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Sigma KEE - PlanetEarth

appearance as argument number 1

(instance PlanetEarth Planet) Geography.kif 3406-3406 PlanetEarth est une instance de Planet
(orbits PlanetEarth Sol) Geography.kif 3407-3407 orbits PlanetEarth and Sol

appearance as argument number 2

(orbits EarthsMoon PlanetEarth) Geography.kif 3399-3399 orbits EarthsMoon and PlanetEarth
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PlanetEarth "行星地球") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46038-46038
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PlanetEarth "行星地球") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46037-46037
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PlanetEarth "planet earth") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46036-46036


        (altitude ?AIRCRAFT ?OBJ2 ?QUANTITY)
        (surface ?OBJ2 PlanetEarth)
        (instance ?AIRCRAFT Aircraft))
    (absoluteHeight ?AIRCRAFT ?QUANTITY))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1462-1467 Le altitude de Aircraft est objet en une partie objet en une partie est une surface de PlanetEarth Aircraft est une instance de Aircraft absoluteHeight Aircraft and AltitudeMeasure
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (patient ?MEASURE ?OBJ)
        (surface ?OBJ PlanetEarth)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?BAROMETER)
        (instance ?BAROMETER BarometricAltimeter))
    (elevation ?OBJ ?QUANTITY))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1488-1496
        (instance ?place UndergroundArea)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (earthAltitude ?place
            (MeasureFn ?alt1 ?U))
        (surface ?ground PlanetEarth)
        (part ?area ?ground)
        (orientation ?place ?area Below)
        (earthAltitude ?area
            (MeasureFn ?alt2 ?U)))
    (greaterThan ?alt2 ?alt1))
Geography.kif 3999-4010


    (earthAltitude ?OBJ ?ALT)
    (exists (?SEA)
            (altitude ?OBJ ?SEA ?ALT)
            (surface ?SEA PlanetEarth))))
Geography.kif 2781-2786 earthAltitude objet and mesure de longueur objet en une partie le altitude de objet est objet en une partie objet en une partie est une surface de PlanetEarth
        (elevation ?OBJECT ?HEIGHT)
        (located ?OBJECT ?PLACE)
        (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea))
    (superficialPart ?PLACE PlanetEarth))
Geography.kif 1907-1912
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (patient ?MEASURE ?OBJ)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?ABSOLUTEMETER)
        (instance ?ABSOLUTEMETER AbsoluteAltimeter))
    (exists (?OBJ2)
            (altitude ?OBJ ?OBJ2 ?QUANTITY)
            (surface ?OBJ2 PlanetEarth))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1441-1451
    (instance ?AREA Continent)
    (geographicSubregion ?AREA PlanetEarth))
Geography.kif 3515-3517
    (instance ?AREA Hemisphere)
    (geographicSubregion ?AREA PlanetEarth))
Geography.kif 3468-3470
    (instance ?M Meteorite)
    (exists (?T)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (meetsSpatially ?M PlanetEarth))))
Geography.kif 3429-3433
    (instance ?place UndergroundArea)
    (exists (?area ?ground)
            (surface ?ground PlanetEarth)
            (part ?area ?ground)
            (orientation ?place ?area Below))))
Geography.kif 3991-3997

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