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Sigma KEE - ChemicalProduct

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ChemicalProduct EnglishLanguage "ChemicalProduct is the subclass of Product comprising all chemical compounds that are end products or industrial products used in the manufacture of end products.") Economy.kif 5817-5819
(subclass ChemicalProduct CompoundSubstance) Economy.kif 5816-5816 ChemicalProduct e' uma sub-classe de Substancia Composta

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage ChemicalProduct "化学产品") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14322-14322
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ChemicalProduct "化學產品") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14321-14321
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ChemicalProduct "chemical product") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14320-14320


    (instance ?SHIP ChemicalTankerShip)
    (cargoType ?SHIP ChemicalProduct))
Transportation.kif 2380-2382
    (instance ?SHIP LiquefiedGasTankerShip)
    (cargoType ?SHIP ChemicalProduct))
Transportation.kif 2391-2393
    (instance ?SVC DryCleaningService)
    (exists (?CLOTHES ?WATER ?CHEM)
            (instance ?CLOTHES Clothing)
                (instrument ?SVC ?WATER))
            (instance ?WATER Water)
            (instance ?CHEM ChemicalProduct)
            (instrument ?SVC ?CHEM)
            (patient ?SVC ?CLOTHES)
            (result ?SVC
                (attribute ?CLOTHES Clean)))))
Hotel.kif 1809-1819

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