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Sigma KEE - PhysiologicProcess

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PhysiologicProcess ChineseLanguage "这是一个 Organism 或者是一个 Organism 的一部分的一个正常过程。") chinese_format.kif 2896-2897
(documentation PhysiologicProcess EnglishLanguage "A normal process of an Organism or part of an Organism.") Merge.kif 10196-10197
(documentation PhysiologicProcess JapaneseLanguage "Organism または Organism の一部の通 常のプロセス。") japanese_format.kif 1645-1646
(subclass PhysiologicProcess BiologicalProcess) Merge.kif 10194-10194 生理过程生物过程subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint PathologicProcess PhysiologicProcess) Merge.kif 10421-10421 病理过程 和 % 2 是 disjoint
(subclass AutonomicProcess PhysiologicProcess) Merge.kif 10199-10199 自主过程生理过程subclass
(subclass OrganismProcess PhysiologicProcess) Merge.kif 10220-10220 机体过程生理过程subclass
(subclass PhysiologicalResponseToEmotionalState PhysiologicProcess) emotion.kif 1367-1367 PhysiologicalResponseToEmotionalState生理过程subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PhysiologicProcess "生理过程") chinese_format.kif 1074-1074
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PhysiologicProcess "physiologic process") english_format.kif 1359-1359
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PhysiologicProcess "processus physiologique") french_format.kif 752-752
(termFormat Hindi PhysiologicProcess "shaarIrika prakriyaa") terms-hindi.txt 284-284
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PhysiologicProcess "ProcessoFisiologico") terms-it.txt 287-287
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PhysiologicProcess "生理学的プロセス") japanese_format.kif 2436-2436
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PhysiologicProcess "Processo Fisiologico") portuguese_format.kif 704-704
(termFormat cz PhysiologicProcess "physiologic process") terms-cz.txt 323-323
(termFormat ro PhysiologicProcess "proces fiziologic") relations-ro.kif 773-773
(termFormat tg PhysiologicProcess "paraan ng Pisyolohiya") terms-tg.txt 288-288

appearance as argument number 3

(domainSubclass ImpairmentFn 1 PhysiologicProcess) Merge.kif 13515-13515 ImpairmentFn 的 1 数量 是 生理过程subclass


    (instance ?H Honey)
    (exists (?P ?B)
            (instance ?P PhysiologicProcess)
            (agent ?P ?B)
            (instance ?B Bee)
            (result ?P ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21664-21671
    (instance ?PART BodyPart)
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC PhysiologicProcess)
            (result ?PROC ?PART))))
Merge.kif 15009-15014
    (instance ?X Excrement)
    (exists (?PROC ?ORG)
            (instance ?ORG Organism)
            (instance ?PROC PhysiologicProcess)
            (result ?PROC ?X)
            (agent ?PROC ?ORG))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2060-2067
    (instance ?X Feces)
    (exists (?PROC ?INT)
            (instance ?PROC PhysiologicProcess)
            (instrument ?PROC ?INT)
            (instance ?INT Intestine)
            (result ?PROC ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2078-2085
    (instance ?X Urine)
    (exists (?PROC ?KIDNEY)
            (instance ?PROC PhysiologicProcess)
            (instrument ?PROC ?KIDNEY)
            (instance ?KIDNEY Kidney)
            (result ?PROC ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2096-2103

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