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Sigma KEE - Tire

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Tire EnglishLanguage "Any Pliable object with a ConvexRoundShape that is designed to cover the WheelRim, and provide a WearingFrictionSurface that can be replaced more cheaply and/ or easily than the rim. It may also increase traction, and provide some shock absorbtion or act as a Damper, thus smoothing the ride of a Vehicle.") Cars.kif 4766-4769
(subclass Tire Device) Cars.kif 4765-4765 Tire设备subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ATVTire Tire) Cars.kif 4800-4800 ATVTireTiresubclass
(subclass FourByFourTire Tire) Cars.kif 4633-4633 FourByFourTireTiresubclass
(subclass MudTire Tire) Cars.kif 4977-4977 MudTireTiresubclass
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tire "tire") Cars.kif 4770-4770


    (instance ?T Tire)
    (attribute ?T ConvexRoundShape))
Cars.kif 4787-4789
    (instance ?T Tire)
    (attribute ?T Pliable))
Cars.kif 4783-4785
    (instance ?T Tire)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?W ?R)
                (instance ?W Wheel)
                (instance ?R WheelRim)
                (part ?T ?W)
                (part ?R ?W)
                (covers ?T ?R)))))
Cars.kif 4772-4781


    (instance ?TC TireChanger)
    (hasPurpose ?TC
        (exists (?P ?T ?R)
                (instance ?P Putting)
                (instance ?T Tire)
                (instance ?R WheelRim)
                (destination ?P ?R)
                (objectTransferred ?P ?T)
                (instrument ?P ?TC)))))
Cars.kif 4860-4870
    (instance ?TC TireChanger)
    (hasPurpose ?TC
        (exists (?RE ?T ?R)
                (instance ?RE Removing)
                (instance ?T Tire)
                (instance ?R WheelRim)
                (origin ?RE ?R)
                (objectTransferred ?RE ?T)
                (instrument ?RE ?TC)))))
Cars.kif 4872-4882

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