Parents |
心理状态 |
The class StateOfMind is distinguished from its complement TraitAttribute by the fact that instances of the former are transient while instances of the latter are persistent features of a creature's behavioral/psychological make-up.
Children |
AppraisalOfAvoidabilityOfConsequences | An appraisal which represents a judgement about how avoidable the expected consequences of an event will be. |
| AppraisalOfCausalAgency | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of who or what caused an event. |
| AppraisalOfCausalIntent | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of the causal intent of the person who (is evaluated to have) caused an event. |
| AppraisalOfCongruenceWithIdeals | Can also be defined FOR SELF and FOR OTHER, where a special case of OTHER is 'society' (=> a judgement that an event violated laws or socially accepted norms) May want to distinguish violation of 'standards' from that of 'ideals', 'norms' and 'laws'. At the moment they are all lumped together. |
| AppraisalOfDangerousness | An appraisal which represents an evaluation of the dangerousness of an object or situation. |
| AppraisalOfDesirabilityOfConsequences | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of the desirability of the expected consequences of an event. |
| AppraisalOfExpectedness | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of whether an event was expected to occur. |
| AppraisalOfFamiliarity | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of how familiar an object or event is. |
| AppraisalOfGoalImportance | Like pleasantness, the GRID questionnaire distinguishes between evaluations of goal importance/relevance for SELF and for an OTHER. |
| AppraisalOfJusticeOfTreatment | Appraisal which represents an evaluation of whether the person was treated justly or unjustly by another person. |
| AppraisalOfLoss | An appraisal that represents a belief that something or someone that is important to the person has been lost to the person. |
| AppraisalOfPleasantness | GRID questionnaire distinguishes between appraisal of pleasantness FOR SELF and appraisal of pleasantness FOR SOME OTHER. So far we have defined appraisal as evaluation of relevance FOR SELF, thus, we only include one appraisal of pleasantness (for the time being), although we may expand this later -- although I suspect that all or most of the appraisal types would have to be so qualified. |
| AppraisalOfPredictability | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of how predictable an event was. |
| AppraisalOfSocialAttention | An appraisal which represents a judgement about the direction and nature of the social attention surrounding an event. |
| AppraisalOfSuddenness | An appraisal which represents an evaluation of how suddenly an event occurred. |
| AppraisalOfUrgency | An appraisal that represents an evaluation of the urgency of responding to an event. |