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Sigma KEE - DiplomaticAgent

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation DiplomaticAgent EnglishLanguage "DiplomaticAgent is a generic Attribute of persons charged to represent one national government to another nation or international organization. This includes any Ambassador or head of a diplomatic mission. Individuals with this attribute may also hold a career diplomatic position (see ForeignServicePosition).") Government.kif 4366-4370
(externalImage DiplomaticAgent " 6/ 64/ Talleyrand-perigord.jpg") pictureList.kif 8452-8452
(instance DiplomaticAgent ForeignServicePosition) Government.kif 4364-4364

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute Ambassador DiplomaticAgent) Government.kif 4377-4377
(subAttribute ChargeDAffaires DiplomaticAgent) Government.kif 4397-4397
(subAttribute Consul DiplomaticAgent) Government.kif 4391-4391
(subAttribute ConsulGeneral DiplomaticAgent) Government.kif 4384-4384
(termFormat ChineseLanguage DiplomaticAgent "外交代表") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19602-19602
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage DiplomaticAgent "外交代表") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19601-19601
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DiplomaticAgent "diplomatic agent") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19600-19600


        (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2)
        (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
    (exists (?PERSON)
            (instance ?PERSON Human)
            (citizen ?PERSON ?COUNTRY1)
            (diplomaticRepresentativeInRole ?COUNTRY1 ?PERSON ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4546-4554
        (instance ?SENDER Nation)
        (instance ?RECEIVER Nation)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (attribute ?PERSON ?ROLE)
        (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
        (representativeAgentToAgent ?SENDER ?PERSON ?RECEIVER))
    (diplomaticRepresentationType ?SENDER ?ROLE ?RECEIVER))
Government.kif 4585-4593


    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4521-4527
    (diplomaticRelations ?COUNTRY1 ?COUNTRY2)
    (exists (?ROLE)
            (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
            (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent)
            (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY2 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY1))))
Government.kif 4529-4535
    (instance ?ROLE ForeignServicePosition)
    (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
Government.kif 4372-4374

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