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Sigma KEE - VoiceActor

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation VoiceActor EnglishLanguage "Like an Actor, a VoiceActor is also an agent of the dramatic performance. However, only his voice can be heard and not the actor himself") Biography.kif 755-755
(instance VoiceActor ArtisticOccupation) Biography.kif 754-754 配音演员ArtisticOccupationinstance
(subAttribute VoiceActor Actor) Biography.kif 753-753 配音演员ActorsubAttribute

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage VoiceActor "配音演员") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61865-61865
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage VoiceActor "配音演員") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61864-61864
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VoiceActor "voice actor") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61863-61863


        (attribute ?ACTOR VoiceActor)
        (instance ?DRAMA DramaticActing)
        (agent ?DRAMA ?ACTOR)
        (instance ?SPEAK LinguisticCommunication)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?ACTOR)
        (subProcess ?SPEAK ?DRAMA))
            (exists (?S ?VIEWER)
                    (instance ?S Seeing)
                    (patient ?S ?ACTOR)
                    (agent ?S ?VIEWER))))
        (exists (?H ?VIEWER)
                (instance ?H Hearing)
                (patient ?H ?ACTOR)
                (agent ?H ?VIEWER)))))
Biography.kif 757-776

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