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Sigma KEE - ComputerProcess
ComputerProcess(computer process)
fragmentation, interrupt, swap, terminal_emulation, thrash

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ComputerProcess EnglishLanguage "An instance of ComputerProcess is a process which manipulates data in the computer.") QoSontology.kif 154-155
(externalImage ComputerProcess " 8/ 83/ Process_states.svg") pictureList.kif 1707-1707
(subclass ComputerProcess InternalChange) QoSontology.kif 153-153 Computer process is a subclass of internal change

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Abort ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1882-1882 Abort is a subclass of computer process
(subclass ComputerBackingUp ComputerProcess) ComputingBrands.kif 3491-3491 Backup is a subclass of computer process
(subclass ComputerResponse ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1741-1741 Computer response is a subclass of computer process
(subclass ComputerTask ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1794-1794 Computer task is a subclass of computer process
(subclass DHCPServer ComputerProcess) ComputingBrands.kif 4037-4037 DHCP server is a subclass of computer process
(subclass DataCompression ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1922-1922 Data compression is a subclass of computer process
(subclass DataSaving ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1903-1903 Data saving is a subclass of computer process
(subclass DataTransfer ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 91-91 Data transfer is a subclass of computer process
(subclass DeletingData ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 109-109 Deleting data is a subclass of computer process
(subclass Jailbreaking ComputerProcess) ComputingBrands.kif 3419-3419 Cracking is a subclass of computer process
(subclass MeasuringPerformance ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 883-883 Measuring performance is a subclass of computer process
(subclass MountingADevice ComputerProcess) ComputingBrands.kif 3792-3792 Mounting is a subclass of computer process
(subclass Multitasking ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1779-1779 Multitasking is a subclass of computer process
(subclass RestoringData ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 132-132 Restore is a subclass of computer process
(subclass ReusingAResource ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1973-1973 ReusingA resource is a subclass of computer process
(subclass UserRequest ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1730-1730 User request is a subclass of computer process
(subclass UserSignifiedAction ComputerProcess) ComputerInput.kif 1199-1199 User signified action is a subclass of computer process
(subclass UsingAResource ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1957-1957 UsingA resource is a subclass of computer process
(subclass WindowScrolling ComputerProcess) ComputerInput.kif 1770-1770 Window scrolling is a subclass of computer process
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ComputerProcess "电脑程序") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16356-16356
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ComputerProcess "電腦程序") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16355-16355
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ComputerProcess "computer process") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16354-16354

appearance as argument number 3

(domain accountUsed 1 ComputerProcess) ComputingBrands.kif 4161-4161 The number 1 argument of account used is an instance of computer process
(domain computerRunning 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 202-202 The number 1 argument of computer running is an instance of computer process
(domain dataProcessed 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1877-1877 The number 1 argument of data processed is an instance of computer process
(domain processAborted 2 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1889-1889 The number 2 argument of process aborted is an instance of computer process
(domain processID 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 776-776 The number 1 argument of processID is an instance of computer process
(domain programRunning 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 208-208 The number 1 argument of program running is an instance of computer process
(domain resourceUsed 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1994-1994 The number 1 argument of resource used is an instance of computer process
(domain standardErrorDevice 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 534-534 The number 1 argument of standard error device is an instance of computer process
(domain standardInputDevice 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 503-503 The number 1 argument of standard input device is an instance of computer process
(domain standardOutputDevice 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 517-517 The number 1 argument of standard output device is an instance of computer process
(domain stateOfProcess 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 573-573 The number 1 argument of state of process is an instance of computer process
(domain status 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 798-798 The number 1 argument of status is an instance of computer process
(domain task 1 ComputerProcess) QoSontology.kif 1952-1952 The number 1 argument of task is an instance of computer process


        (instance ?Software SoftwareSystem)
        (instance ?Process ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process ?Software))
    (exists (?Hardware)
            (instance ?Hardware HardwareSystem)
            (computerRunning ?Process ?Hardware))))
QoSontology.kif 299-307
        (shutdownOf ?Shutdown ?Application)
        (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process1 ?Shutdown)
            (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
    (exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (meetsTemporally ?Time2 ?Time1))))
QoSontology.kif 427-438
        (startupOf ?Startup ?Application)
        (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process1 ?Startup)
            (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
    (exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (meetsTemporally ?Time1 ?Time2))))
QoSontology.kif 387-398
        (startupTimeDelay ?Application ?Delay)
        (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process1 ?Application)
            (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1)
        (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
        (meetsTemporally ?Time1 ?Time)
        (meetsTemporally ?Time ?Time2))
    (duration ?Time ?Delay))
QoSontology.kif 660-670
    (exists (?Time1 ?Time2)
            (dependencyDelay ?Program1 ?Delay)
            (dependencyType ?Program1 ShutdownBlock)
            (hasDependency ?Program1 ?Program2)
            (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process1 ?Program1)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Program2)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (finishes ?Time ?Time1)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
                (BeginFn ?Time)
                (EndFn ?Time2))))
    (duration ?Time ?Delay))
QoSontology.kif 1270-1284
    (exists (?Time1 ?Time2)
            (dependencyDelay ?Program1 ?Delay)
            (dependencyType ?Program1 StartupBlock)
            (hasDependency ?Program1 ?Program2)
            (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process1 ?Program1)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Program2)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (starts ?Time2 ?Time)
                (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1)
                (EndFn ?Time)
                (BeginFn ?Time1))))
    (duration ?Time ?Delay))
QoSontology.kif 1254-1268
    (instance ?Process ComputerProcess)
    (exists (?Computer ?Program)
            (instance ?Computer Computer)
            (computerRunning ?Process ?Computer)
            (instance ?Program ComputerProgram)
            (programRunning ?Process ?Program))))
QoSontology.kif 157-164


        (instance ?C ComputerBackingUp)
        (dataProcessed ?C ?DD)
        (instance ?DD DigitalData)
        (agent ?C ?A))
    (desires ?A
        (exists (?T)
                    (WhenFn ?C) ?T)
                    (exists (?PROC)
                            (instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
                            (capability ?PROC dataProcessed ?DD))))))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3496-3510
        (instance ?LI LoggingIn)
        (hasAccount ?U ?A)
        (accountAtSite ?A ?S)
        (equal ?T
                (WhenFn ?LI)))
        (agent ?LI ?U))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                    (agent ?P ?U)
                    (patient ?P ?S)))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 3972-3986
        (instance ?LI LoggingIn)
        (hasAccount ?U ?A)
        (deviceAccount ?A ?C)
        (equal ?T
                (WhenFn ?LI)))
        (agent ?LI ?U))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                    (agent ?P ?U)
                    (instrument ?P ?C)))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 3988-4002
        (shutdownOf ?Shutdown ?Application)
        (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process1 ?Shutdown)
            (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
    (exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (meetsTemporally ?Time2 ?Time1))))
QoSontology.kif 427-438
        (startupOf ?Startup ?Application)
        (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
        (programRunning ?Process1 ?Startup)
            (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
    (exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (meetsTemporally ?Time1 ?Time2))))
QoSontology.kif 387-398
    (instance ?A App)
    (hasPurpose ?A
        (exists (?A ?P ?C)
                (instance ?C MobileCellPhone)
                (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                (programRunning ?P ?A)
                (computerRunning ?P ?C)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 1960-1968
    (instance ?EP EmailProgram)
    (hasPurpose ?EP
        (exists (?P ?E)
                (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                (instance ?E Emailing)
                (instrument ?E ?P)
                (programRunning ?P ?EP)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 3120-3128
    (instance ?ICM IgnitionControlModule)
    (hasPurpose ?ICM
        (exists (?S ?A ?CP)
                (instance ?A Automobile)
                (instance ?S Spark)
                (instance ?CP ComputerProcess)
                (part ?ICM ?A)
                (eventLocated ?CP ?A)
                (eventLocated ?S ?A)
                (causes ?CP ?S)))))
Cars.kif 3167-3178
    (instance ?X DeletingData)
        (exists (?DATA)
                (instance ?DATA DigitalData)
                (patient ?X ?DATA)))
            (exists (?PROC ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
                    (instance ?PROC ?CLASS)
                        (instance ?PROC RestoringData))
                            (WhenFn ?X))
                        (capability ?CLASS patient ?DATA)))))))
QoSontology.kif 112-129
    (instance ?X RestoringData)
    (exists (?DEL ?PROC ?DATA ?CLASS)
            (instance ?DEL DeletingData)
            (instance ?DATA DigitalData)
            (patient ?X ?DATA)
            (patient ?DEL ?DATA)
                (WhenFn ?DEL)
                (WhenFn ?X))
            (instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
            (instance ?PROC ?CLASS)
                    (WhenFn ?X))
                (capability ?CLASS patient ?DATA)))))
QoSontology.kif 135-151
    (loggedInDuring ?A ?UA ?T)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (exists (?P ?C)
                    (instance ?P ComputerProcess)
                    (agent ?P ?A)
                    (deviceAccount ?UA ?C)
                    (instance ?C Computer)
                    (computerRunning ?P ?C)
                    (instrument ?P ?C)))) Possibility))
ComputingBrands.kif 4347-4358

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