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Sigma KEE - memberCount

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation memberCount EnglishLanguage "(memberCount ?ORG ?NUMBER) means that there is a total ?NUMBER of members in the Collection ?ORG.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 22636-22637
(domain memberCount 1 Collection) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22633-22633 会员数 的 1 数量 是 群体instance
(domain memberCount 2 Integer) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22634-22634 会员数 的 2 数量 是 整数instance
(instance memberCount BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22632-22632 会员数二元谓语instance

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage memberCount "%2 %n 是 %1 的 member 计数") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1683-1683
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage memberCount "%2 %n 是 %1 的 member 計數") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1682-1682
(format EnglishLanguage memberCount "%2 is %n a member count of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1681-1681
(termFormat ChineseLanguage memberCount "会员数") domainEnglishFormat.kif 37001-37001
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage memberCount "會員數") domainEnglishFormat.kif 37000-37000
(termFormat EnglishLanguage memberCount "member count") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36999-36999


        (instance ?COLL MonoploidChromosomeSet)
        (memberCount ?COLL ?I))
    (monoploidNumber ?COLL ?I))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 742-746
        (instance ?LGP LargeGroupProcess)
        (instance ?G Collection)
        (member ?M ?G)
        (involvedInEvent ?LGP ?M)
        (memberCount ?G ?N))
    (greaterThan ?N 10))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7939-7946
        (instance ?S Spamming)
        (instance ?G GroupOfPeople)
        (memberCount ?G ?N)
        (destination ?S ?G))
        (greaterThan ?N 100) Likely))
ComputingBrands.kif 4187-4195
        (instance ?X Kidnapping)
        (instance ?G GroupOfPeople)
        (memberCount ?G ?N)
        (patient ?X ?G))
    (lessThan ?N 3))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21951-21957
        (memberCount ?GROUP ?NUMBER1)
        (memberTypeCount ?GROUP ?TYPE ?NUMBER2))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22678-22682
        (seatsInOrganizationCount ?ORG ?SEATS)
        (memberCount ?ORG ?MEMBERS))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?SEATS ?MEMBERS))
Government.kif 2074-2078
    (memberCount ?ORG ?NUM)
    (equal ?NUM
            (KappaFn ?MEM
                (member ?MEM ?ORG)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22639-22645


    (beliefGroupPercentInRegion ?BG ?N ?R)
    (exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
            (located ?P ?R)
            (member ?P ?BG)
            (member ?P ?G1)
            (memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
            (located ?P2 ?R)
            (member ?P2 ?G2)
            (memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
                (DivisionFn ?N 100)
                (DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2)))))
People.kif 1528-1539 百分之 实数 信仰团体 的人相信 那个 信仰团体 若且唯若 有存在 群体另一个 群体,, , 物理,, , 那个 物理2,, , 那个 实数1, and 和 那个 实数2 这样 那个 物理located 地理区域那个 物理那个 信仰团体member那个 物理那个 群体member那个 实数1 是 那个 群体member 计数 和 那个 物理2 是 located那个 地理区域那个 物理2 是 那个 另外 群体member那个 实数2 是 那个 另外 群体member 计数 和 那个 实数 和 100 equal 那个 实数1 和 那个 实数2
    (ethnicityPercentInRegion ?BG ?N ?R)
    (exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
            (located ?P ?R)
            (member ?P ?BG)
            (member ?P ?G1)
            (memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
            (located ?P2 ?R)
            (member ?P2 ?G2)
            (memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
                (DivisionFn ?N 100)
                (DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2)))))
People.kif 1547-1558 实数 percent 的人在 地理区域 民族群组 若且唯若 有存在 群体另一个 群体,, , 物理,, , 那个 物理,, , 那个 实数, and 和 那个 实数 这样 那个 物理located那个 地理区域那个 物理那个 民族群组member那个 物理那个 群体member那个 实数那个 群体member 计数 和 那个 物理located那个 地理区域那个 物理那个 另外 群体member那个 实数那个 另外 群体member 计数 和 那个 实数 和 100 equal 那个 实数那个 实数
    (languagePercentInRegion ?L ?N ?R)
    (exists (?G1 ?G2 ?P ?P2 ?N1 ?N2)
            (located ?P ?R)
            (member ?P ?G1)
            (speaksLanguage ?P ?L)
            (memberCount ?G1 ?N1)
            (located ?P2 ?R)
            (member ?P2 ?G2)
            (memberCount ?G2 ?N2)
                (DivisionFn ?N 100)
                (DivisionFn ?N1 ?N2)))))
People.kif 1566-1577 百分之 实数 的人在 地理区域 speak 语言 若且唯若 有存在 群体另一个 群体,, , 有感知的主事,, , 那个 有感知的主事,, , 那个 实数, and 和 那个 实数 这样 那个 有感知的主事located那个 地理区域那个 有感知的主事那个 群体member那个 语言那个 有感知的主事speaks 语言 和 那个 实数那个 群体member 计数 和 那个 有感知的主事located那个 地理区域那个 有感知的主事那个 另外 群体member那个 实数那个 另外 群体member 计数 和 那个 实数 和 100 equal 那个 实数那个 实数
        (chromosomeNumber ?C ?I)
        (part ?N ?C)
        (instance ?N CellNucleus)
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (located ?COLL ?N)
        (memberType ?COLL Chromosome))
    (memberCount ?COLL ?I))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 702-710
        (haploidNumber ?CELL ?I)
        (instance ?CELL Gamete)
        (part ?N ?CELL)
        (instance ?N CellNucleus)
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (located ?COLL ?N)
        (memberType ?COLL Chromosome))
    (memberCount ?COLL ?I))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 793-802
        (instance ?C Crystal)
        (attribute ?C MonoCrystalline)
        (instance ?SUB Substance)
        (attribute ?SUB Solid)
        (attribute ?SUB PolyCrystalline)
        (instance ?S Substance)
        (surface ?S ?SUB)
            (part ?C ?S)))
    (exists (?CLNT ?X ?MBR)
            (instance ?CLNT Collection)
            (memberCount ?CLNT ?X)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?X 4)
                (member ?MBR ?CLNT)
                    (part ?MBR ?SUB)
                    (meetsSpatially ?C ?MBR))))))
Geography.kif 7142-7162
        (instance ?CS1 ?CLASS)
        (subclass ?CLASS CompoundSubstance)
            (exists (?CS2)
                    (instance ?CS2 ?CLASS)
                    (part ?CS2 ?CS1))))
        (molecularRatio ?ECLASS ?N ?CLASS)
        (instance ?G Group)
        (member ?E ?G)
        (part ?E ?CS1)
        (instance ?E ?ECLASS))
    (memberCount ?G ?N))
Cars.kif 1778-1792
        (instance ?E Eyebrow)
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (part ?E ?H)
        (member ?C ?E))
    (memberCount ?E 2))
Anatomy.kif 1450-1456
        (instance ?FLEET Fleet)
        (fleetSize ?AGENT ?NUM)
        (possesses ?AGENT ?FLEET))
    (memberCount ?FLEET ?NUM))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3528-3533
        (maxRoomCapacity ?ROOM ?NUM)
        (instance ?X ?ROOM)
        (element ?X
            (PropertyFn ?AGENT)))
        (exists (?GRP ?PPL)
                (instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
                (memberCount ?GRP ?PPL)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?PPL ?NUM)
                (stays ?GRP ?X))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 479-490
        (numberAdultOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
        (fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?COL)
            (instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
            (memberType ?COL HumanAdult)
            (memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
            (potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL))))
Hotel.kif 2883-2892
        (numberChildOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
        (fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?COL ?SUBCOL)
            (instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
            (subCollection ?SUBCOL ?COL)
            (instance ?SUBCOL GroupOfPeople)
            (memberType ?SUBCOL HumanChild)
            (memberCount ?SUBCOL ?NUM)
            (potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL))))
Hotel.kif 2903-2914
        (numberOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
        (fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?COL)
            (instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
            (memberType ?COL Human)
            (memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
            (potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL))))
Hotel.kif 2864-2873
        (numberOfCustomers ?NUM ?RESERVE)
        (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RESERVE)
        (reservingEntity ?CUST ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?GRP)
            (potentialCustomer ?GRP ?AGENT)
            (instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
            (member ?CUST ?GRP)
            (memberCount ?GRP ?NUM))))
Dining.kif 732-742
        (numberSeniorOccupant ?RESERVE ?NUM)
        (fulfillingEntity ?HOTEL ?RESERVE))
    (exists (?COL ?AGE)
            (instance ?COL GroupOfPeople)
            (forall (?X)
                    (member ?X ?COL)
                        (instance ?X HumanAdult)
                        (age ?X
                            (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE 60))))
            (memberCount ?COL ?NUM)
            (potentialCustomer ?COL ?HOTEL))))
Hotel.kif 2925-2940
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N Integer))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G Collection)
                (memberType ?G ?O)
                (memberCount ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30944-30959
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N Integer))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?G)
                (instance ?G Collection)
                (memberType ?G ?O)
                (memberCount ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30886-30896
        (shortage ?A ?O ?C ?T ?N)
        (instance ?N Integer))
        (exists (?B ?G)
                (instance ?B Buying)
                    (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                (objectTransferred ?B ?G)
                (transactionAmount ?B ?C)
                (agent ?B ?A)
                (instance ?G Collection)
                (memberType ?G ?O)
                (memberCount ?G ?N)
                (possesses ?A ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30911-30926
    (breathingRate ?H ?T ?I)
    (exists (?C ?M)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (memberType ?C Breath)
            (memberCount ?C ?I)
                (member ?M ?C)
                    (patient ?M ?H)
                        (WhenFn ?M) ?T))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10385-10397
    (capacityByArrangement ?AREA ?PROP ?INT)
        (represents ?AREA ?PROP)
            (exists (?GRP ?PPL)
                    (instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
                    (memberCount ?GRP ?PPL)
                    (lessThanOrEqualTo ?PPL ?INT)
                    (located ?GRP ?AREA))) Possibility)))
Hotel.kif 790-800
    (coilCount ?WC ?N)
    (exists (?C ?C2F)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (memberCount ?C ?N)
            (forall (?M)
                    (member ?M ?C)
                        (attribute ?M ?C2F)
                        (instance ?C2F ClosedTwoDimensionalFigure)
                        (part ?M ?WC)
                            (exists (?M2)
                                    (overlapsSpatially ?M2 ?M)
                                    (member ?M2 ?C))))))))))
Cars.kif 3124-3141
    (heartRate ?H ?T ?I)
    (exists (?C ?M)
            (instance ?C Collection)
            (memberType ?C HeartBeat)
            (memberCount ?C ?I)
                (member ?M ?C)
                    (patient ?M ?H)
                        (WhenFn ?M) ?T))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10344-10356
    (instance ?B BowlingBall)
    (exists (?HOLES)
            (instance ?HOLES Collection)
            (memberType ?HOLES HoleRegion)
            (memberCount ?HOLES 3)
            (located ?HOLES ?B)
            (hasPurpose ?HOLES
                (exists (?FINGER ?HOLE)
                        (member ?HOLE ?HOLES)
                        (instance ?FINGER Finger)
                        (partiallyFills ?FINGER ?HOLE)))))))
Sports.kif 1126-1139
    (instance ?B Bus)
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?C ?T ?N ?P)
                (instance ?C Collection)
                (instance ?T Transportation)
                (memberCount ?C ?N)
                (greaterThan ?N 11)
                    (member ?P ?C)
                    (patient ?T ?P))))))
Transportation.kif 1972-1983
    (instance ?PARK ParkingLot)
    (exists (?C ?N)
            (located ?C ?PARK)
            (forall (?SLOT)
                    (member ?SLOT ?C)
                    (instance ?SLOT ParkingRegion)))
            (memberCount ?C ?N)
            (greaterThan ?N 1))))
TransportDetail.kif 78-88

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