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Sigma KEE - RectalTenesmus

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RectalTenesmus EnglishLanguage "Rectal tenesmus is a feeling of incomplete defecation. It is the sensation of inability or difficulty to empty the bowel at defecation, even if the bowel contents have already been evacuated. Tenesmus indicates the feeling of a residue, and is not always correlated with the actual presence of residual fecal matter in the rectum. It is frequently painful and may be accompanied by involuntary straining and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Tenesmus has both a nociceptive and a neuropathic component.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 5098-5106
(subclass RectalTenesmus DiseaseOrSyndrome) Medicine.kif 5096-5096 RectalTenesmus疾病或综合症subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage RectalTenesmus "rectal tenesmus") Medicine.kif 5108-5108
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RectalTenesmus "tenesmus") Medicine.kif 5107-5107


    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H RectalTenesmus))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (desires ?H
                (exists (?D)
                        (instance ?D Defecation)
                        (agent ?D ?H))))
                (needs ?H
                    (exists (?D)
                            (instance ?D Defecation)
                            (agent ?D ?H))))))))
Medicine.kif 5110-5125

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