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Sigma KEE - MapudungunLanguage

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(documentation MapudungunLanguage EnglishLanguage "The MapudungunLanguage is an AraucanianLanguage of Chile. SIL code: ARU. ISO 639-2: arn. Population: 400,000 in Chile, 200,000 of whom are active users of the language (1982 R. Croese SIL). Population total both countries 440,000. Region: Between the Itata and Tolten rivers. Alternate names: MAPUDUNGU, 'ARAUCANO', MAPUCHE. Dialects: MOLUCHE (NGOLUCHE, MANZANERO), PICUNCHE, PEHUENCHE. Comments: Easy intelligibility among all dialects. Pehuenche and Moluche are very close. Bilingual level estimates for Spanish are 0 0%, 1 8%, 2 50%, 3 30%, 4 10%, 5 2%. Partly bilingual in Spanish. The language is called 'Mapudungun', the people 'Mapuche.' SVO. Literacy rate in first language: Below 1%. Literacy rate in second language: 21%. 85,000 are reported to be literate in Spanish. Deciduous forest, rolling farm land. Mountain slope, coastal, plains, riverine. Peasant agriculturalists. 0 to 2,000 meters. Traditional religion, Christian. NT 1997. Also spoken in: Argentina. (Language name: MAPUDUNGUN.) Population: 40,000 or more in Argentina (1975 Golbert). Alternate names: ARAUCANO, MAPUTONGO, MAPUCHE, MAPUDUNGU. Dialects: PEHUENCHE. Comments: One or more dialects. Recent migration from Chile. NT 1997.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 5594-5610
(instance MapudungunLanguage AraucanianLanguage) Languages.kif 5593-5593 MapudungunLanguage e' uma instancia de AraucanianLanguage

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage MapudungunLanguage "mapudungun语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36101-36101
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MapudungunLanguage "mapudungun語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36100-36100
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MapudungunLanguage "mapudungun language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36099-36099

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