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Sigma KEE - Vegetable

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Vegetable EnglishLanguage "LeafyGreenVegetable is a the class of Vegetable that are PlantLeaf(ves).") Economy.kif 4211-4212
(documentation Vegetable EnglishLanguage "Vegetable is a subclass of FruitOrVegetable.") Economy.kif 4207-4207
(subclass Vegetable FruitOrVegetable) Economy.kif 4206-4206 蔬菜水果或蔬菜subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(industryProductType VegetableFarming Vegetable) Economy.kif 6197-6197 蔬菜蔬菜种植industry 产品类别
(subclass Cabbage Vegetable) Economy.kif 4234-4234 卷心菜蔬菜subclass
(subclass Cauliflower Vegetable) Economy.kif 4262-4262 菜花蔬菜subclass
(subclass Celery Vegetable) Food.kif 2425-2425 Celery蔬菜subclass
(subclass Cucumber Vegetable) Economy.kif 4220-4220 黄瓜蔬菜subclass
(subclass Eggplant Vegetable) Economy.kif 4271-4271 茄子蔬菜subclass
(subclass Ginger Vegetable) Economy.kif 4464-4464 生姜蔬菜subclass
(subclass LeafyGreenVegetable Vegetable) Economy.kif 4210-4210 绿叶蔬菜蔬菜subclass
(subclass Squash Vegetable) Economy.kif 4333-4333 南瓜屬蔬菜subclass
(subclass SugarBeet Vegetable) Economy.kif 4334-4334 甜菜蔬菜subclass
(subclass SugarCane Vegetable) Economy.kif 4352-4352 甘蔗蔬菜subclass
(subclass SweetPepper Vegetable) Economy.kif 4332-4332 甜椒蔬菜subclass
(subclass WaterChestnut Vegetable) Food.kif 3647-3647 WaterChestnut蔬菜subclass
(subclass Zucchini Vegetable) Food.kif 3649-3649 Zucchini蔬菜subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Vegetable "蔬菜") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61306-61306
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Vegetable "蔬菜") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61305-61305
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Vegetable "vegetable") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61304-61304

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