAttribute) (patient ?ITEM ?LISTING) (creator ?CREATOR ?LISTING)) (desires ?CREATOR (exists (?AUCTION) (and (instance ?AUCTION Auctioning) (patient ?AUCTION ?ITEM))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 313-325 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG AutonomousAgent) (leader ?ORG ?PERSON) (instance ?ROLE Position) (occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?ROLE ?ORG)) (leaderPosition ?ORG ?ROLE)) |
Government.kif 1411-1417 | |
(=> (and (instance ?P DigitalPost) (instance ?A AutonomousAgent) (instance ?W WebSite) (component ?P ?W) (creator ?A ?P) (registeredUser ?A ?W)) (hasPurpose ?P (exists (?D) (and (instance ?D Disseminating) (agent ?D ?A) (patient ?D ?P) (instrument ?D ?W))))) |
ComputerInput.kif 2830-2844 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PERSON Human) (instance ?ROLE Position) (instance ?ORG AutonomousAgent) (leaderPosition ?ORG ?ROLE) (occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?ROLE ?ORG)) (leader ?ORG ?PERSON)) |
Government.kif 1442-1449 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PLACE AutonomousAgent) (subclass ?YEAR Year)) (instance (FiscalYearStartingFn ?PLACE ?YEAR) (FiscalYearFn ?PLACE))) |
Economy.kif 3738-3742 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PROCESS ?PROCESS_CLASS) (subclass ?PROCESS_CLASS Process) (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT) (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT) (during ?PROCESS ?ACCESSING) (instance ?TIMETOFIRST TimeInterval) (not (exists (?PROCESS2) (and (instance ?PROCESS2 ?PROCESS_CLASS) (agent ?PROCESS2 ?AGENT) (during ?PROCESS2 ?ACCESSING) (before (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS2)) (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))))) (equal (BeginFn (WhenFn ?ACCESSING)) (BeginFn (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST))) (equal (BeginFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS)) (EndFn (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST)))) (equal (TTFxFn ?PROCESS_CLASS ?ACCESSING) ?TIMETOFIRST)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1496-1518 | |
(=> (and (instance ?PURCHASES Collection) (forall (?MEMBER) (=> (member ?MEMBER ?PURCHASES) (instance ?MEMBER Buying))) (exists (?REGION) (and (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea) (forall (?BUYER ?BUYING) (=> (and (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?BUYING Buying) (member ?BUYING ?PURCHASES) (agent ?BUYING ?BUYER)) (located ?BUYER ?REGION)))))) (exists (?AMOUNT ?PURCHASE ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT) (and (total (KappaFn ?AMOUNT (and (instance ?PURCHASE Buying) (member ?PURCHASE ?PURCHASES) (transactionAmount ?PURCHASE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT) (equal (GMBFn ?PURCHASES) ?TOTAL_PURCHASE_AMOUNT)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2956-2983 | |
(=> (and (instance ?REQUEST ViewItemRequest) (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage) (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?LISTING Advertising) (subProcess ?ACCESSING ?REQUEST) (component ?PAGE ?LISTING) (destination ?ACCESSING ?PAGE) (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT)) (viewedListing ?AGENT ?LISTING)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1570-1581 | |
(=> (and (instance ?SALES Collection) (forall (?MEMBER) (=> (member ?MEMBER ?SALES) (instance ?MEMBER Selling))) (exists (?REGION) (and (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea) (forall (?SELLER ?SELLING) (=> (and (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SELLING Buying) (member ?SELLING ?SALES) (agent ?SELLING ?SELLER)) (located ?SELLER ?REGION)))))) (exists (?AMOUNT ?SALE ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT) (and (total (KappaFn ?AMOUNT (and (instance ?SALE Selling) (member ?SALE ?SALES) (transactionAmount ?SALE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT) (equal (GMVFn ?SALES) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2999-3026 | |
(=> (and (instance ?VARIABLE Process) (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (experiencer ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?VARIABLE)) (exists (?CONTROL_GROUP) (and (instance ?CONTROL_GROUP Collection) (member ?AGENT ?CONTROL_GROUP) (controlGroup ?CONTROL_GROUP ?EXPERIMENT)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3851-3862 | |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
consequent |
(<=> (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H Alone)) (not (exists (?H2 ?SI) (and (not (equal ?H ?H2)) (instance ?H2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SI SocialInteraction) (during (WhenFn ?SI) ?T) (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H) (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30247-30260 | |
(=> (accountAtSite ?ACCT ?SITE) (exists (?DATABASE ?SITE_OWNER) (and (instance ?DATABASE Database) (instance ?SITE_OWNER AutonomousAgent) (possesses ?SITE_OWNER ?SITE) (possesses ?SITE_OWNER ?DATABASE) (part ?ACCT ?DATABASE)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 632-640 | |
(=> (and (firstTimeBuyers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL) (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)) (instance ?MEMBER AutonomousAgent)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3528-3532 | |
(=> (and (firstTimeSellers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL) (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)) (instance ?MEMBER AutonomousAgent)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3576-3580 | |
(=> (and (instance ?AUCTIONING Auctioning) (instance ?ITEM Object) (patient ?AUCTIONING ?ITEM)) (exists (?BIDDER ?OFFER) (and (instance ?BIDDER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?OFFER CurrencyMeasure) (bidPrice ?ITEM ?OFFER ?BIDDER)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 343-352 | |
(=> (and (instance ?CAPTURE Capturing) (controlled ?CAPTURE ?OBJ)) (instance ?OBJ AutonomousAgent)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23510-23514 | |
(=> (and (instance ?COMMENTING Commenting) (instance ?PROCESS Process) (patient ?COMMENTING ?PROCESS)) (exists (?AGENT ?SPEAKING ?LOOKING) (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SPEAKING Speaking) (instance ?LOOKING Looking) (agent ?SPEAKING ?AGENT) (agent ?LOOKING ?AGENT) (patient ?LOOKING ?PROCESS) (refers ?SPEAKING ?PROCESS)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15914-15927 | |
(=> (and (instance ?EVP Process) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?EXP Experimenting) (treatedUser ?AGENT ?EXP) (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXP ?EVP) (experiencer ?PROC ?AGENT) (experiencer ?EVP ?AGENT) (exclusiveEvent ?EXP ?PROC)) (exists (?EXPERIMENTER) (and (instance ?EXPERIMENTER AutonomousAgent) (experimenter ?EXP ?EXPERIMENTER) (believes ?EXPERIMENTER (modalAttribute (causes ?EVP ?PROC) Likely))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4357-4374 | |
(=> (and (instance ?GROUP Group) (member ?MEMB ?GROUP)) (instance ?MEMB AutonomousAgent)) |
Merge.kif 16299-16303 | |
(=> (and (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (instance ?SITE WebSite)) (exists (?NEWBUYERS) (and (instance ?NEWBUYERS Collection) (forall (?AGENT) (=> (member ?AGENT ?NEWBUYERS) (and (exists (?BUYING) (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?BUYING Buying) (agent ?BUYING ?AGENT) (instrument ?BUYING ?SITE) (during ?BUYING ?INTERVAL))) (not (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE) (and (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval) (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL) (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE (exists (?BUYING_BEFORE) (and (instance ?BUYING_BEFORE Buying) (agent ?BUYING_BEFORE ?AGENT) (instrument ?BUYING_BEFORE ?SITE) (during ?BUYING_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)))))))))) (equal (SiteWideNewBuyersFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE) ?NEWBUYERS)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3376-3408 | |
(=> (and (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval) (instance ?SITE WebSite)) (exists (?NEWSELLERS) (and (instance ?NEWSELLERS Collection) (forall (?AGENT) (=> (member ?AGENT ?NEWSELLERS) (and (exists (?SELLING) (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SELLING Selling) (agent ?SELLING ?AGENT) (instrument ?SELLING ?SITE) (during ?SELLING ?INTERVAL))) (not (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE) (and (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval) (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL) (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE (exists (?SELLING_BEFORE) (and (instance ?SELLING_BEFORE Selling) (agent ?SELLING_BEFORE ?AGENT) (instrument ?SELLING_BEFORE ?SITE) (during ?SELLING_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)))))))))) (equal (SiteWideNewSellersFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE) ?NEWSELLERS)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3475-3507 | |
(=> (and (instance ?LOGO Logo) (represents ?LOGO ?OBJ)) (or (instance ?OBJ AutonomousAgent) (instance ?OBJ Product))) |
Media.kif 895-901 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (member ?AGENT ?ORG)) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)) |
Merge.kif 16702-16706 | |
(=> (and (instance ?QUERY SearchQuery) (instance ?SEARCHATTEMPT SearchAttempt) (represents ?QUERY ?SEARCHATTEMPT)) (exists (?AGENT ?OBJ) (and (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (patient ?SEARCHATTEMPT ?OBJ) (agent ?SEARCHATTEMPT ?AGENT)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2426-2435 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TRANS Buying) (attribute ?TRANS CBT) (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ) (instance ?OBJ Object)) (exists (?SELLER ?BUYER ?BUYER_LOCATION ?SELLER_LOCATION) (and (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent) (agent ?TRANS ?BUYER) (origin ?TRANS ?SELLER) (instance ?BUYER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea) (instance ?SELLER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea) (located ?SELLER ?SELLER_LOCATION) (located ?BUYER ?BUYER_LOCATION) (not (equal ?BUYER_LOCATION ?SELLER_LOCATION))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1841-1858 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TRANS FinancialTransaction) (attribute ?TRANS BusinessToBusiness)) (exists (?ACCT1 ?ACCT2 ?USER1 ?USER2 ?SITE) (and (instance ?ACCT1 UserAccount) (instance ?ACCT2 UserAccount) (instance ?USER1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?USER2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SITE WebSite) (agent ?TRANS ?USER1) (destination ?TRANS ?USER2) (instrument ?TRANS ?SITE) (hasAccount ?USER1 ?ACCT1) (hasAccount ?USER2 ?ACCT2) (accountAtSite ?ACCT1 ?SITE) (accountAtSite ?ACCT2 ?SITE) (attribute ?ACCT1 BusinessAccount) (attribute ?ACCT2 BusinessAccount)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1727-1746 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TRANS FinancialTransaction) (attribute ?TRANS BusinessToConsumer)) (exists (?ACCT1 ?ACCT2 ?USER1 ?USER2 ?SITE) (and (instance ?ACCT1 UserAccount) (instance ?ACCT2 UserAccount) (instance ?USER1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?USER2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SITE WebSite) (agent ?TRANS ?USER1) (destination ?TRANS ?USER2) (instrument ?TRANS ?SITE) (hasAccount ?USER1 ?ACCT1) (hasAccount ?USER2 ?ACCT2) (accountAtSite ?ACCT1 ?SITE) (accountAtSite ?ACCT2 ?SITE) (attribute ?ACCT1 BusinessAccount) (attribute ?ACCT2 ConsumerAccount)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1759-1778 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TRANS FinancialTransaction) (attribute ?TRANS ConsumerToConsumer)) (exists (?ACCT1 ?ACCT2 ?USER1 ?USER2 ?SITE) (and (instance ?ACCT1 UserAccount) (instance ?ACCT2 UserAccount) (instance ?USER1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?USER2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SITE WebSite) (agent ?TRANS ?USER1) (destination ?TRANS ?USER2) (instrument ?TRANS ?SITE) (hasAccount ?USER1 ?ACCT1) (hasAccount ?USER2 ?ACCT2) (accountAtSite ?ACCT1 ?SITE) (accountAtSite ?ACCT2 ?SITE) (attribute ?ACCT1 ConsumerAccount) (attribute ?ACCT2 ConsumerAccount)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1791-1810 | |
(=> (and (instance ?TRANS Selling) (attribute ?TRANS CBT) (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ) (instance ?OBJ Object)) (exists (?SELLER ?BUYER ?BUYER_LOCATION ?SELLER_LOCATION) (and (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent) (destination ?TRANS ?BUYER) (agent ?TRANS ?SELLER) (instance ?BUYER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea) (instance ?SELLER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea) (located ?SELLER ?SELLER_LOCATION) (located ?BUYER ?BUYER_LOCATION) (not (equal ?BUYER_LOCATION ?SELLER_LOCATION))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1822-1839 | |
(=> (and (newRegisteredUsers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL) (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)) (instance ?MEMBER AutonomousAgent)) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3623-3627 | |
(=> (and (subjectiveAttribute ?OBJ ?ATTR ?AGENT) (instance ?ATTR TimeAttribute)) (instance ?OBJ AutonomousAgent)) |
Dining.kif 1026-1030 | |
(=> (attribute ?ROOM OpenLayout) (and (instance ?ROOM Room) (exists (?R1 ?R2 ?H) (and (instance ?R1 Region) (instance ?R2 Region) (located ?R1 ?ROOM) (located ?R2 ?ROOM) (not (equal ?R1 ?R2)) (orientation ?R1 ?R2 Adjacent) (exists (?P1 ?P2) (and (instance ?P1 Process) (instance ?P2 Process) (hasPurpose ?R1 ?P1) (hasPurpose ?R2 ?P2))) (=> (and (instance ?H AutonomousAgent) (located ?H ?R2)) (and (capability Seeing agent ?H) (capability Seeing patient ?R1))))))) |
Dining.kif 956-980 | |
(=> (browserID ?STRING ?BROWSER ?SITE) (exists (?WEBPAGE ?ACCESSING ?AGENT ?BPROC) (and (instance ?WEBPAGE WebPage) (subString ?WEBPAGE ?SITE) (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT) (programRunning ?BPROC ?BROWSER) (causes ?BPROC ?ACCESSING) (destination ?ACCESSING ?WEBPAGE) (represents ?STRING ?AGENT)))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 736-748 | |
(=> (colocatedAgent ?ORG ?ATTR) (exists (?ORG2 ?LOC) (and (instance ?ORG2 AutonomousAgent) (attribute ?ORG2 ?ATTR) (located ?ORG ?LOC) (located ?ORG2 ?LOC)))) |
Hotel.kif 766-773 | |
(=> (exclusiveEvent ?EXP ?PROC) (exists (?EVP ?AGENT) (and (instance ?EVP Process) (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent) (treatedUser ?AGENT ?EXP) (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXP ?EVP) (experiencer ?PROC ?AGENT) (experiencer ?EVP ?AGENT) (earlier (WhenFn ?EVP) (WhenFn ?PROC))))) |
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 4345-4355 | |
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 | ||
Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |