Parents |
有意图过程 |
A Process that has a specific purpose for the AutonomousAgent who performs it.
Children |
诊断过程 | A Process that is carried out for the purpose of determining the nature of a DiseaseOrSyndrome. |
| 间谍 | Any Investigating by one Government of another Government where the second Government does not know that it is being spied upon. |
| 试验 | Investigating the truth of a Proposition by constructing and observing a trial. Note that the trial may be either controlled or uncontrolled, blind or not blind. |
| GramStaining | Gram stain or Gram staining, also called Gram's method, is a method of staining used to distinguish and classify bacterial species (Bacterium) into two large groups: GramPositive bacteria and GramNegative bacteria. Gram staining differentiates bacteria by the chemical and physical properties of their cell walls. Gram-positive cells have a thick layer of peptidoglycan in the cell wall that retains the primary stain, crystal violet. Gram-negative cells have a thinner peptidoglycan layer that allows the crystal violet to wash out on addition of Ethanol. They are stained pink or red by the counterstain commonly safranin or fuchsine. Lugol's iodine solution is always added after addition of crystal violet to strengthen the bonds of the stain with the cell membrane. [from Wikipedia] |
| 侵略性信息操作 | The integrated use of assigned and supporting capabilities and activities, mutually supported by intelligence, to affect adversary decision makers to achieve or promote specific objectives. These capabilities and activities include but are not limited to operations security, military deception, psychological operations, electronic warfare, physical attack and/or destruction, and special information operations, and could also include computer network attack. See also computer network attack, defensive information operations, electronic warfare, information operations, intelligence, military deception, operations security, psychological operations, special information operations. |
| 轮询 | Investigating what people believe (and in what proportions) by asking a set of structured questions to a random sample of people. |
| ReconnaissanceOperation | A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. Also called RECON. |
| 研究大规模杀伤性武器 | Conducting research on the development of Weapons of Mass Destruction. |
| Searching | An IntentionalProcess which has the purpose for a CognitiveAgent to learn the location of a Physical. |