appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry EnglishLanguage "FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry (former USSR-EE) is an Attribute that characterizes countries that were part of the former Soviet Union or its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. This level occupies a middle position between DevelopedCountry (DC) and LessDevelopedCountry (LDC) in UNEconomicDevelopmentLevels. Previously, former USSR-EE countries had a CentrallyPlannedEconomy and were Marxist-Leninist states. Many are now evolving away from command economies to market economic systems. During the 1980's, the group included Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Hungary, North Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, the USSR, Vietnam and Yugoslavia.") | Economy.kif 193-204 | |
(instance FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry UNEconomicDevelopmentLevel) | Economy.kif 182-182 | 前苏联或东欧国家 是 联合国经济发展水平 的 instance |
(successorAttribute FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry DevelopedCountry) | Economy.kif 187-187 | 前苏联或东欧国家 是 发达国家 的直接后续属性 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(formerName "Second World" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 186-186 | "Second World" 是对于 前苏联或东欧国家 的 former name |
(names "Former Eastern European" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 185-185 | 前苏联或东欧国家 的名 是 "Former Eastern European" |
(names "Former Soviet or Eastern European Country" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 183-183 | 前苏联或东欧国家 的名 是 "Former Soviet or Eastern European Country" |
(names "Former Soviet" FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 184-184 | 前苏联或东欧国家 的名 是 "Former Soviet" |
(successorAttribute LessDevelopedCountry FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) | Economy.kif 209-209 | 较未发达国家 是 前苏联或东欧国家 的直接后续属性 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry "前苏联或东欧国家") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 24752-24752 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry "前蘇聯或東歐國家") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 24751-24751 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry "former soviet or eastern european country") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 24750-24750 |
antecedent |
(=> (attribute ?AREA FormerSovietOrEasternEuropeanCountry) (economyType ?AREA CountryInTransition)) |
Economy.kif 189-191 |