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Sigma KEE - ItalianLanguage

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(documentation ItalianLanguage EnglishLanguage "The ItalianLanguage is an ItaloDalmatianLanguage of Italy. SIL code: ITN. ISO 639-1: it. ISO 639-2: ita. Population: 55,000,000 mother tongue speakers, some of whom are native bilinguals of Italian and regional varieties, and some of whom may use Italian as second language. Population total all countries: 62,000,000. Region: Also spoken in 29 other countries including Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia_Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Egypt, Eritrea, France, Germany, Israel, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Paraguay, Philippines, Puerto Rico, San Marino. Alternate names: ITALIANO. Dialects: TUSCAN, ABRUZZESE, PUGLIESE, UMBRIAN, LAZIALE, CENTRAL MARCHIGIANO, CICOLANO_REATINO_AQUILANO, MOLISANO. Comments: Regional varieties coexist with the standard language, some are inherently unintelligible (Nida) to speakers of other varieties unless they have learned them. Aquilano, Molisano, and Pugliese are very different from the other Italian 'dialects'. Piemontese and Sicilian are distinct enough to be separate languages (F.B. Agard 1981, personal communication). Venetian and Lombard are also very different (Philippe Cousson 1981, personal communication). Neapolitan is reported to be unintelligible to speakers of Standard Italian. Northern varieties are closer to French and Occitan than to standard or southern varieties (Agard, N. Vincent). 89% lexical similarity with French, 87% with Catalan, 85% with Sardinian, 82% with Spanish, 78% with Rheto_Romance, 77% with Rumanian. Most Italians use varieties along a continuum from standard to regional to local according to what is appropriate. Possibly nearly half the population do not use Standard Italian as mother tongue. Only 2.5% of Italy's population could speak standard Italian when it became a unified nation in 1861. Investigation needed: intelligibility with Pugliese with Standard Italian. National language. Grammar. SVO. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: Croatia. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Population: 70,000 in Croatia whose mother tongue is Italian or Venetian, including 30,000 ethnic Italian and 40,000 ethnic Croats and Istrian people (1998 Eugen Marinov). Comments: Official language. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: Eritrea. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Comments: Spoken as a second language. A few monolinguals. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Population: 1,000,000 in France (1977 Voegelin and Voegelin). Comments: Few, if any, speakers of Italian dialects in France do not know French. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: San Marino. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Comments: National language. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: Slovenia. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Population: 4,009 in Slovenia (1991 census). Comments: Acknowledged as autochtonous communities and protected by the constitution. Official language. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: Switzerland. (Language name: ITALIAN.) Population: 195,000 in Switzerland (1990). Comments: People in all in the Italian cantons speak Italian as first or second language. Used for education in Italian- and Ticino- (Lombard) speaking areas. Official language. Bible 1471-1985. Also spoken in: Holy See (Vatican State). (Language name: ITALIAN.) Comments: Bible 1471-1985.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 9542-9585
(externalImage ItalianLanguage " d/ dc/ Map_Italophone_World_-_updated.png") pictureList.kif 7122-7122
(format ItalianLanguage AbsoluteValueFn "ilvalore assoluto di%1") relations-it.txt 18-18
(format ItalianLanguage AbstractionFn "la descrizione di %1") relations-it.txt 19-19
(format ItalianLanguage AdditionFn "(%*[+]") relations-it.txt 20-20
(format ItalianLanguage ArcCosineFn "l' arcocoseno di %1") relations-it.txt 24-24
(format ItalianLanguage ArcSineFn "l'arcoseno di %1") relations-it.txt 25-25
(format ItalianLanguage ArcTangentFn "l' arcotangente di %1") relations-it.txt 26-26
(format ItalianLanguage AssignmentFn "%1(%*{2-}[,]") relations-it.txt 28-28
(format ItalianLanguage Attribute "%2 è %n un attributo di %1") relations-it.txt 29-29
(format ItalianLanguage BackFn "il dietro di %1") relations-it.txt 31-31
(format ItalianLanguage BeginFn "l' inizio di %1") relations-it.txt 34-34
(format ItalianLanguage BeginNodeFn "l' inizio di %1") relations-it.txt 35-35
(format ItalianLanguage BirthTime "%1 è %n natoalle %2") relations-it.txt 38-38
(format ItalianLanguage CardinalityFn "il numero di istanzia in %1") relations-it.txt 41-41
(format ItalianLanguage CeilingFn "il tetto di %1") relations-it.txt 43-43
(format ItalianLanguage ComplementFn "il complemento di %1") relations-it.txt 46-46
(format ItalianLanguage CosineFn "il coseno di %1") relations-it.txt 61-61
(format ItalianLanguage CutSetFn "l' insieme di cammini che partiziona %1 in due grafi separati") relations-it.txt 63-63
(format ItalianLanguage DayFn "il giorno %1") relations-it.txt 65-65
(format ItalianLanguage DecreasesLikelihood "%1 %n{non} decresce%p{s} verosimiglianza di %2") relations-it.txt 67-67
(format ItalianLanguage DenominatorFn "il denominatore di %1") relations-it.txt 68-68
(format ItalianLanguage DensityFn "%1 per %2") relations-it.txt 69-69
(format ItalianLanguage DivisionFn "%*[/]") relations-it.txt 80-80
(format ItalianLanguage DomainFn "dominio di %1") relations-it.txt 83-83

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage ItalianLanguage "意大利语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 31266-31266
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ItalianLanguage "意大利語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 31265-31265
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ItalianLanguage "italian language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 31264-31264

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO_639_1 "it" ItalianLanguage) Languages.kif 14777-14777 codeMapping ISO_639_1, "it" and ItalianLanguage

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