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Sigma KEE - Month

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Month ChineseLanguage "这是所有日历 MonthClass。") chinese_format.kif 2794-2794
(documentation Month EnglishLanguage "The Class of all calendar Months.") Merge.kif 9082-9082
(documentation Month JapaneseLanguage "すべてのカレンダー MonthClass。") japanese_format.kif 1535-1535
(relatedInternalConcept Month MonthFn) Merge.kif 9080-9080 月函数 是 内部相关
(subclass Month TimeInterval) Merge.kif 9079-9079 时距subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(rangeSubclass MonthFn Month) Merge.kif 8609-8609 月函数 的所得值 是 subclass
(relatedInternalConcept DhuAlHijjah Month) ArabicCulture.kif 113-113 Dhu al hijjah 是 内部相关
(subclass April Month) Merge.kif 9136-9136 A四月subclass
(subclass August Month) Merge.kif 9192-9192 八月subclass
(subclass December Month) Merge.kif 9249-9249 十二月subclass
(subclass February Month) Merge.kif 9098-9098 二月subclass
(subclass January Month) Merge.kif 9084-9084 一月subclass
(subclass July Month) Merge.kif 9178-9178 七月subclass
(subclass June Month) Merge.kif 9164-9164 六月subclass
(subclass March Month) Merge.kif 9122-9122 三月subclass
(subclass May Month) Merge.kif 9150-9150 五月subclass
(subclass November Month) Merge.kif 9235-9235 十一月subclass
(subclass October Month) Merge.kif 9221-9221 十月subclass
(subclass September Month) Merge.kif 9206-9206 九月subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Month "月") chinese_format.kif 1276-1276
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Month "month") english_format.kif 1769-1769
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Month "mois") french_format.kif 954-954
(termFormat Hindi Month "mahInaa") terms-hindi.txt 489-489
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Month "Mese") terms-it.txt 493-493
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Month "月") japanese_format.kif 2638-2638
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Month "Mes") portuguese_format.kif 906-906
(termFormat cb Month "bulana") terms-cb.txt 495-495
(termFormat cz Month "month") terms-cz.txt 529-529
(termFormat ro Month "lunã") relations-ro.kif 975-975

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain averageRainfallForPeriod 2 Month) Geography.kif 1306-1306 期间平均降雨量 的 2 数量 是 instance
(domainSubclass DayFn 2 Month) Merge.kif 8625-8625 日函数 的 2 数量 是 subclass
(domainSubclass MonthFn 1 Month) Merge.kif 8607-8607 月函数 的 1 数量 是 subclass


        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
        (forall (?MO)
                (instance ?MO Month)
                (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                    (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree)))))
    (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
Geography.kif 1522-1530
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA DesertClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA SubtropicalDesertClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1370-1377
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree)))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?TEMP -3.0))
Geography.kif 1419-1425
        (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TropicalClimateZone)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageRainfallForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT
                (MilliFn Meter)))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT 60.0))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA WetTropicalClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1316-1323
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?MO Month)
        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
            (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
        (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarClimateZone))
Geography.kif 1575-1582
        (instance ?Account LiabilityAccount)
        (minimumPayment ?Account
            (MeasureFn ?MinPayment ?U) MonthDuration)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (exists (?Payment ?Month)
                (instance ?Month Month)
                (destination ?Payment
                    (CurrencyFn ?Account))
                (paymentsPerPeriod ?Account
                    (MeasureFn ?Amount ?U) ?Month)
                (lessThan ?Amount ?MinPayment))))
    (exists (?Penalty)
            (instance ?Penalty Penalty)
            (destination ?Penalty
                (CurrencyFn ?Account)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 759-775
        (instance ?D EasterSunday)
        (temporalPart ?D ?M)
        (instance ?M Month))
        (instance ?M March)
        (instance ?M April)
        (instance ?M May)))
Media.kif 498-506
        (instance ?MONTH Month)
        (duration ?MONTH
            (MeasureFn ?NUMBER DayDuration)))
            (TemporalCompositionFn ?MONTH Day)) ?NUMBER))
Merge.kif 9499-9503


    (monthlyIncome ?Agent ?Money)
    (exists (?Month)
            (instance ?Month Month)
            (income ?Agent ?Money ?Month))))
FinancialOntology.kif 3283-3288 人类monthly income 货币测量 若且唯若 有存在 时距 这样 那个 时距instance那个 人类 对于 那个 时距 income 那个 货币测量
        (instance ?H Hanukkah)
        (equal ?B
            (BeginFn ?H)))
    (exists (?M)
            (temporalPart ?B ?M)
            (instance ?M Month)
                (instance ?M November)
                (instance ?M December)))))
Media.kif 587-597
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA ColdClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (temporalPart ?MO WinterSeason)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (lessThan ?AMOUNT -3.0))))
Geography.kif 1533-1541
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA PolarClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan 10.0 ?TEMP))))
Geography.kif 1566-1573
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA SubtropicalDesertClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0))))
Geography.kif 1379-1386
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?AMOUNT 10.0))))
Geography.kif 1409-1416
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TemperateClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT -3.0)
            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT 18.0)
                (exists (?M2 ?MT2)
                        (instance ?M2 Month)
                        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?M2
                            (MeasureFn ?MT2 CelsiusDegree))
                        (lessThan ?MT2 ?AMOUNT)))))))
Geography.kif 1428-1443
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA TropicalClimateZone)
    (exists (?MO ?TEMP)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?TEMP CelsiusDegree))
            (greaterThan ?TEMP 18.0)
                (exists (?M2 ?MT2)
                        (averageTemperatureForPeriod ?AREA ?M2
                            (MeasureFn ?MT2 CelsiusDegree))
                        (lessThan ?MT2 ?TEMP)))))))
Geography.kif 1285-1298
    (climateTypeInArea ?AREA WetTropicalClimateZone)
    (forall (?MO ?AMOUNT)
            (instance ?MO Month)
            (averageRainfallForPeriod ?AREA ?MO
                (MeasureFn ?AMOUNT
                    (MilliFn Meter)))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AMOUNT 60.0))))
Geography.kif 1325-1332
    (instance ?YEAR Year)
            (TemporalCompositionFn ?YEAR Month)) 12))
Merge.kif 9495-9497

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