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Sigma KEE - RecoveryOperation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RecoveryOperation EnglishLanguage "These are operations conducted to search for, locate, identify, rescue, and return personnel, sensitive equipment, or items critical to national security. SO recovery missions are characterized by detailed planning, rehearsal, and thorough intelligence analysis. These operations employ unconventional tactics and techniques, clandestine search, possible indigenous assistance, and the frequent use of ground combat elements.") MilitaryProcesses.kif 550-556
(subclass RecoveryOperation DirectActionActivity) MilitaryProcesses.kif 549-549 RecoveryOperation e' uma sub-classe de DirectActionActivity

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CTHostageMaterielRecovery RecoveryOperation) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2061-2061 CTHostageMaterielRecovery e' uma sub-classe de RecoveryOperation
(subclass CounterproliferationWMD RecoveryOperation) MilitaryProcesses.kif 1460-1460 CounterproliferationWMD e' uma sub-classe de RecoveryOperation
(subclass UnconventionalAssistedRecovery RecoveryOperation) MilitaryProcesses.kif 240-240 UnconventionalAssistedRecovery e' uma sub-classe de RecoveryOperation
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RecoveryOperation "恢复运作") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48994-48994
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RecoveryOperation "恢復運作") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48993-48993
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RecoveryOperation "recovery operation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 48992-48992


        (instance ?RO RecoveryOperation)
        (patient ?RO ?TARGET))
    (hasPurpose ?RO
        (exists (?PROCESS)
                (patient ?PROCESS ?TARGET)
                (instance ?PROCESS
                    (UnionFn Classifying
                        (UnionFn Pursuing
                            (UnionFn Discovering
                                (UnionFn Locating Returning)))))))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 558-570

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