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Sigma KEE - hi

appearance as argument number 1

(format hi AbsoluteValueFn "%1 kaa nirapeksha maana") relations-hindi.txt 63-63
(format hi AbstractionFn "%1 kaa varNana") relations-hindi.txt 64-64
(format hi AdditionFn "(%*[+]") relations-hindi.txt 65-65
(format hi ArcCosineFn "%1 kaa aarakosaaina") relations-hindi.txt 68-68
(format hi ArcSineFn "%1 kaa aarkasaaina") relations-hindi.txt 69-69
(format hi ArcTangentFn "%1 kaa aarkatainjenTa") relations-hindi.txt 70-70
(format hi AssignmentFn "%1(%*{2-}[,]") relations-hindi.txt 72-72
(format hi BackFn "%1 kaa piichhalaa-bhaaga") relations-hindi.txt 75-75
(format hi BeginFn "%1 kii shuruaata") relations-hindi.txt 78-78
(format hi BeginNodeFn "%1 kaa praarambha-noda") relations-hindi.txt 79-79
(format hi CardinalityFn "%1 ke sadasyon kii sankhyaa") relations-hindi.txt 83-83
(format hi CeilingFn "%1 kaa uchchatamaanka") relations-hindi.txt 85-85
(format hi ComplementFn "%1 kaa puuraka") relations-hindi.txt 88-88
(format hi CosineFn "%1 kaa kosaaina") relations-hindi.txt 102-102
(format hi CutSetFn "vaha pathasamuuha jo %1 ko vibhaajita karake do alaga-alaga graapha banaataa hai") relations-hindi.txt 104-104
(format hi DayFn "dina %1 hai") relations-hindi.txt 106-106
(format hi DenominatorFn "%1 kaa hara") relations-hindi.txt 109-109
(format hi DensityFn "%1 prati %2") relations-hindi.txt 110-110
(format hi DivisionFn "%*[/]") relations-hindi.txt 120-120
(format hi DomainFn "%1 kaa prakshetra") relations-hindi.txt 123-123
(format hi EditionFn "%1 kaa sanskaraNa sanhkyaa %2") relations-hindi.txt 128-128
(format hi EndFn "%1 kii samaapti") relations-hindi.txt 132-132
(format hi EndNodeFn "%1 kaa antima-bindu") relations-hindi.txt 133-133
(format hi ExponentiationFn "%1 %2 kaa charaghaataanka") relations-hindi.txt 144-144
(format hi FloorFn "%1 se choTaa yaa baraabara sabase badaa puurNaanka") relations-hindi.txt 152-152

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners