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Sigma KEE - GraphElement
GraphElement(graph element)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GraphElement ChineseLanguage "这是 Graph 的非组成部分,这些部分限于 GraphNodeGraphArc。") chinese_format.kif 2340-2341
(documentation GraphElement EnglishLanguage "Noncompositional parts of Graphs. These parts are restricted to GraphNodes and GraphArcs.") Merge.kif 5823-5824
(documentation GraphElement JapaneseLanguage "Graph の非合成的なパーツ。これらのパーツは、 GraphNode および GraphArc に制限されている。") japanese_format.kif 1014-1015
(externalImage GraphElement " 5/ 5b/ 6n-graf.svg") pictureList.kif 1789-1789
(partition GraphElement GraphNode GraphArc) Merge.kif 5821-5821 Graph element is exhaustively partitioned into graph node and graph arc
(subclass GraphElement Proposition) Merge.kif 5820-5820 Graph element is a subclass of proposition

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass GraphArc GraphElement) Merge.kif 5843-5843 Graph arc is a subclass of graph element
(subclass GraphNode GraphElement) Merge.kif 5833-5833 Graph node is a subclass of graph element
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GraphElement "图元素") chinese_format.kif 940-940
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GraphElement "graph element") english_format.kif 1087-1087
(termFormat FrenchLanguage GraphElement "�lement du graph") french_format.kif 616-616
(termFormat Hindi GraphElement "tatva aalekha") terms-hindi.txt 147-147
(termFormat ItalianLanguage GraphElement "ElementoDelGrafo") terms-it.txt 150-150
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage GraphElement "グラフ要素") japanese_format.kif 2301-2301
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage GraphElement "Elemento do Grafo") portuguese_format.kif 568-568
(termFormat cb GraphElement "aging elemento") terms-cb.txt 152-152
(termFormat cz GraphElement "graph element") terms-cz.txt 184-184
(termFormat ro GraphElement "element într-un graf") relations-ro.kif 637-637
(termFormat tg GraphElement "bahagi ng talaguhitan") terms-tg.txt 151-151

appearance as argument number 3

(domain graphPart 1 GraphElement) Merge.kif 5889-5889 The number 1 argument of graph part is an instance of graph element


    (instance ?PART GraphElement)
    (exists (?GRAPH)
            (instance ?GRAPH Graph)
            (graphPart ?PART ?GRAPH))))
Merge.kif 5826-5831

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