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Sigma KEE - ArcticRegion

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ArcticRegion EnglishLanguage "The area above the Artic Circle, which is 66 degrees 33 minutes and 38 seconds north latitude. It is dark for at least 24 hours at some point during the year, with an increasing period of yearly continuous darkness as one gets closer to the North Pole.") Geography.kif 3564-3568
(externalImage ArcticRegion " 9/ 9e/ Arctic.svg") pictureList.kif 2436-2436
(externalImage ArcticRegion " d/ d5/ IBCAO_betamap.jpg") pictureList.kif 2539-2539
(geographicSubregion ArcticRegion NorthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 3581-3581 geographicSubregion ArcticRegion and NorthernHemisphere
(instance ArcticRegion GeographicArea) Geography.kif 3561-3561 ArcticRegion ist ein fall von GeographicArea %n{nicht}
(overlapsSpatially ArcticRegion EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 3582-3582 ArcticRegion deckt sich mit EasternHemisphere raeumlich %n{nicht}
(overlapsSpatially ArcticRegion WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 3583-3583 ArcticRegion deckt sich mit WesternHemisphere raeumlich %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(names "Arctic" ArcticRegion) Geography.kif 3562-3562 names "Arctic" and ArcticRegion
(names "the Arctic" ArcticRegion) Geography.kif 3563-3563 names "the Arctic" and ArcticRegion
(overlapsSpatially ArcticOcean ArcticRegion) Geography.kif 3584-3584 ArcticOcean deckt sich mit ArcticRegion raeumlich %n{nicht}
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ArcticRegion "北极地区") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8274-8274
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ArcticRegion "北極地區") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8273-8273
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ArcticRegion "arctic region") domainEnglishFormat.kif 8272-8272


        (instance ?REGION GeographicArea)
        (located ?REGION ArcticRegion))
    (exists (?DAY)
            (instance ?DAY Day)
            (holdsDuring ?DAY
                    (attribute ?REGION Illuminated))))))
Geography.kif 3570-3579


    (vegetationType ArcticRegion BotanicalTree))
Geography.kif 3585-3585 vegetationType ArcticRegion and BotanicalTree

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