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Sigma KEE - ArtWork

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ArtWork ChineseLanguage "这是缔造来主要为了让人审美欣赏 Artifact。 注这 Class 个类别并不包括建筑物的例子,建筑物属于 StationaryArtifact。") chinese_format.kif 3605-3606
(documentation ArtWork EnglishLanguage "Artifacts that are created primarily for aesthetic appreciation. Note that this Class does not include most examples of architecture, which belong under StationaryArtifact.") Merge.kif 15862-15864
(subclass ArtWork Artifact) Merge.kif 15861-15861 艺术品人工制品subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Collage ArtWork) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3161-3161 大学艺术品subclass
(subclass PaintedPicture ArtWork) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3096-3096 画的图片艺术品subclass
(subclass RepresentationalArtWork ArtWork) Merge.kif 15889-15889 代表性的艺术作品艺术品subclass
(subclass Sculpture ArtWork) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3143-3143 雕塑艺术品subclass
(subclass Sketch ArtWork) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3157-3157 草图艺术品subclass
(subclass Wallpaper ArtWork) Mid-level-ontology.kif 3121-3121 墙纸艺术品subclass
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ArtWork "艺术品") chinese_format.kif 1053-1053
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArtWork "art work") english_format.kif 1317-1317
(termFormat FrenchLanguage ArtWork "objet d'art") french_format.kif 731-731
(termFormat Hindi ArtWork "kalaakriti") terms-hindi.txt 262-262
(termFormat ItalianLanguage ArtWork "OperaD'Arte") terms-it.txt 265-265
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage ArtWork "芸術作品") japanese_format.kif 2415-2415
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage ArtWork "Objeto de Arte") portuguese_format.kif 683-683
(termFormat cz ArtWork "art work") terms-cz.txt 301-301
(termFormat ro ArtWork "operã de artã") relations-ro.kif 752-752
(termFormat tg ArtWork "sining") terms-tg.txt 266-266


        (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT)
        (result ?PROCESS ?WORK)
        (instance ?WORK ArtWork))
        (WhenFn ?PROCESS)
        (attribute ?AGENT Artist)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18836-18842
    (instance ?AW ArtWork)
    (hasPurpose ?AW
        (exists (?H ?P)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (instance ?P Perception)
                (experiencer ?P ?H)
                (patient ?P ?AW)))))
Merge.kif 15866-15874
    (instance ?AW ArtWork)
    (hasPurpose ?AW
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (desires ?H
                    (exists (?P)
                            (instance ?P Perception)
                            (experiencer ?P ?H)
                            (patient ?P ?AW))))))))
Merge.kif 15876-15887


        (instance ?AS ArtSchool)
        (instance ?P EducationalProcess)
        (eventLocated ?P ?AS))
    (exists (?M ?ART)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (patient ?M ?ART)
            (instance ?ART ArtWork)
            (refers ?P ?M))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16765-16775
    (attribute ?H ArtCritic)
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (exists (?AW ?T ?CLASS)
                (instance ?AW ArtWork)
                    (WhenFn ?AW)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (instance ?T ?CLASS)
                (subclass ?CLASS Article)
                (authors ?H ?CLASS)
                (refers ?T ?AW)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21088-21100
    (instance ?M ArtMuseum)
    (exists (?B ?A)
            (possesses ?M ?B)
            (instance ?B Building)
            (instance ?A ArtWork)
            (located ?A ?B))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8498-8505
    (instance ?STUDIO ArtStudio)
    (hasPurpose ?STUDIO
        (exists (?MAKE ?WORK)
                (instance ?MAKE Making)
                (result ?MAKE ?WORK)
                (instance ?WORK ArtWork)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6732-6739

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