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Sigma KEE - IntelligenceOfficer

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(documentation IntelligenceOfficer EnglishLanguage "An intelligence officer is a person employed by an organization to collect, compile or analyze information (known as intelligence) which is of use to that organization. The word of officer is a working title, not a rank, used in the same way a 'police officer' can also be a sergeant, or in the military, in which non-commissioned personnel may serve as intelligence officers. Organizations which employ intelligence officers include armed forces, police, and customs agencies.[from Wikipedia]") MilitaryPersons.kif 762-768


    (attribute ?H IntelligenceOfficer)
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (exists (?I)
                (instance ?I IntelligenceActivities)
                (agent ?I ?H)))))
MilitaryPersons.kif 771-777

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