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Sigma KEE - BodyMotion

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BodyMotion ChineseLanguage "这是当 agent 一个 Organism,而 patient 是一个 BodyPartMotion。") chinese_format.kif 3002-3003
(documentation BodyMotion EnglishLanguage "Any Motion where the agent is an Organism and the patient is a BodyPart.") Merge.kif 11130-11131
(documentation BodyMotion JapaneseLanguage "agentOrganismpatientBodyPart である任意の Motion。") japanese_format.kif 1765-1766
(externalImage BodyMotion " thumb/ f/ f5/ Dominik_Klein_jump.jpg/ 250px-Dominik_Klein_jump.jpg") pictureList.kif 1052-1052
(subclass BodyMotion Motion) Merge.kif 11128-11128 身体运动运动subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Ambulating BodyMotion) Merge.kif 11172-11172 走动身体运动subclass
(subclass Blinking BodyMotion) Medicine.kif 447-447 Blinking身体运动subclass
(subclass Chewing BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11578-11578 咀嚼身体运动subclass
(subclass Crawling BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4374-4374 Crawling身体运动subclass
(subclass Dancing BodyMotion) Merge.kif 11217-11217 跳舞身体运动subclass
(subclass Dismounting BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20026-20026 拆卸身体运动subclass
(subclass Dodging BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 438-438 躲着身体运动subclass
(subclass Ducking BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13146-13146 回避身体运动subclass
(subclass EmotionalBodilyMovementBehavior BodyMotion) emotion.kif 1358-1358 EmotionalBodilyMovementBehavior身体运动subclass
(subclass Extension BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10646-10646 Extension身体运动subclass
(subclass EyeMotion BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19966-19966 眼球运动身体运动subclass
(subclass Flexion BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10622-10622 Flexion身体运动subclass
(subclass Gesture BodyMotion) Merge.kif 13138-13138 手势身体运动subclass
(subclass HeartBeat BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10741-10741 HeartBeat身体运动subclass
(subclass Inclining BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 13122-13122 倾斜身体运动subclass
(subclass Indicating BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1010-1010 指示身体运动subclass
(subclass Jumping BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 536-536 跳跃身体运动subclass
(subclass KneelingDown BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19912-19912 KneelingDown身体运动subclass
(subclass LyingDown BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19887-19887 躺着身体运动subclass
(subclass Mounting BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 458-458 安装身体运动subclass
(subclass MuscleRelaxing BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10577-10577 MuscleRelaxing身体运动subclass
(subclass MuscularContraction BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10555-10555 MuscularContraction身体运动subclass
(subclass Scratching BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5708-5708 Scratching身体运动subclass
(subclass Shrugging BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19996-19996 耸肩身体运动subclass
(subclass SittingDown BodyMotion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19932-19932 坐下身体运动subclass

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        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10604-10620
        (instance ?M Muscle)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (instrument ?BM ?M)
        (instance ?BM IntentionalProcess))
    (instance ?M VoluntaryMuscle))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10431-10437
        (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ))
        (instance ?OBJ BodyPart)
        (patient ?MOTION ?OBJ)))
Merge.kif 11144-11150
        (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
        (instrument ?R ?RM)
        (instance ?RM RowingMachine)
        (experiencer ?R ?H)
        (instance ?ROW Rowing)
        (subProcess ?RMOT ?R)
        (subclass ?C BodyMotion)
        (instance ?RMOT ?C))
    (exists (?ROWMOT)
            (instance ?ROWMOT ?C)
            (subProcess ?ROWMOT ?R)
            (agent ?ROWMOT ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8270-8284
    (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
    (exists (?AGENT)
            (instance ?AGENT Organism)
            (agent ?MOTION ?AGENT))))
Merge.kif 11153-11158


        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H AVPUPainStatus))
        (instance ?P Pain)
            (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
        (experiencer ?P ?H))
    (exists (?BM)
            (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
            (experiencer ?BM ?H)
                (WhenFn ?BM) ?T)
            (causes ?P ?BM))))
Medicine.kif 6470-6482
        (instance ?A AutonomousAgent)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A Motionless)))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P BodyMotion)
                (instance ?P IntentionalProcess)
                (agent ?P ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30266-30277
        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10604-10620
        (instance ?PLT PressingLipsTogether)
        (agent ?PLT ?A))
    (exists (?L ?BM)
            (instance ?L Lip)
            (part ?L ?A)
            (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
            (patient ?BM ?L)
            (agent ?BM ?A))))
emotion.kif 1202-1212
        (instance ?S Speaking)
        (instance ?J Jaw)
        (agent ?S ?H)
        (part ?J ?H))
        (exists (?M)
                (instance ?M BodyMotion)
                (objectTransferred ?M ?J)
                    (WhenFn ?M)
                    (WhenFn ?S)))) Likely))
Anatomy.kif 1664-1676
        (instance ?SS StayingStill)
        (experiencer ?SS ?A))
        (exists (?B ?T)
                (instance ?B BodyMotion)
                (instance ?T Translocation)
                (causes ?B ?T)
                (agent ?B ?A)))))
emotion.kif 1523-1533
    (attribute ?ORGANISM
        (instance ?P
            (ParalysisFn ?PART)))
    (exists (?MUSCLE)
            (instance ?MUSCLE Muscle)
            (part ?MUSCLE ?PART)
            (part ?PART ?ORGANISM)
                (exists (?MOTION)
                        (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
                        (agent ?MOTION ?ORGANISM)
                        (patient ?MOTION ?MUSCLE)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6324-6338
    (attribute ?ORGANISM Paralysis)
    (exists (?MUSCLE)
            (instance ?MUSCLE Muscle)
            (part ?MUSCLE ?ORGANISM)
                (exists (?MOTION)
                        (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
                        (agent ?MOTION ?ORGANISM)
                        (patient ?MOTION ?MUSCLE)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6301-6312
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
        (exists (?MOTION)
                (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
                (agent ?MOTION ?ANIMAL)))
        (exists (?ATTR)
                (instance ?ATTR BodyPosition)
                (attribute ?ANIMAL ?ATTR)))))
Merge.kif 18126-18136
    (instance ?E Eyelid)
    (hasPurpose ?E
        (exists (?EYE ?P ?C)
                (instance ?C Covering)
                (instance ?C BodyMotion)
                (instance ?P Human)
                (experiencer ?C ?P)
                (instrument ?C ?E)
                (patient ?C ?EYE)
                (instance ?EYE Eye)
                (part ?EYE ?P)
                (part ?E ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12190-12203

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