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Sigma KEE - rewards

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation rewards EnglishLanguage "A relation between two Agents where the first represents some Organization, and is authorized by it to take some action for the second AutonomousAgent. Note that this does not include cases where one individual simply takes action for another individual, such as a parent rewarding a child for good behavior. It also must be a response to some real or perceived action, rather than spontaneous positive action. The Organization must in some sense want the reward to be given, either collectively or simply because the rewarder is an authorized representative who decides on the reward. Note that one agent could both punish and reward another agent.") Law.kif 87-95
(domain rewards 1 AutonomousAgent) Law.kif 81-81 Il numero 1 argomenti di rewards è un istanza di AutonomousAgent
(domain rewards 2 AutonomousAgent) Law.kif 82-82 Il numero 2 argomenti di rewards è un istanza di AutonomousAgent
(instance rewards BinaryPredicate) Law.kif 80-80 rewards è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage rewards "%1 rewards %2") Law.kif 85-85
(relatedInternalConcept punishes rewards) Law.kif 83-83 punishes è interamente correlato a rewards
(termFormat EnglishLanguage rewards "rewards") Law.kif 84-84


    (rewards ?A ?H)
    (exists (?O ?P)
        (occupiesPosition ?A ?P ?O)))
Law.kif 111-114
    (rewards ?A ?H)
    (exists (?O ?POS ?PROC)
            (occupiesPosition ?A ?POS ?O)
            (agent ?PROC ?A)
            (wants ?O ?PROC))))
Law.kif 116-122
    (rewards ?A ?H)
    (exists (?P)
            (agent ?P ?A)
            (benefits ?P ?H))))
Law.kif 97-102
    (rewards ?A ?H)
    (exists (?P)
            (agent ?P ?H)
            (wants ?A ?P))))
Law.kif 104-109

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