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Sigma KEE - KrioLanguage
KrioLanguage(krio language)

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(documentation KrioLanguage EnglishLanguage "The KrioLanguage is a KrioGroupLanguage of SierraLeone. SIL code: KRI. ISO 639-2: cpe. Population: 472,600 in Sierra Leone (1993), or 10% of the population are first language speakers (1987 Frederick Jones). Possibly 4,000,000 or 95% of the remainder are second language users (1987 F. Jones). Population total all countries: 478,000 or more. Region: Communities in Freetown, on the Peninsula, on the Banana Islands, York Island, in Bonthe, by de-tribalized Sierra Leoneans and as the lingua franca throughout the country. Also spoken in Gambia, Guinea, Senegal. Alternate names: CREOLE, PATOIS. Dialects: AKU. Comments: Krio and Jamaican Creole, and Krio and Sea Islands Creole may have some interintelligibility. Domains of use include education, urban and town living, every-day life. Dominant language of the younger generation. Vigorous. Spoken more in provincial towns than in villages, and for inter-ethnic communication. Possibly half the speakers use Krio in their workplace. It is the formal language for those who do not speak English. Second language users prefer their indigenous languages for informal situations. Mother tongue Krio speakers are mainly descendents of repatriated slaves from Jamaica. There is linguistic influence from Yoruba (I. Hancock 1987). Language of wider communication. Literacy rate in second language: Fewer than 15% in English. Taught as an elective from primary to college level. Traditional religion, Christian. NT 1986-1992.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 1799-1819
(instance KrioLanguage KrioGroupLanguage) Languages.kif 1798-1798 Krio language is an instance of krio group language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage KrioLanguage "克里奥语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32833-32833
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KrioLanguage "克里奧語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32832-32832
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KrioLanguage "krio language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32831-32831

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