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Sigma KEE - Communication

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Communication ChineseLanguage "这是一种涉及两个或以上的 CognitiveAgent 之间 传递信息的 SocialInteraction。注:Communication 十分接近,却又在本质上异于 ContentDevelopment。后者涉及创作或修改一篇 ContentBearingObject,而 Communication 则是为了 传达消息而转移信息。") chinese_format.kif 3239-3242
(documentation Communication EnglishLanguage "A SocialInteraction that involves the transfer of information between two or more CognitiveAgents. Note that Communication is closely related to, but essentially different from, ContentDevelopment. The latter involves the creation or modification of a ContentBearingObject, while Communication is the transfer of information for the purpose of conveying a message.") Merge.kif 13060-13065
(externalImage Communication " 8c/ North-America.png") pictureList.kif 6304-6304
(partition Communication Stating Supposing Directing Committing Expressing Declaring) Merge.kif 13058-13058
(relatedInternalConcept Communication CommunicationDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2944-2944
(relatedInternalConcept Communication ContentDevelopment) Merge.kif 13059-13059
(subclass Communication ContentBearingProcess) Merge.kif 13057-13057
(subclass Communication SocialInteraction) Merge.kif 13056-13056

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ArtifactMediatedCommunication Communication) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26997-26997
(subclass Disseminating Communication) Merge.kif 13078-13078
(subclass Expressing Communication) Merge.kif 13130-13130
(subclass Gesture Communication) Merge.kif 13113-13113
(subclass InPersonCommunication Communication) Media.kif 218-218
(subclass Indicating Communication) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1016-1016
(subclass LinguisticCommunication Communication) Merge.kif 13148-13148
(subclass Telephoning Communication) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2959-2959
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Communication "沟通") chinese_format.kif 1195-1195
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Communication "communication") english_format.kif 1607-1607
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Communication "communication") french_format.kif 873-873
(termFormat Hindi Communication "sanchaarana") terms-hindi.txt 406-406
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Communication "Comunicazione") terms-it.txt 409-409
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Communication "コミュニケーション") japanese_format.kif 2557-2557
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Communication "Communicacao") portuguese_format.kif 825-825
(termFormat cb Communication "komunikasyon") terms-cb.txt 411-411
(termFormat cz Communication "communication") terms-cz.txt 445-445
(termFormat ro Communication "comunicare") relations-ro.kif 894-894
(termFormat tg Communication "pagbibigay-alam") terms-tg.txt 410-410


        (instance ?MODEM CableModem)
        (instance ?COMM Communication)
        (instrument ?COMM ?MODEM))
    (exists (?CABLE)
            (instance ?CABLE Cable)
            (instrument ?COMM ?CABLE)
            (connectedEngineeringComponents ?CABLE ?MODEM))))
ComputerInput.kif 577-586
        (instance ?PROP Proposition)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PROP)
        (instance ?COMM Communication)
        (patient ?COMM ?CBO))
    (represents ?COMM ?PROP))
Geography.kif 3025-3032
    (instance ?COMMUNICATE Communication)
    (exists (?PHYS ?ENTITY ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)
            (refers ?PHYS ?ENTITY)
            (patient ?COMMUNICATE ?PHYS)
            (instance ?AGENT1 CognitiveAgent)
            (agent ?COMMUNICATE ?AGENT1)
            (instance ?AGENT2 CognitiveAgent)
            (destination ?COMMUNICATE ?AGENT2))))
Merge.kif 13067-13076


        (engineeringSubcomponent ?DEVICE1 Internet)
        (engineeringSubcomponent ?DEVICE2 Internet)
            (equal ?DEVICE1 ?DEVICE2)))
    (hasPurpose Internet
        (exists (?COMM)
                (instance ?COMM Communication)
                (agent ?COMM ?DEVICE1)
                (destination ?COMM ?DEVICE2)
                (instrument ?COMM Internet)))))
Hotel.kif 1347-1358
        (instance ?H Hotline)
        (telephoneNumber ?H ?O)
        (instance ?O Organization))
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (exists (?T)
                (instance ?T Telephoning)
                (destination ?T ?O)
                    (exists (?C)
                            (instance ?C Communication)
                            (instrument ?C ?H)
                                    (WhenFn ?C))
                                        (WhenFn ?T)))))) Likely)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25092-25113
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H AVPUAlertStatus))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (capability ?H agent Communication)))
Medicine.kif 6427-6431
    (instance ?CO CommunicationOrganization)
    (exists (?CS ?C)
            (instance ?C Communication)
            (instance ?CS CommunicationSystem)
            (instrument ?C ?CS)
            (agent ?C ?CO))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7584-7591
    (instance ?DEVICE CommunicationDevice)
    (capability Communication instrument ?DEVICE))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2946-2948
    (instance ?DOC Document)
    (hasPurpose ?DOC
        (exists (?COMM)
                (instance ?COMM Communication)
                (instrument ?COMM ?DOC)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26387-26393
    (instance ?MEET Meeting)
    (exists (?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)
            (agent ?MEET ?AGENT1)
            (agent ?MEET ?AGENT2)
            (hasPurpose ?MEET
                (exists (?COMM)
                        (instance ?COMM Communication)
                        (agent ?COMM ?AGENT1)
                        (agent ?COMM ?AGENT2)))))))
Merge.kif 13311-13322
    (instance ?P Phishing)
    (exists (?FS ?V ?M ?I)
            (instance ?M Communication)
            (origin ?M ?FS)
            (agent ?P ?FS)
            (destination ?M ?V)
            (instance ?I Formula)
            (knows ?V ?I)
                (desires ?V
                    (knows ?FS ?I)))
            (desires ?FS
                (knows ?FS ?I)))))
ComputingBrands.kif 4235-4249
    (instance ?X OperatorAssistedTelephoneCommunication)
    (exists (?ORIGIN ?DEST ?OPERATOR)
            (origin ?X ?ORIGIN)
            (destination ?X ?DEST)
            (instance ?OPERATOR Human)
            (hasPurpose ?OPERATOR
                (exists (?PROC)
                        (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
                        (agent ?PROC ?OPERATOR)
                        (subProcess ?PROC ?X)
                                (WhenFn ?PROC))
                                (exists (?COMM)
                                        (instance ?COMM Communication)
                                        (origin ?COMM ?ORIGIN)
                                        (destination ?COMM ?DEST))) Possibility))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27035-27057

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