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Sigma KEE - TimeIntervalListFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TimeIntervalListFn ChineseLanguage "TimeIntervalListFn 是一个 BinaryFunction, 它接受一个 TimeInterval 和一个 TimeDuration, 然后以表列(List)形式把一连串连续的时间间隔 呈现出来,为连续时间间隔表列(ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList)。") Weather.kif 1934-1936
(documentation TimeIntervalListFn EnglishLanguage "TimeIntervalListFn is a BinaryFunction which takes a TimeInterval and TimeDuration, then denotes a sequence of continuous time intervals in a List, known as ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList.") Weather.kif 1929-1931
(domain TimeIntervalListFn 1 TimeInterval) Weather.kif 1939-1939 Die Zahl 1 Argument von TimeIntervalListFn ist ein fall von TimeInterval %n{nicht}
(domain TimeIntervalListFn 2 TimeDuration) Weather.kif 1940-1940 Die Zahl 2 Argument von TimeIntervalListFn ist ein fall von TimeDuration %n{nicht}
(instance TimeIntervalListFn BinaryFunction) Weather.kif 1942-1942 TimeIntervalListFn ist ein fall von BinaryFunction %n{nicht}
(range TimeIntervalListFn ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList) Weather.kif 1941-1941 bildbereich von TimeIntervalListFn ist ein fall von ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList {nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage TimeIntervalListFn "%1 的 %2 ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList 是在 TimeIntervalListFn(时间间隔表列函数)") Weather.kif 1937-1938
(format EnglishLanguage TimeIntervalListFn "ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList for at %1 at %2 is contained in TimeIntervalListFn") Weather.kif 1932-1933
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TimeIntervalListFn "时间间隔表列") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10391-10391
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TimeIntervalListFn "time interval list") domainEnglishFormat.kif 10390-10390


        (inList ?INT ?LIST)
        (equal ?LIST
            (TimeIntervalListFn ?TIME ?DUR)))
    (duration ?INT ?DUR))
Weather.kif 1958-1963
        (inList ?INT ?LIST)
        (equal ?LIST
            (TimeIntervalListFn ?TIME ?DUR)))
        (BeginFn ?TIME)
            (FirstFn ?LIST))))
Weather.kif 1949-1956


        (equal ?SPEEDLIST
            (Mean3SecondWindSpeedListFn ?PLACE ?TIME))
        (inList ?SPEED ?SPEEDLIST))
    (exists (?TIMELIST ?INT)
            (equal ?TIMELIST
                (TimeIntervalListFn ?TIME
                    (MeasureFn 3 SecondDuration)))
            (inList ?INT ?TIMELIST)
            (equal ?SPEED
                (Mean3SecondWindSpeedFn ?PLACE ?INT)))))
Weather.kif 1988-2000
    (instance ?LIST ConsecutiveTimeIntervalList)
    (equal ?LIST
        (TimeIntervalListFn ?TIME ?DUR)))
Weather.kif 1944-1947

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