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Sigma KEE - monetaryValue

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation monetaryValue ChineseLanguage "这是一个 BinaryPredicate,它把一个 ObjectProcess 和以一个CurrencyMeasure来表示它的价值联系起来。") chinese_format.kif 2668-2669
(documentation monetaryValue EnglishLanguage "A BinaryPredicate that associates an Object or Process with its value expressed as an instance of CurrencyMeasure.") Merge.kif 7822-7824
(documentation monetaryValue JapaneseLanguage "BinaryPredicate は、Object または ProcessCurrencyMeasure のインスタンスとして表される値に関連付ける。") japanese_format.kif 1388-1389
(domain monetaryValue 1 Physical) Merge.kif 7819-7819 货币价值 的 1 数量 是 物理instance
(domain monetaryValue 2 CurrencyMeasure) Merge.kif 7820-7820 货币价值 的 2 数量 是 货币测量instance
(instance monetaryValue AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 7817-7817 货币价值非对称关系instance
(instance monetaryValue BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 7818-7818 货币价值二元谓语instance
(instance monetaryValue SingleValuedRelation) Merge.kif 7816-7816 货币价值单值关系instance

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage monetaryValue "%1 的价值 %n 是 %2") chinese_format.kif 627-627
(format EnglishLanguage monetaryValue "value of %1 is %n %2") english_format.kif 630-630
(format FrenchLanguage monetaryValue "valeur de %1 est %n %2") french_format.kif 378-378
(format ItalianLanguage monetaryValue "valore di %1 è %n %2") relations-it.txt 193-193
(format JapaneseLanguage monetaryValue "%1 の value は %2 では %n") japanese_format.kif 2112-2112
(format PortugueseLanguage monetaryValue "o valor de %1 e' %n %2") portuguese_format.kif 330-330
(format cz monetaryValue "value of %1 %p{je} %n{nen�} %2") relations-cz.txt 387-387
(format de monetaryValue "wert von %1 ist %n{nicht} %2") relations-de.txt 822-822
(format hi monetaryValue "%1 kaa muulya %2 %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 231-231
(format ro monetaryValue "value%t{valoarea} lui %1 %n{nu} este %2") relations-ro.kif 400-400
(format sv monetaryValue "värdet av %1 är %n{inte} %2") relations-sv.txt 420-420
(format tg monetaryValue "bale ng %1 %n ay %2") relations-tg.txt 371-371
(subrelation appraisedValue monetaryValue) FinancialOntology.kif 1483-1483 评估价值货币价值subrelation
(subrelation finalPrice monetaryValue) FinancialOntology.kif 3476-3476 最终价格货币价值subrelation
(termFormat ChineseLanguage monetaryValue "货币价值") chinese_format.kif 628-628
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage monetaryValue "貨幣價值") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38356-38356
(termFormat EnglishLanguage monetaryValue "monetary value") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38355-38355
(termFormat tg monetaryValue "halaga ng salapi") relations-tg.txt 372-372


        (agent ?Purchase ?Buyer)
        (origin ?Purchase ?Seller)
        (patient ?Purchase ?Object)
        (monetaryValue ?Object ?Money))
    (exists (?Payment)
            (subProcess ?Payment ?Purchase)
            (instance ?Payment Payment)
            (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Money)
            (origin ?Payment ?Buyer)
            (destination ?Payment ?Seller))))
FinancialOntology.kif 487-499
        (downPayment ?Loan
            (MeasureFn ?Amount ?CUNIT))
        (loanForPurchase ?Loan ?Purchase)
        (monetaryValue ?Purchase
            (MeasureFn ?Value ?CUNIT))
        (equal ?Balance
            (SubtractionFn ?Value ?Amount)))
    (originalBalance ?Loan
        (MeasureFn ?Balance ?CUNIT)))
FinancialOntology.kif 818-828
        (instance ?Depositing DepositingACheck)
        (patient ?Depositing ?Check)
        (instance ?Check Check)
        (checkAccount ?Check ?Account)
        (monetaryValue ?Check ?Amount))
    (exists (?Deposit)
            (instance ?Deposit Deposit)
            (destination ?Deposit
                (CurrencyFn ?Account))
            (transactionAmount ?Deposit ?Amount))))
FinancialOntology.kif 340-351
        (monetaryValue ?Check ?Amount)
        (checkAccount ?Check ?Account)
        (instance ?Processing ProcessingACheck)
        (patient ?Processing ?Check)
            (WhenFn ?Processing) ?ProcessingTime))
    (exists (?Withdrawal ?WithdrawalTime)
            (instance ?Withdrawal Withdrawal)
            (instrument ?Withdrawal ?Check)
                (WhenFn ?Withdrawal) ?WithdrawalTime)
            (meetsTemporally ?ProcessingTime ?WithdrawalTime)
            (transactionAmount ?Withdrawal ?Amount)
            (origin ?Withdrawal ?Account))))
FinancialOntology.kif 104-118
        (monetaryValue ?Check ?Amount)
        (instance ?Processing ProcessingACheck)
        (patient ?Processing ?Check)
        (destination ?Processing
            (CurrencyFn ?Account))
        (instance ?Account FinancialAccount)
            (WhenFn ?Processing) ?ProcessingTime))
    (exists (?Deposit ?DepositTime)
            (instance ?Deposit Deposit)
            (instrument ?Deposit ?Check)
                (WhenFn ?Deposit) ?DepositTime)
            (meetsTemporally ?ProcessingTime ?DepositTime)
            (transactionAmount ?Deposit ?Amount)
            (destination ?Deposit
                (CurrencyFn ?Account)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 120-135
        (PropertyFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT)
        (WealthFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT))
Merge.kif 7843-7847


        (attribute ?H Muslim)
            (WealthFn ?H) ?W))
        (exists (?Z ?T ?U ?Y ?C)
                (instance ?Z Zakat)
                (instance ?Y Year)
                (during ?Y
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (holdsDuring ?Y
                    (attribute ?H FullyFormed))
                (agent ?Z ?H)
                (patient ?Z ?T)
                (monetaryValue ?T
                    (MeasureFn ?C ?U))
                (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                (greaterThan ?C
                    (MultiplicationFn ?W 0.025)))) Obligation))
ArabicCulture.kif 204-223
        (instance ?AWARD LegalAward)
        (refers ?AWARD ?ACTION)
        (instance ?ACTION LegalAction)
        (agent ?ACTION ?PLAINTIFF))
        (exists (?GET ?OBJ ?VALUE)
                (instance ?GET Getting)
                (experiencer ?GET ?PLAINTIFF)
                (patient ?GET ?OBJ)
                (monetaryValue ?OBJ ?VALUE))) ?AWARD ?PLAINTIFF))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16227-16239
        (instance ?S Saving)
        (patient ?S ?O)
        (agent ?S ?A))
    (exists (?Q1 ?Q2 ?U)
            (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                    (WhenFn ?S))
                (monetaryValue ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?Q1 ?U)))
                    (WhenFn ?S))
                (monetaryValue ?O
                    (MeasureFn ?Q2 ?U)))
            (possesses ?A ?O)
            (lessThan ?Q1 ?Q2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23885-23902
        (WealthFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT)
        (PropertyFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT))
Merge.kif 7837-7841
    (financialAsset ?P ?A)
    (exists (?V)
        (monetaryValue ?A ?V)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23913-23916
    (grossMerchandiseBoughtInPeriod ?A ?O ?CM ?TP)
        (monetaryValue ?CI ?CM)
        (instance ?CI
            (KappaFn ?COL
                    (instance ?B Buying)
                    (instance ?ITEM ?COL)
                    (agent ?B ?A)
                    (patient ?B ?ITEM)
                    (patient ?B ?O)
                    (during ?B ?TP))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2974-2986
    (grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod ?A ?O ?CM ?TP)
        (monetaryValue ?CI ?CM)
        (instance ?CI
            (KappaFn ?COL
                    (instance ?S Selling)
                    (instance ?ITEM ?COL)
                    (agent ?S ?A)
                    (patient ?S ?ITEM)
                    (patient ?S ?O)
                    (during ?S ?TP))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2998-3010
    (instance ?Asset FinancialAsset)
    (exists (?Value)
        (monetaryValue ?Asset ?Value)))
FinancialOntology.kif 47-50
    (instance ?CURRENCY Currency)
    (exists (?MEASURE)
        (monetaryValue ?CURRENCY ?MEASURE)))
Merge.kif 15700-15703
    (instance ?Cash Currency)
    (exists (?Value)
        (monetaryValue ?Cash ?Value)))
FinancialOntology.kif 3481-3484
    (instance ?Check Check)
    (exists (?Value)
        (monetaryValue ?Check ?Value)))
FinancialOntology.kif 94-97
    (instance ?X CurrencyExchangeService)
    (exists (?AMT1 ?CURR1 ?AMT2 ?CURR2 ?CUST ?M1 ?M2 ?NUM1 ?NUM2)
            (agent ?X ?CUST)
                (equal ?CURR1 ?CURR2))
            (instance ?AMT1 CurrencyMeasure)
            (instance ?AMT2 CurrencyMeasure)
                    (WhenFn ?X))
                    (monetaryValue ?M1 ?AMT1)
                    (possesses ?CUST ?M1)
                    (equal ?AMT1
                        (MeasureFn ?NUM1 ?CURR1))))
                    (WhenFn ?X))
                    (monetaryValue ?M2 ?AMT2)
                    (possesses ?CUST ?M2)
                        (possesses ?CUST ?M1))
                    (equal ?AMT2
                        (MeasureFn ?NUM2 ?CURR2)))))))
Hotel.kif 2104-2124
    (transactionAmount ?TRANS ?AMOUNT)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ)
            (monetaryValue ?OBJ ?AMOUNT))))
Merge.kif 11903-11908

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