appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation DevelopedCountry EnglishLanguage "DevelopedCountry (DC) is a term used to describe members of the top group in the UNEconomicDevelopmentLevels. DevelopedCountry includes market-oriented economies of mainly democratic nations, including members of the OrganizationForEconomicCooperationAndDevelopment (OECD). DCs are also known as First World countries, 'the North', and industrial countries. Developed countries generally have high incomes (high per capita GDP or GNI), but there are exceptions to DC membership both above and below that standard. There is significant overlap, but not perfect congruence, between the UN category DevelopedCountry and the IMF category AdvancedEconomy.") | Economy.kif 132-142 | |
(externalImage DevelopedCountry " a/ af/ World_Bank_income_groups.png") | pictureList.kif 5960-5960 | |
(externalImage DevelopedCountry " 7/ 78/ Developed_nation.png") | pictureList.kif 6380-6380 | |
(instance DevelopedCountry UNEconomicDevelopmentLevel) | Economy.kif 126-126 | 发达国家 是 联合国经济发展水平 的 instance |
appearance as argument number 2 |
consequent |
(=> (and (attribute ?AREA HighIncomeCountry) (not (member ?AREA OrganizationOfPetroleumExportingCountries))) (economyType ?AREA DevelopedCountry)) |
Economy.kif 506-510 | |
(=> (attribute ?AREA MajorIndustrialEconomy) (economyType ?AREA DevelopedCountry)) |
Economy.kif 743-745 |
statement |
(cardinality (ExtensionFn DevelopedCountry) 35) |
Economy.kif 144-144 | 35 是 和 发达国家 对应的 Class 的 cardinality |