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Sigma KEE - Pleasure

appearance as argument number 1

(contraryAttribute Pleasure Pain) emotion.kif 763-763 Plaisir est l'oppos� de Pain
(documentation Pleasure EnglishLanguage "A positively experienced emotion which is sought out (approached) and is associated with happiness, enjoyment, and satisfaction. [Source: OCEAS]") emotion.kif 779-781
(instance Pleasure EmotionalState) emotion.kif 777-777 Plaisir est une instance de �tat �motionnel

appearance as argument number 2

(subAttribute AestheticPleasure Pleasure) emotion.kif 1162-1162 AestheticPleasure est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(subAttribute MasteryPleasure Pleasure) emotion.kif 805-805 MasteryPleasure est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(subAttribute Schadenfreude Pleasure) emotion.kif 764-764 Schadenfreude est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(subAttribute SensoryPleasure Pleasure) emotion.kif 791-791 SensoryPleasure est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(subAttribute SexualPleasure Pleasure) emotion.kif 1096-1096 SexualPleasure est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(subAttribute SocialPleasure Pleasure) emotion.kif 1063-1063 SocialPleasure est un sous-attribut de plaisir
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Pleasure "pleasure") emotion.kif 778-778
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Pleasure "plaisir") emotion.kif 783-783
(termFormat GermanLanguage Pleasure "vergnügen") emotion.kif 782-782
(termFormat SpanishLanguage Pleasure "placer") emotion.kif 784-784
(utterance EnglishLanguage Pleasure "pleased") emotion.kif 785-785 utterance EnglishLanguage, plaisir and "pleased"

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