Parents |
特性 |
This Predicate holds between an instance of Entity and an instance of Attribute. (property ?ENTITY ?ATTR) means that ?ENTITY has the Attribute ?ATTR.
Children |
债券评级 | A measure of the quality and safety of a bond, based on the issuer's financial condition. More specifically, an evaluation from a rating service indicating the likelihood that a debt issuer will be able to meet scheduled interest and principal repayments. Typically, AAA is highest (best), and D is lowest (worst). |
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| 信用评级 | (creditRanking ?Agent ?Rating) holds if ?Rating is a FinancialRating based on financial analysis by a credit bureau, of one's financial history, specifically as it relates to one's ability to meet debt obligations. Lenders use this information to decide whether to approve a loan. |
| 发育形态 | (developmentalForm ?OBJECT ?FORM) means that ?FORM describes a stage in the individual maturation of ?OBJECT. For example, tadpole and caterpillar are developmentalForms of frogs and butterflies, respectively. |
| 设备状态 | (deviceState ?DEVICE ?STATE) means that the Object ?DEVICE is in the DeviceStateAttribute ?STATE. |
| 经济类型 | (economyType ?POLITY ?TYPE) means that the GeopoliticalArea ?POLITY has an economic system of TYPE. |
| 政府类型 | (governmentType ?BODY ?FORM) means that the GeopoliticalArea or Organization ?BODY has a government with characteristic(s) of the type ?FORM. |
| hasGUEState | (hasGUEState ?GUIE ?STATE) means that the GUIElement ?GUIE has the GUElementState, ?STATE. |
| 具有分子结构属性 | (hasMolecularStructuralAttribute ?MOL ?ATT) means that ?MOL has the attribute ?ATT. |
| 主持人身份 | (hostStatus ?Computer ?Status) means that ?Status describes the status of the Computer, such as HostDown, HostReady. |
| musicGenre | (musicGenre ?MR ?ATTR) relates the MusicGenre ?ATTR to the MusicRecording ?MR |
| 组织目标 | (organizationalObjective ?AGENT ?FOCUS) means that the AutonomousAgent ?AGENT has significant aims and concerns characterized by the AreaOfConcern ?FOCUS. |
Instances | 抽象体 | 这些特质或质量,和任何以物理媒介化身的特质/质量不同。抽象 的实例在意义上,可以说是像数学物体如集合和关系般存在,但是它们不能没有任何物理编码或化身便存在于特定的时间 和地点。 |
| 反对称关系 | 一个 BinaryRelation ?REL 是 AntisymmetricRelation 如果不同的 ?INST1 和 ?INST2 是(?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) 不意味着 (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1)。也就是说当所有的 ?INST1 和 ?INST2 是 (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2)和 (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) 意味着 ?INST1 和 ?INST2 是相同的。注:一个AntisymmetricRelation 有可能 是一个 ReflexiveRelation。 |
| 非对称关系 | 一个 BinaryRelation 属于不对称关系 当且仅当它既是一个 AntisymmetricRelation 又是一个 IrreflexiveRelation。 |
| 二元谓语 | 这是一个联系两个项目的 Predicate - 它的配价是二。 |
| 二元关系 | BinaryRelation 是只有在关系联系两样东西的时候 才算是真,框架理论以槽代表 BinaryRelation。 |
| 实体 | The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology. |
| 可继承的关系 | 这是一个 Relation 类别,它的特性可以是 通过 subrelation Predicate 把特性在类别的层次结构承传下去。 |
| 非自反关系 | Relation ?REL 属于非自反关系当且仅当没有 一个?INST 是(?REL ?INST ?INST)。 |
| 谓语 | Predicate 是一个作句的 Relation,这个 Relation 的每一个元组都是物体有限、有序的的句子。一个特定组员是一个 Predicate 的元素这事实,由 '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)'来表示, arg_i 是关联的事物。在 BinaryPredicate 的情况下, 可以读成 `arg_1 是 *predicate* arg_2' 或者 `arg_1 的一个 *predicate* 是 arg_2'。 |
| 关系 | 这是关系的 Class。现有三类的 Relation: Predicate, Function 和 List。 Predicate 和Function 皆表示有序的n元组集合, 这两个 Class 的差别在于 Predicate 包括组成公式的运算符,而Function 则包括组成 术语的运算符,而一个 List 却是一个特定的有序n元组。 |
| 总值关系 | 一个 Relation 是 TotalValuedRelation 以防该 Relation 最后参数位置出现一个赋值, 假设除了最后一个之外每个参数位置都 有一个赋值。注:声明一个 Relation 既是 TotalValuedRelation 又是 SingleValuedRelation 表示这是一个总函数。 |
Belongs to Class
实体 |
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