Sigma KEE - Asthma
Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and easily triggered bronchospasms. Symptoms include episodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These may occur a few times a day or a few times per week. Depending on the person, asthma symptoms may become worse at night or with exercise. Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental factors include exposure to air pollution and allergens. Other potential triggers include medications such as aspirin and beta blockers. Diagnosis is usually based on the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy over time, and spirometry lung function testing. Asthma is classified according to the frequency of symptoms, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate. It may also be classified as atopic or non-atopic, where atopy refers to a predisposition toward developing a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction.[from Wikipedia]
Instances | abstract | Properties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium. Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment. |
| attribute | Qualities which we cannot or choose not to reify into subclasses of. |
| biological attribute | Attributes that apply specifically to instances of OrganicObject (Organism or AnatomicalStructure). |
| disease or syndrome | A BiologicalAttribute which qualifies something that alters or interferes with a normal process, state or activity of an Organism. It is usually characterized by the abnormal functioning of one or more of the host's systems, parts, or Organs. |
| entity | The universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology. |
| internal attribute | Any Attribute of an Entity that is an internal property of the Entity, e.g. its shape, its color, its fragility, etc. |
Belongs to Class
entity |
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