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Sigma KEE - UtilityStrictness

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation UtilityStrictness EnglishLanguage "An attribute that applies to a RealtimeSystem just in case it is designed and implemented to use a utility-computing function, which is applied to competing timing requirements to determine which should be met because meeting the requirement produces higher utility as defined by the function.") QoSontology.kif 1583-1587
(subclass UtilityStrictness StrictnessAttribute) QoSontology.kif 1582-1582


    (strictness ?System HybridStrictness)
            (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness)
            (strictness ?System UtilityStrictness))
            (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness)
            (strictness ?System HardStrictness))
            (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness)
            (strictness ?System FirmStrictness))
            (strictness ?System Importance-Strictness)
            (strictness ?System SoftStrictness))))
QoSontology.kif 1595-1609

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