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Sigma KEE - CarbonDioxide

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation CarbonDioxide EnglishLanguage "Carbon dioxide is a common compound in the Earth's atmosphere, and an essential compound used in the cycle of photosynthesis.") Food.kif 3410-3412
(roomTempState CarbonDioxide Gas) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31606-31606 roomTempState CarbonDioxide and 加油站
(subclass CarbonDioxide CompoundSubstance) Food.kif 3409-3409 CarbonDioxide复合物质subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage CarbonDioxide "carbon dioxide") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64597-64597


        (instance ?B Blood)
        (attribute ?B DeoxygenatedBlood)
            (MeasureFn ?N Milliliter) CarbonDioxide
            (MeasureFn 100 Milliliter) ?B))
    (approximateValue ?N 4))
Medicine.kif 5775-5782
        (instance ?B Blood)
        (attribute ?B OxygenatedBlood)
            (MeasureFn ?N Milliliter) CarbonDioxide
            (MeasureFn 100 Milliliter) ?B))
    (approximateValue ?N 5))
Medicine.kif 5752-5759
        (instance ?CD CarbonDioxide)
        (instance ?CD Molecule))
    (exists (?C ?O1 ?O2)
            (instance ?C Carbon)
            (instance ?O1 Oxygen)
            (instance ?O2 Oxygen)
            (instance ?C Atom)
            (instance ?O1 Atom)
            (instance ?O2 Atom)
            (part ?C ?CD)
            (part ?O1 ?CD)
            (part ?O2 ?CD)
                (equal ?O1 ?O2)))))
Food.kif 3414-3429


    (instance ?S Soda)
    (exists (?CD)
            (instance ?CD CarbonDioxide)
            (part ?CD ?S))))
Food.kif 3433-3438
    (instance ?S SparklingWater)
    (exists (?P ?W ?CD)
            (instance ?P Putting)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (destination ?P ?CD)
            (instance ?CD CarbonDioxide)
            (result ?P ?S)
            (part ?CD ?S))))
Food.kif 226-235

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