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Sigma KEE - MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage

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(documentation MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage EnglishLanguage "The MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage is a SubtiabaTlapanecLanguage of Mexico. SIL code: TLL. ISO 639-2: nai. Population: 33,000 speakers, including 6,000 monolinguals (1994 M. Weathers SIL). Region: East and a little south of Chilpancingo, Guerrero. Alternate names: MEPHAA, EASTERN TLAPANECO, MALINALTEPEC TLAPANEC. Dialects: TLACOAPA, MALINALTEPEC (HUIZAPULA), ZILACAYOTITLAN. Comments: Tlacoapa Tlapaneco speakers can understand Malinaltepec, but the reverse is not true. Linguistically closest to Subtiaba of Nicaragua (extinct). It may be distantly related to Tol of Honduras. Investigation needed: intelligibility with dialects. Grammar. NT 1975.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 13179-13188
(instance MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage SubtiabaTlapanecLanguage) Languages.kif 13178-13178 MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage e' uma instancia de SubtiabaTlapanecLanguage

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage "malinal tepec tlapaneco 语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35867-35867
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage "malinal tepec tlapaneco 語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35866-35866
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MalinalTepecTlapanecoLanguage "malinal tepec tlapaneco language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 35865-35865

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