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Sigma KEE - BodyPart
这是 Organism 某个特定部位而并非病理的 CellTissue。这个 Class 的实例的范围包括复杂 Organ 的总体结构至小部分。
Parents 解剖结构 A normal or pathological part of the anatomy or structural organization of an Organism. This class covers BodyParts, as well as structures that are given off by Organisms, e.g. ReproductiveBodies.
Children 动物壳A hard shell of calcium that serves as a supporting structure for some Invertebrates.
 体腔Any BodyPart which contains an unfilled space, e.g. BodyVessels, the atria and ventricles of the heart, the lungs, etc.
 身体外层Any BodyPart which is a covering of another BodyPart or of an entire Organism. This would include the rinds of FruitOrVegetables and the skins of Animals.
 身体连接处The place where two BodyParts meet or connect.
 BodySegmenta part of the body that is capable of some degree of intentional independent motion from some other part of the body to which it is connected.
 骨骼Parts of the body that are made up of BoneTissue.
 细胞The fundamental structural and functional unit of living Organisms.
 细胞部分part of a Cell
 下巴A part of the Face which protrudes slightly and which is lower than all other parts of the Face.
 CorneaTThe biological lens of the Eye that focuses light on the Retina.
 数字附属物Any of the extremities of Limbs that are found in the higer Vertebrates and the Amphibians.
 EardrumIn the anatomy of humans and various other tetrapods, the eardrum, also called the tympanic membrane or myringa, is a thin, cone-shaped membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear. Its function is to transmit sound from the air to the ossicles inside the middle ear, and then to the oval window in the fluid-filled cochlea. Hence, it ultimately converts and amplifies vibration in the air to vibration in cochlear fluid. The MalleusBone bridges the gap between the eardrum and the other ossicles. Rupture or perforation of the eardrum can lead to conductive hearing loss. Collapse or retraction of the eardrum can cause conductive hearing loss or cholesteatoma. [from Wikipedia]
 外骨骼The system of Bones that are on the Outside of an organism and make up the supporting structure of many Invertebrates.
 EyebrowA part of the Face above each Eye that typically has Hair.
 面对The part of the Head from forehead to chin and from ear to ear.
 羽毛Each instance of this class is one of the structures that make up the external covering of Birds.
 ForeheadThe region of the front of the Head above the eyes and forward of the hairline or scalp.
 FrontalLobeThe frontal lobe, which is located in the front of the head, is the largest section of the brain. It plays a role in many conscious functions, including personality and movement. It also helps the brain interpret smells.
 The part of the body containing the sense organs and the brain.
 The hard end of the Foot of a HoofedMammal.
 HumanBackThe back of the Torso of a Human.
 下丘脑The part of the Brain lying below the thalamus that serves to regulate AutonomicProcesses.
 JawThe lower part of the Mouth of an Animal. It is involved in Chewing and creating an opening of the Mouth suitable for Breathing in Mammals. Motion of the jaw is involved in Speaking in Humans.
 Any of the limbs of a Vertebrate. Animal Appendages with joints that are used for movement and grasping.
 Folds of Tissue surrounding the mouths of some Vertebrates.
 MedullaThis is the lowest part of the brainstem. It helps control Heart and Lung function.
 Part of the Face, used for Ingesting Food and Vocalizing.
 肌肉A normal or pathological part of the anatomy or structural organization of an Organism. This class covers BodyParts, as well as structures that are given off by Organisms, e.g. ReproductiveBodies.
 NasalSeptumThe nasal septum divides the NavalCavity into two parts, one leading from each Nostril.
 颈部The part of the body that connects the Head to the rest of the body.
 OccipitalLobesPositioned near the back of the brain, the occipital lobe primarily interprets vision signals.
 器官A somewhat independent BodyPart that performs a specialized function. Note that this functional definition covers bodily systems, e.g. the digestive system or the central nervous system.
 ParietalLobeSituated in the middle of the brain, the parietal lobe supports the identification of objects and spatial reasoning. It also plays a role in interpreting pain and touch signals.
 植物分支The stem of a Plant or any shoot arising from the stem of a Plant.
 PonsLocated above the medulla in the brainstem, this area helps control eye and facial movement.
 繁殖体Reproductive structure of Organisms. Consists of an Embryonic Object and a nutritive/protective envelope. Note that this class includes seeds, spores, and FruitOrVegetables, as well as the eggs produced by Animals.
 The part of a Primate between the Arm and the neck.
 骨架The system of Bones that make up the supporting structure of Vertebrates.
 TemporalLobesLocated on either side of the brain, the temporal lobes play a role in numerous functions, including speech, scent recognition, and short-term memory.
 脚趾The five extremities of a Foot.
 Part of the Mouth, used for Tasting Food, Vocalizing, and the initial stage of Digesting.
 躯干The body of a Primate excluding its Limbs.
 病毒部分The class of structures which are typically found or may be found in viruses.
 VocalFoldA smooth muscle found in pairs and comprising the VocalCords.
 腰部The waist is the part of the abdomen between the rib cage and hips. On proportionate people, the waist is the narrowest part of the torso.
 XyphiodProcessxyphiod process

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