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Sigma KEE - WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel EnglishLanguage "WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel is the subclass of EconomicDevelopmentLevel containing attributes that characterize countries according to their per capita gross national income (GNI), as determined by the WorldBankGroup. The World Bank uses the Atlas method for making cross-country comparisons of national income.") Economy.kif 419-424
(subclass WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel EconomicDevelopmentLevel) Economy.kif 415-415 世界银行人均GNI水平经济发展水平subclass

appearance as argument number 2

(instance HighIncomeCountry WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 499-499 高收入国家世界银行人均GNI水平instance
(instance LowIncomeCountry WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 430-430 低收入国家世界银行人均GNI水平instance
(instance LowerMiddleIncomeCountry WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 449-449 中低收入国家世界银行人均GNI水平instance
(instance UpperMiddleIncomeCountry WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 474-474 中上收入国家世界银行人均GNI水平instance
(names "GNI per capita" WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 416-416 世界银行人均GNI水平 的名 是 "GNI per capita"
(names "gross national income per capita" WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel) Economy.kif 417-417 世界银行人均GNI水平 的名 是 "gross national income per capita"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel "世界银行人均GNI水平") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63479-63479
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel "世界銀行人均GNI水平") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63478-63478
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WorldBankGNIPerCapitaLevel "world bankGNI per capita level") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63477-63477

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