Sigma KEE - disjointDecomposition
appearance as argument number 1
appearance as argument number 2
(format ChineseLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 %n 分拆成不相交的 %*{2-}[,]") |
chinese_format.kif 287-287 |
(format EnglishLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 is %n disjointly decomposed into %*{2-}[,]") |
english_format.kif 292-292 |
(format FrenchLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 est %n disjointement decompos� en %*{2-}[,]") |
french_format.kif 166-166 |
(format ItalianLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 è %n scomposto disgiuntivamente in %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-it.txt 76-76 |
(format JapaneseLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 は %*{2-}[,] に disjointly decomposed %n") |
japanese_format.kif 1986-1986 |
(format PortugueseLanguage disjointDecomposition "%1 e' %n disjuntamente decomponivel em %*{2-}[,]") |
portuguese_format.kif 118-118 |
(format cb disjointDecomposition "%1 %n ay magtunga sa %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-cb.txt 110-110 |
(format cz disjointDecomposition "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} disjointly decomposed into %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-cz.txt 186-186 |
(format de disjointDecomposition "%1 wird zusammenhanglos auf %*{2-}[,] %n{nicht} disjunkt") |
relations-de.txt 373-373 |
(format hi disjointDecomposition "%1 asanyukta ruupa se %*{2-}[,] men viyojita %n hai") |
relations-hindi.txt 116-116 |
(format ro disjointDecomposition "%1 %n{nu} decomposed%t{se descompune} disjointly%t{disjunct} în %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-ro.kif 186-186 |
(format sv disjointDecomposition "%1 är %n{inte} disjunkt nedbrutet till %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-sv.txt 173-173 |
(format tg disjointDecomposition "%1 %n ay maghati sa %*{2-}[,]") |
relations-tg.txt 168-168 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage disjointDecomposition "不相交分解") |
domainEnglishFormat.kif 19854-19854 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage disjointDecomposition "不相交的分拆") |
chinese_format.kif 288-288 |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage disjointDecomposition "不相交分解") |
domainEnglishFormat.kif 19853-19853 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage disjointDecomposition "disjoint decomposition") |
domainEnglishFormat.kif 19852-19852 |
(termFormat de disjointDecomposition "disjunkteAufspaltung") |
terms-de.txt 116-116 |
(termFormat tg disjointDecomposition "pagkakahati") |
relations-tg.txt 169-169 |
appearance as argument number 0
(disjointDecomposition Abstract Quantity Attribute Relation Proposition List) |
Merge.kif 1670-1670 |
抽象体 分拆成不相交的 数量, 属性, 关系, 命题, 和 串列 |
(disjointDecomposition Arthropod Arachnid Myriapod Insect Crustacean) |
Merge.kif 14571-14571 |
节肢动物 分拆成不相交的 蛛形䋞动物, 多足动物, 昆虫, 和 甲壳类动物 |
(disjointDecomposition ColdBloodedVertebrate Amphibian Fish Reptile) |
Merge.kif 14593-14593 |
冷血脊椎动物 分拆成不相交的 两栖动物, 鱼, 和 爬虫类 |
(disjointDecomposition CommissionedOfficerRank FlagOfficerRank FieldGradeOfficerRank CompanyGradeRank) |
Military.kif 283-284 |
委任军官级别 分拆成不相交的 国旗官员级别, 现场等级军官等级, 和 公司等级排名 |
(disjointDecomposition ComputerStatus HostReady HostDown Booting) |
ComputingBrands.kif 3215-3215 |
电脑状态 分拆成不相交的 准备好主持, 主持人, 和 啟動中 |
(disjointDecomposition DifferentialEquation FirstOrderDifferentialEquation HigherOrderDifferentialEquation) |
engineering.kif 180-180 |
微分方程 分拆成不相交的 一阶微分方程 和 高阶微分方程 |
(disjointDecomposition DifferentialEquation OrdinaryDifferentialEquation PartialDifferentialEquation) |
engineering.kif 190-190 |
微分方程 分拆成不相交的 常微分方程 和 偏微分方程 |
(disjointDecomposition EnlistedSoldierRank PrivateRank NonCommissionedOfficerRank) |
Military.kif 269-269 |
士兵军衔 分拆成不相交的 私人排名 和 非委任军官级别 |
(disjointDecomposition Expressing ExpressingApproval ExpressingDisapproval) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12971-12971 |
表示 分拆成不相交的 表示赞同 和 表示不赞成 |
(disjointDecomposition GameArtifact GameBoard GamePiece) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17004-17004 |
游戏神器 分拆成不相交的 游戏板 和 游戏片 |
(disjointDecomposition Invertebrate Worm Mollusk Arthropod) |
Merge.kif 14550-14550 |
无脊椎动物 分拆成不相交的 蠕虫, 软体动物, 和 节肢动物 |
(disjointDecomposition LAN BusNetwork StarNetwork RingNetwork) |
QoSontology.kif 37-37 |
LAN 分拆成不相交的 公交网络, 星网, 和 环网 |
(disjointDecomposition Language AnimalLanguage HumanLanguage ComputerLanguage) |
Merge.kif 1406-1406 |
语言 分拆成不相交的 兽语, 人类语言, 和 电算机语言 |
(disjointDecomposition Mammal AquaticMammal HoofedMammal Marsupial Rodent Primate) |
Merge.kif 14627-14627 |
哺乳动物 分拆成不相交的 水生哺乳动物, 有蹄哺乳动物, 有袋动物, 啮齿动物, 和 灵长类动物 |
(disjointDecomposition NSAID Aspirin Ibuprofen Acetaminophen) |
Medicine.kif 3505-3505 |
NSAID 分拆成不相交的 Aspirin, Ibuprofen, 和 Acetaminophen |
(disjointDecomposition NonCommissionedOfficerRank JuniorNCORank SeniorNCORank) |
Military.kif 306-306 |
非委任军官级别 分拆成不相交的 初级NCO排名 和 高级NCO排名 |
(disjointDecomposition NonFloweringPlant Alga Fern Moss) |
Merge.kif 14456-14456 |
无花植物 分拆成不相交的 藻类, 蕨类, 和 苔藓 |
(disjointDecomposition Nutrient Protein Carbohydrate Vitamin) |
Merge.kif 14728-14728 |
营养 分拆成不相交的 蛋白质, 碳水化物, 和 维生素 |
(disjointDecomposition Phrase VerbPhrase NounPhrase PrepositionalPhrase) |
Merge.kif 15348-15348 |
短语 分拆成不相交的 动词短语, 名词短语, 和 介词短语 |
(disjointDecomposition PowerGeneration FossilFuelPowerGeneration HydroElectricPowerGeneration NuclearPowerGeneration OtherSourcePowerGeneration) |
Economy.kif 2087-2087 |
发电 分拆成不相交的 化石燃料发电, 水力发电, 核能发电, 和 其他发电源 |
(disjointDecomposition Primate Ape Monkey Hominid) |
Merge.kif 14673-14673 |
灵长类动物 分拆成不相交的 猿, 猴子, 和 原始人类 |
(disjointDecomposition Relation BinaryRelation TernaryRelation QuaternaryRelation QuintaryRelation VariableArityRelation) |
Merge.kif 2160-2161 |
关系 分拆成不相交的 二元关系, 三元关系, 四元关系, 五元关系, 和 不定次元关系 |
(disjointDecomposition Residence PermanentResidence TemporaryResidence) |
Merge.kif 15823-15823 |
住宅 分拆成不相交的 永久居留权 和 暂住 |
(disjointDecomposition Sentence Statement Supposition Question Request Order) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14258-14258 |
句子 分拆成不相交的 声明, 假想, 题, 请求, 和 订购 |
(disjointDecomposition Tissue ConnectiveTissue MuscleTissue NervousTissue EpithelialTissue) |
Merge.kif 15171-15171 |
身体组织 分拆成不相交的 ConnectiveTissue, MuscleTissue, NervousTissue, 和 EpithelialTissue |
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| Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |
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